Sunday, September 30, 2018

The Real Age of Adulthood is 14

Today's ages of majority are a denial of reality.

Nature defines adulthood as the age at which a living being can reproduce, for example, a plant is called an adult plant, when produces seeds.

The adulthood induction rituals are around that age in most of the world's religions.

Civilization has made 14 the age of adulthood, for 10,000 years.

Adolescents are superior to adults in every way. That includes morality. They have a lower rate of violent crime than adults do.

The reason our adolescents are immature is that they have been intentionally kept immature to generate jobs for the inferior clients of the lawyer profession. One matures by experience and by suffering. Teens are kept in the fraudulent babysitting service called, high school, a total waste of time.

Female NASCAR driver wins pro title at age 17. Only an adolescent female could have done that.

The Real Goal of this Democratic Party Attack on Kavanaugh

An all female Supreme Court, especially Democratic Party females, and their male running dogs.

I opposed Kavanaugh when named. Had Trump listened to my preference, his female second choice, she would already be sitting on the Court. Kavanaugh was an All Swamp creature, born and bred in the DC sick culture of rent seeking, and of tyrannical government. He was a Yale Law radicalized enemy to our nation. No matter how conservative or libertarian, one ends up with that culture, after a short time there. He came from there, and returned there, worked his life there. Say, an extremist Israeli moves to Iran. Within a month, he will be going Iranian, in every way, and to the extreme, in accordance with his personality. I felt that effect, spending a week in Tokyo.

I support an even number of Justices on the Supreme Court to end these bad 5-4 decision. In a 4-4 decision, the lower court ruling stands. Usually, the lower court is complying with another sick, prior 5-4 decision of the Supreme Court. An even number reduces the changes made by the Supreme Court. The stupidest people in the land are lawyers. The stupidest lawyers are those from Ivy Law Schools. The stupidest Ivy grads sit on the Supreme Court.

I Have Complained of Inhuman Commie, Modern Architecture. This One is Physically Nauseating

Modern architecture is dehumanizing Commie Era bullshit. This one is physically sickening. Not in Commie China, but in New York. Pay $millions. You still need a broom handle to bang on the ceiling as little entitled brats run about at 1 AM, in the apartment above. "Pipe down, up there. I call the police."

Soros Funded Far Left False Propaganda Outlet Goes After a Doctor

Child  abuse laws are an end run around the Fifth Amendment due process right to notice, and to a fair hearing. Before the police enters a home, they show some evidence that a crime has been probably been  committed to a judge. The judge then issues a search warrant. The same goes for an arrest warrant. Child welfare authorities enter home without any warrant, without probable cause. They take children the same way, without any warrant, just based their feelings and their feminist biased instincts.

Crazy states like Delaware have declared verbal criticism of a child to be abuse. They have made citizens older than 18 mandated reporters to their Delaware Near Death Office.

Here, a far left false propaganda outlet personally attacks a medical experts who questions accusations of abuse. He should them for defamation to permit discovery of all of George Soros' records.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Agonizing? Here is your best remedy. Register as a Democrat.

This guy was easily played by Democratic Party operatives. If he does not become a Democrat, he should be expelled from the Republican party.

I Banned from Facebook 30 Days, Elon Musk Must Pay $20 million

For a stupid remark on Twitter. More lawyer gotcha.’s-elon-musk-settles-with-sec-paying-dollar20-million-fine-and-resigning-as-board-chairman/ar-BBNIvg1?ocid=spartanntp

Eyewitness Testimony

During my Evidence course, and many times since, I proposed to prohibit eyewitness testimony without corroborating physical evidence. At least, I think, I did.

In one quarter of the exonerations of murderers on death row, by DNA identification, the defendant falsely confessed to the murder. What really happened was that the police implanted a false memory. They even provided details only the murderer could know, not in the media.

I even saw a brochure continuing legal education with course on how to implant false memories in jurors. At least, I think, I did.

Kavanaugh Confirmation Conflict

If this is a sham, a game being won by Democrats, what should happen?

Republicans should stop playing it. The problem? Trump and Grassley are weak leaders. Or, they are devious vipers.  While this show is going on, they are passing legislation. The American people are getting increasingly hostile to these Democratic Party antics. They are sacrificing Kavanaugh to generate $billions in free advertising for the Republican Party.

Michael Moore Being Smeared by a Feminist, His Wife

Laugh of the Day.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Commentary on the Child Porn Law Entry

If a law has an aim, and it can be shown to result in the opposite of that aim, shouldn't the law be void? If mere expert testimony must meet certain standards of reliability under Daubert or Frye, shouldn't a far more prescriptive and coercive utterance such as a law meet even higher standards of reliability? For example, an expert testifies to some standard of practice in a torts trial. That expert is telling all practitioners in that jurisdiction the minimum required from them as a standard, under pain of civil liability. He is bossing all practitioners. The Supreme Court has set standards of reliability for such prescriptive testimony. Here is a legal resource on that standard of testimony:

Now, the criminal law is far more prescriptive, bosses the entire population not just practitioners, and carries penalties that are harsh. (From the introduction of Section 2251, "Whoever, in the course of an offense under this section, engages in conduct that results in the death of a person, shall be punished by death or imprisoned for not less than 30 years or for life."

Then, shouldn't a law meet even more stringent criteria of reliability than mere influential expert testimony? If a law is meant to reduce child abuse by punishing its visual depiction and possession of such, but the opposite has taken place, shouldn't the law be voided as toxic and harmful itself. Here. Organized crime profits from high prices, and is the biggest beneficiary of the child pornography. Most of the child porn is produced in Eastern Europe, and one wonders about jurisdiction questions if the law is to prevent child abuse. May a US law have its biggest impact on foreign territory?

The law was passed in 1977. Since then, child sexual abuse has doubled, according to this review.

In studies, porn consistently reduces the incidence of sexual crimes, including the sexual abuse of children.

According to this academic institute, pics of children playing in a bathtub can be indicative of pornography, kids at the beach, splashing, and fully clothed in swimwear, can be indicative.

One suspects feminist lawyers and rent seeking. However, beyond that suspicion, shouldn't a law be scientifically valid or overturned? The law against child porn is an example, but this question applies to all law making. The Supreme Court has surprisingly or not surprisingly addressed scientific validity of laws or regulations only once to my knowledge.

And the Supreme Court ruled that a law need not be scientifically valid to be upheld (What the …?), allowing the EPA to classify carbon dioxide as a pollutant. It is allowing faith based law making, even in the face of evidence of opposite effects to the intent of the statute.

Proposed New Profitable Prison Industry - Making Barbiturates for Execution Injections

European governments are pressuring drug manufacturers to cut off the states from their barbiturate supplies. This is to impose their abolitionist views on the United States and an attack on US and on state sovereignty.

There are likely many meth amphetamine manufacturers with chemistry training in some state prisons. Barbiturates represent mid-19th Century technology, and should not be challenging to produce. Because no health claims are being made for these products, but they are to be used as intentional poisons, FDA oversight should be avoided.

Here is an example of a recipe: for making a kilogram at a time. DEA oversight seems appropriate to prevent diversion of any supplies or output by prisoners, guards, etc.

Dealing with Denial of Care by Insurance Doctor Reviewer

The doctor is a traitor to clinical care, and a clueless dunce. Evidence based medicine is the medicine of 7 years ago, after academia has caught up with their research paper shuffling. It represents deviations from current standards of due care, but a convenient pretext to deny care by traitors to clinical care.

Appeals are totally rigged against spending by insurance, and phony time consuming procedures.
Here are other ideas to get approval.

1) Keep submitting or calling about approval. Eventually, a low level reviewer will randomly approve the request. Most of the decision are inappropriate and driven by personal profit from denial of care. This doctor should tell us whether he gets bonuses from company profits.

2) Have a standard letter to be signed by a patient. When these insurance company collaborators deny adequate care, send a formal request for an investigation by the licensing board. If the doctor is out of state, not licensed in the state of the patient, the denial of care is a medical act, requiring a license. Submit a request for an investigation into the unauthorized practice of medicine.
If the doctor is licensed in the state of the patient, but qualified outside the specialty of the prescriber, ask for an investigation into practice outside the scope of training and knowledge.
If the reviewer is licensed in state, and deny care within his own specialty, ask for an investigation into a medical act taken without direct evaluation of the patient, on an unknown patient. Records are not transcripts, so they are not adequate substitutes for a thorough evaluation in person by the reviewer.

3) If there will be a difference in pay, refer to the Department of Justice for a violation of the Stark Amendment and Anti-Kickback statutes.

To deter.

Connick Decision: Insurmountable Obstacle to Prosecutor Liability

"Held: A district attorney’s office may not be held liable under §1983 for failure to train its prosecutors based on a single Brady violation. "

If tort liability is a substitute for violence, the obverse is true in formal logic. Immunity justifies violence.

Immunity is a form of unauthorized stealthy industrial policy because it grows the entire enterprise, and liability deters the entire enterprise, not just a defendant.

The sole justification for sovereign immunity in the common law is that the Sovereign speaks with the Voice of God. That is a psychotic delusion and not a valid reason to allow immunity of any government entity.

Because the sole tool of the court is punishment, it qualifies for strict liability. Professional standards of due care is sufficient, however.

Finally, the court will say it has no time for lawsuits. The welder's time is far more valuable than that of the coffee swilling, lazy, do nothing government workers on the Supreme Court.

Immunity may also be a factor in the failure of every self stated goal of every law subject. Accountability may prod the intelligent lawyer into being more competent and productive. The rule of law is an essential utility product. Its utter failure is a huge drag on the progress and development of the nation.

An amendment should be passed to end the immunity of all government agencies, including prosecutors, courts, and regulators. To deter.

The Google Mistrial

Go to page 71.

Asking the judge to question jurors in the middle of the trial may emerge as a new tactic to get a mistrial declared.

"...But the ubiquity of instant, electronic communication
and mobile applications for social networking sites such
as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and LinkedIn allows
jurors to research the issues in the cases on which they
serve, as well as to immediately interact with others. So,
how does this play out?

In a Fort Lauderdale, Florida, drug trial in March 2009,
a juror informed the judge seven weeks into the trial that
she overheard a fellow juror talking about researching
the case. The judge interviewed all 12 jurors, and after a
majority admitted searching Google for the defendant’s
name and medical terms, the judge declared a mistrial.
Other instances of Google “research”—including juror
use of Google’s Earth Street View to examine crime
scenes—have occurred with such frequency in recent
years that legal experts have coined the phrase, “Google
mistrial.” John Schwartz, As Jurors Turn to Web, Mistrials
Are Popping Up, N.Y. Times, Mar.17, 2009. In February
2009, an Arkansas juror used his handheld mobile device
to post messages on Twitter during court proceedings,
including the following tweet: “I just gave away twelve
million dollars of somebody else’s money.” Id. The judge
denied the defense counsel’s motion for a new trial, and
the decision has been appealed. Id.

A January 28, 2010, memorandum to all federal district
judges from U.S. District Judge Julie Robinson—
chair of the Committee on Court Administration and
Case Management of the Judicial Conference of the
United States—endorsed a set of suggested jury instructions
that district judges should consider to deter jurors from using electronic technology to research or communicate about trials on which they serve.
The proposed model instructions cover juror conduct
through a judge’s acceptance of a jury’s verdict:
You should not consult dictionaries or reference materials,
search the Internet, websites, blogs, or use any
other electronic tools to obtain information about
this case or to help you decide the case…. You may
not communicate with anyone about the case on your
cell phone, through e-mail, Blackberry, iPhone, text
messaging, or on Twitter, through any blog or website,
through any Internet chat room, or by way of any
other social networking websites, including Facebook,
MySpace, LinkedIn, and YouTube."

Maximum Sentence for Norway Shooter: 21 years.

Thank the lawyer for,

1) slap on the wrist, and what abolitionists really want for the USA;

2) Disarming law abiding citizens, so they cannot shoot back;

3) allowing paranoids to kill thousands a year. Now the shooter qualifies for involuntary commitment.

"It's Not for the Money" Unethical?

"The attorney handling the case is Larry Klayman, the founder of Judicial Watch and now of Freedom Watch, who said money is not the issue.

"This case is filed as a matter of principle," he said. "We need more Bradlee Deans in the world and hateful left wing television commentators must be made to respect not only his mission but the law."
Torts has the aim of compensating the plaintiff for damages. Any other purpose should be considered an improper purpose. Such an utterance justifies a complaint to the ethics agency, a motion for dismissal with all costs assessed to the assets of the plaintiff attorney and plaintiff, and a civil suit for misuse of a civil procedure. An improper purpose is an element of most states' misuse of a civil procedure laws.

Profit Seeking Firms are Right to Feel Demoralized by the Rent Seeking of Others

Money and politics
Ask what your country can do for you

Oct 1st 2011

MUCH as some businesses whine about government intrusion, others do pretty well out of it. An index based on the amount of lobbying that American firms do has outperformed the broader market since its creation in 2008; data going back to 1998 show that it has done better over the longer term, too.

The index is produced by Strategas, an investment-research firm. A first effort, to rank firms on the amount they spend on lobbying, was no use: it just corresponded with the largest firms. Strategas now looks at the intensity of lobbying—expenditure as a percentage of assets—to create an index of 50 firms that is revised quarterly.

In aggregate the results have been stunning, comparable to the returns of the most blistering hedge fund. The index has outperformed the S&P500 by 11% a year since 2002 (see chart). There have been bumps along the way: the index fell sharply in 2008 and again this summer, when debt-ceiling brinkmanship raised the prospect of government austerity. But at other times, it seems remarkable that companies would do anything but lobby. A particularly vivid example was in 2004, when an aggressive corporate campaign prompted Congress to grant a one-off tax holiday for American companies to repatriate foreign earnings. The outright return on lobbying costs, according to one of the various studies that served as inspiration for the Strategas index, was $220 for each $1 spent.

All Political Correctness is Case

Anyone who accuses another of some -ism, is a -ism whore. Zero tolerance for political correctness. Always sue if accused of any -ism.

Nikki Hailey or Condaleeza Rice: The Reaction to Conservative Women

They bring up the  point  made by reactions to conservative women. Both Feminism and Mysogyny are masking ideologies. 

Bring up conservative women and feminist groups get extremely hostile. Meanwhile, anti-feminist, misogynist people are, all of a sudden, great supporters of female politicians. For example, Condaleeza Rice, gay, black, female. There would be no problem voting for her if she ran for President by the most extreme right wing voter. All the feminist groups would get upset by her, even though Rice has fulfilled all feminist ideals. They would support a male sexual abuser if he ran against her on the Democratic ticket. The only thing she has not done is declare her desire to become a man. Even then, Democratic women would be screaming if she were elected. 

If you want to have some fun, go on the feminist PAC group, Emily's List. Propose they support Sarah Palin with campaign funding. Palin is another woman who has fulfilled all feminist ideals, even setting limits on big oil companies, on behalf of the voters of Alaska. They get more apoplectic about her than about Trump. 

All news is partisan propaganda, save C-SPAN. Behind the partisanship is the need to achieve power. Once power is achieved, the  billionaire owners of  media outlets, and  the puppet masters of both parties, score big money in rent seeking.  This is not a conspiracy theory. This is a chaotic competition between oligarchs theory. Tech billionaires did well with Obama, less well with Trump. So they support the Democratic Party. 

A Phone Solicitor Called for My Wife

I asked him to please hold. I then turned up the sound bar of the TV to maximum, and put the phone up to the Hearing of Dr. Christine Ford. At other times, I put the phone up to Christian preaching.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Laugh of the Day

Which is funnier, the cartoon or the Mohamed cartoon like reaction of the feminists and their male running dogs? The entire testimony is a false delaying tactic by Democratic Party operatives waging lawfare on our nation. The newspaper should have told its critics to get lost.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Not Much Punishment of Identity Theft Nor of Internet Crime Going On

30 million identity thefts, billions of internet federal crimes. They are nearly immunized by the federal government.

What is the Word for, Sex with a Robot?

There are 540 ways to love. Each has a name. What is the name of sex with a robot?

The Term, Political Correctness, Is From Mao's Little Red Book

No joking allowed.

I Would be Interested in the Number of Crimes Committed on their Platforms

These are all far left groups, so I do not expect much. I also expect to be easily bought off by far left heads of tech corporations. The millions of crimes committed on their platforms justifies seizing them in civil forfeiture. Then auction them off like the Ferrari of a drug dealer. They are conducting surveillance operations and selling that information on the entire world.

Two Detestable Groups Have at Each Other

Judge Kavanaugh is a detestable Yale Law School radicalized lawyer. All Ivy radicalized lawyers must be excluded from responsible policy positions. He was also actually born and bred inside the Washington DC Beltway. He is pure Swamp Creature. You cannot move to Iran and not go Iranian after a very short time. You cannot be born in, get educated, and return to the US Capital of Rent Seeking and of Big Government without becoming Swamp. I am betting it will even happen to Trump as well. He will come out a Swamp Creature in 2024.

Feminist are, of course, an existential threat to our Western Civilization. They must be crushed, and there should be zero tolerance for any. We would not allow any sincere adherent of the KKK in our government. We should not any feminist. Feminism is to 2018 what the KKK was to 1918.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Feminist Prosecutor Causes Computer Prodigy to Commit Suicide, Yet May Not be Sued

Repeatedly, the Supreme Court has granted prosecutors absolute immunity from tort liability. This feminist inquisitor took out one of the most talented computer prodigies by her persecutory hounding. All those that believe in prayer should pray for her slow painful death by cancer spreading to her bones in 100 places. This vile feminist lawyer called him a thief, when he was really a liberator of public property. I would support a boycott black list by all product and service providers. As she wants to take down our progress, so should be made to live in the Stone Age by a total boycott.

Lawyers Object to the Killing of Drug Dealers in the Philippines

From here:

Thirty "drug dealers" have been killed since Rodrigo Duterte was sworn in as Philippine president on Thursday, police said, announcing the seizure of nearly $20 million worth of narcotics but sparking anger from a lawyers' group.
Duterte won the election in May on a platform of crushing crime, but his incendiary rhetoric and advocacy of extrajudicial killings have alarmed many who hear echoes of the country's authoritarian past. He has been nicknamed "The Punisher."
Oscar Albayalde, police chief for the Manila region, said five drug dealers were killed Sunday in a gunbattle with police in a shanty town near a mosque not far from the presidential palace.

This is Good: China to Send Funds to Venezuela to Improve Oil Output

Most of it will end up in the foreign bank accounts of Maduro's sister, adding to her $billion.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Democratic Party Operative Waging Lawfare on the Senate Judiciary Committee, Future Problems for Justice Kavanaugh

I did not support Kavanaugh for Supreme Court Justice. I have a problem with his elitist background, and his Yale Law School radicalization. He was actually born, bred, educated in the Washington DC swamp. He is a congenital swamp creature.

No graduate of a Top Tier Law school should ever sit on the Supreme Court. They got there by studying 80 hours a week, from Kindergarten to Law School graduation. They don't know anything. They are book worms.

Given this attack, should Kavanaugh recuse himself from any future case or controversy involving a feminist question? Would his vote always be retaliatory for the unfair treatment he has endured? Or, will he have to rule in their favor to show no retaliatory intent? The intent of this false allegation is to nominate only females in the future. Every heterosexual male has engaged in sexual misconduct. Testosterone drives sexual interest. Male testosterone  produced by testicles is 8 times higher than female testosterone produced by their adrenal glands. There will always be a mismatch in level of interest, and in speed of interest. This is an involuntary biological feature. The nitpicking of sexual misconduct violates the Civil Rights Act, if not the Americans with Disabilities Act.

The feminists are trying to delay his confirmation using false allegations. All allegations by feminists are false. They require extraordinary proof to even be considered at all. I once discussed my experience. I suggested females avoid high risk situations to lower the number of rapes. For example, leave the vicinity of intoxicated males. Dozens of feminists, I had never met, called me a pedophile, a serial rapist, a serial killer, an animal abuser. None of those allegations were true.

First of all, look at this horse looking feminist skank. Even drunk to an extreme, who would want to jump her bones? Hers is a ridiculous claim on its "face." Second, she is a paid operative of a Soros funded Democratic Party attack group. The federal government should send Soros the bill for all investigations and legal costs caused by their agent.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Ask for E-Discovery of the Judge, an Unaccountable Little Tyrant on the Bench

The lawyer would never allow that. Bill Cosby's wife may have to make such a motion herself.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Who Loots a Dollar Store?

Employee Turnover

To those in my family with  Math Economics degree and friends in the Princeton Economics Department. Is this a subject where one will use high school calculus, the math of change? 

What is the economic damage of losing an employee with knowledge and experience in a business? Factors and impact on calculation. Discuss from hotel chamber maid to genius CEO who made CBS a highly successful network, and is now fired. Cost calculation, please. (I already know what to do about the feminist lawyers who caused this. You do not need to address that question.) 

How does one prevent this damage? If it is by raising salaries, should the above calculation of damage be used in finding the necessary raise? What is the formula for this calculation?

Are there other approaches than increased salaries, such as making the employee feel good at work; protecting the employee from toxic outside demands and attacks, especially by government adversaries? 

Me to a patient: What are you and Jerome, your therapist, working on, these days?
Patient: Jerome is gone. I have a female therapist. This is the third one this year. I am tired of starting over. 

Me: But Jerome just started here. What is your new therapist's name?
Patient: I don't know her name. 

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Lawfare Violates Fifth Amendment Procedural Due Process

We should not allow lawfare. Appellate court judges must stop it.

Everyone can be prosecuted for something, even children. The sole reason the entire population is not in prison is prosecutorial discretion to not prosecute an individual. The use of prosecution for political or monetary gain is unethical and violates the Fifth Amendment procedural due process  to a fair hearing.

According to businessmen in Russia, the state comes in, nit picks a paperwork or tax violation, and offers a plea deal to give 50% to the state, which is Vladimir Putin. In exchange, the owners do not go to rough Russian prison. People get the message and do not bother resisting. Putin is by far the richest man in the world, owning half of all Russian big businesses.

In the US, everyone with a job commits 3 felonies a day.

Here is one appellate point that should be made in the defense of Trump officials, such as Cohen and Manafort.

If Clinton were President, would this prosecution have taken place? If the answer is, no, the conviction is lawfare by the Democratic Party and by Deep State Republicans. It violates due process. It is unfair. It has a bad faith purpose, to revoke the election of 2016. Lawfare should not be allowed to in the US.

The other side does it too. Bill Clinton passed a tax increase on the rich. Their representatives, the Republicans, retaliated, impeached him on nit picking lawyer gotchas. The real reason was not sex in the Oval Office, or lying in a deposition. Everyone can be found to violate a trivial law. It was the tax increase. The toxic result? Clinton spent 100's of hours on his own defense, instead of on Al Qaeda, after its 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center. The Bill Clinton impeachment was a factor in 9/11, a preventable catastrophe.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Miss America Pageant Ratings Drop 13% in 2018

The feminists are attacking another American tradition. They are turning a beauty pageant into a talent contest for ugly girls. There is now criticism that talent completion is overly restricted to  performing arts to be displayed in 3 minutes. This restrictions excludes  the females talented in math and other skills. So perhaps, we can have the ladies show knitting talent, or their plumbing skills in the competition.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Anti-Freedom Google Collaborates with the Russian Dictator

Google must be stopped. It is a threat to privacy. It collaborates with our enemies. Its leaders are far left, disloyal Americans.

Is needs to be seized in civil forfeiture by the new Trump Justice Department for the millions of federal crimes committed on its platform.

Feminists Will Destroy Another American Institution, the Miss America Pageant

Miss America will be a talent and intelligence competition of ugly women.

No. Boycott.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

PC is Denial

Banned from Facebook again for suggesting the protesters at the Kavanaugh Senate hearing should be tasered. So, I will have a lot more time for these messages for 4 weeks. I can speak with authority on this Honor Society, as someone who barely passed med school, and did the absolute minimum. 

A denier has an agenda. Argument with fact and logic has no influence, because they do not argue in good faith. Only an ass kicking remains. All deniers are anti-Israel, as well, including denier Jews. 

Because there are millions of such asses to kick, the better remedy is the attack on government support. These schools are privileged with tax exemption, tax free grants, and other privileges. These privileges are for the purpose of education. In education, all aspects of a subject are presented. If one side of a subject is allowed, that is called indoctrination. All government privileges and support should end until education is restored, and racial discrimination against Asians is stopped. I would like to see the Trump IRS end the tax exemption of this medical school, and immediately stop all federal grant payments. The government should not be subsidizing indoctrination and discrimination. 

In reality, this is a nativist attacks on Asians, and discriminatory. As I recall, from a medical school graduation, the awards went to a lot dark skinned Asians. You could get half the class to turn to you by yelling, Dr. Patel. As an alum parent, I was seated on the stage. I turned to the high official next to me, and said, "Finally. A white guy." He did not find me funny. 

Mt Sinai is the school of the German Jews. Einstein is the school of the Russian Jews. It was started because the German Jews have a superiority complex. They need to be taken down a notch by their neighbor, down Fifth Avenue, Donald Trump. 

Here is my denier screening question. It is very accurate. I would ask it of the student in the article. These are questions settled by the facts. Any hesitation means, denier. 

Was 9/11 a CIA/Mossad operation? Were the outbuildings destroyed by timed explosions as one may see in a planned demolition?

With all my time, I am thinking of filing complaints with the Office of Civil Rights and with the Non-Profit Office of the IRS. 

Self Help Is the Best Remedy for Crime