Saturday, August 24, 2024

Pointless Transportation, the Series

 John Kennedy was told, there was no hope of winning Texas in the next election. He insisted on going to an even in a parade car to try to sway voters. He was assassinated. 

In the absence of hands on procedures, all work should be done from home. That would save a lot of money, time, environmental pollution, deths from crashes. In addition, highway hypnosis makes people arrive at work half asleep. Sleepy people are as impaired as drunk people. 

In this case, wealthy and responsbile people decided to enjoy the sensation of being on a yacht. These are the sensations of poor people traveling from Europe to America. A storm arose, and their boat sank in 15 minutes. It also took a daughter. 

Let me see if I understand the concept of cruising, even on a city size liner. You made money. You own a beautiful, spacious home. It is comfortable. You trade your spacious home for a small cabin that is moving in 2 dimensions at the same time. You are crowded in with other people. You touch a handrail, and you catch the Norwalk virus. It gives you explosive diarrhea for a week. You watch less talented shows from Broadway or from Vegas. You have no escape. 

9/2/2024: Audi boss Fabrizio Longo, 62, killed in 10,000-foot fall while mountain climbing in Italy. Mountain climbing, another form of pointless transportation. 

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