Sunday, September 30, 2018

The Real Goal of this Democratic Party Attack on Kavanaugh

An all female Supreme Court, especially Democratic Party females, and their male running dogs.

I opposed Kavanaugh when named. Had Trump listened to my preference, his female second choice, she would already be sitting on the Court. Kavanaugh was an All Swamp creature, born and bred in the DC sick culture of rent seeking, and of tyrannical government. He was a Yale Law radicalized enemy to our nation. No matter how conservative or libertarian, one ends up with that culture, after a short time there. He came from there, and returned there, worked his life there. Say, an extremist Israeli moves to Iran. Within a month, he will be going Iranian, in every way, and to the extreme, in accordance with his personality. I felt that effect, spending a week in Tokyo.

I support an even number of Justices on the Supreme Court to end these bad 5-4 decision. In a 4-4 decision, the lower court ruling stands. Usually, the lower court is complying with another sick, prior 5-4 decision of the Supreme Court. An even number reduces the changes made by the Supreme Court. The stupidest people in the land are lawyers. The stupidest lawyers are those from Ivy Law Schools. The stupidest Ivy grads sit on the Supreme Court.

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