Thursday, August 23, 2018

If Clinton were President would the convictions of Manafort and of Cohen have happened? No.

That makes them pretextual (false use of law) and retaliatory. That makes them violations of Fifth Amendment procedural due process rights and reversible error for appellate court purposes. Cohen likely agreed to not appeal his conviction as standard in a plea agreement. Manafort should ask his current judge, not just to throw out the convictions, but to have the prosecutors pay all his legal costs. Such a sanction should come from their personal assets, and not from government funds.
The prosecutors are unethical, partisan political attack dogs. They are engaging in lawfare against the decision of the real Americans who elected the President.
Putin engages in lawfare. Every successful business is investigated for violations of law and of regulation. If you want to stay out of Russian prison, you give Putin half the business. That method has made Putin the richest man in the world, far richer than Bezos. Putin owns half the major businesses of Russia by his lawfare methods.
We should stop lawfare in the US, and actually criminalize it. Laws are need to have the Manafort and Cohen prosecutors end up in federal prison.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

All Mainstream Media are the David Duke Hate Speech Propaganda Outlet, Except One. All Are Unethical, Violating the Journalism Code of Ethics.

David Duke, Head of the KKK, hates Jews and blacks. His web site is not a collection of rants, nor of wild conspiracy theories. David Duke collects news stories and academic articles, even from Israeli journals. They all make Jews and blacks look really bad.
They also violate the Exception Fallacy. The Exception Fallacy is lying by omission, and false propaganda, even if the cited facts are true. For example, there may have been a Jew or two in Stalin's killing machine, according to Israeli scholarship. He is trying to make the point that Jews are mass murderers. David Duke is an advocate. He will never acknowledge the Exception Fallacy, nor provide the other side of the story.
As far as I can find, in viewing all mainstream media, except for one lone exception, it is welcome to the David Duke website. All articles and stories are being selected to make a partisan advocacy point. In violation of the journalism Code of Ethics, the other side of the story is not presented at all, or is very skimpily covered. The sole exception I have seen is C-SPAN. This is the cable industry funded network presenting Congressional meetings. its chief, Charles Lamb, explicitly said, they count stories to make sure an even number is presented.
The New York Times is to Donald Trump and the Republican Party what the David Duke website is to Jews and Blacks. And Fox is the same to the Democratic Party. These media are expressing the hostility to Trump of their billionaire owners. MSNBC is owned by Bill Gates. The Washington Post is owned by Jeff Bezos. The New York Times is owned by a Mexican cement billionaire.
The public wants straight news, pointing out the Exception Fallacy and presenting the other side of the story. As a result of their frustration in not finding such, they are doing this to the media.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

The rent seeking theory is the most powerful explanation of the failure of government and of the lawyer profession.

For some reason, this greatest theory of government failure is not well covered in Economics classes in high school and college.

The rent is not a payment for an apartment. It is a payment of crops to a lord in Medieval times, to prevent him from killing the farmer. It is an organized crime, mob extortion payment. In return, the farmer got nothing, not even protection from the Vikings. It is the Medieval definition of rent, from Adam Smith's, wages, profit, and rent, in the Wealth of Nations.

To understand it, one should review its opposite, the profit. A person gets training, practices, and provides good haircuts. He cuts your hair in a skillful, rapid manner. You pay $20. You get the value of a good, quick haircut. She gets the value of $20. That amount is an opinion of customers of the value, and is the real value of the haircut. Everyone comes out ahead. So the rent payment for an apartment is really a profit. You pay $1000, and get the great skill and value that went into the production of good shelter.

In the modern rent, government collects taxes. As in Medieval times, it is done with a threat of violence. Fail to pay taxes, a man with a gun will come around and help you pay. He may then kidnap you, and put you in a metal cage for several years if you refuse to pay your taxes.

Then, the government gives that money to a favored special interest, and the taxpayer gets nothing of value for his tax payment. The protection of the police has value, and is a profit, not rent. Public education, when successful, has value, and is a profit. A road used by many to get to work is a profit.

The rent is even more toxic than the loss of tax dollars and getting nothing in return. It deters productive activity by others. An oil company spends $billion searching for oil in a nasty place. Its executives are killed. It takes a long time. It makes a profit of $100 million by earning it the hard way.

Another oil company hires a lobbyist for $1 million. He gets legislation granting it a subsidy worth $100 million in tax dollars. The first oil company sees that. It feels stupid for earning a profit the hard way. It stops making the effort and expenses of looking for oil. It hires a lobbyist too to engage in rent seeking. It get $100 million in tax money with little effort, risk or expense. The IMF has recognized this scheme as an important factor in income inequality. The poor do not hire lobbyists to send tax dollars their way.

Because, of the violent method of collecting taxes, rent seeking should be criminalized as a theft of tax money. It is variation of armed robbery. When you see pointless, slow, stupid, unproductive government procedure, you are looking at criminal rent seeking, not stupidity. A man with a gun should visit the thieving government worker, and put them in prison.

This theory can get mathematical. This is a nice place to start to survey the subject.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Commie Brutalist Architecture Has No Justification

Only big government little tyrants can justify this hideous failure in design. Good design that is fetching and useful will markedly increase the value of a property. Sometimes the design can be simple, and no additional cost to construction.

Far left architect tries to justify brutalist architecture:

Is Prepaying Doctors Ethical?


They become agents of the insurance company, rather than of  the patient.

They make more money by denial of care, rather than  by providing care.

Their manners become alienating of patients, rather than supportive.

Prepayment should be openly disclosed. It will then explain to the puzzled patient why care is so closed, hostile, and poor.

Yes, Boomers are History's Most Annoying Generation

Kissinger to Trump: Surround China

Thus Trump is making friends with Putin.

Monday, August 6, 2018

Sex Propels New Technologies, It will do the same with Robotics

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Carr Fire was Started by a Car

There is Likely a Gene for Extremism

There may not be one for terrorism, but there is one for extremism. Identical twins were adopted to an Israeli family, the other to a Palestinian family. Both grew up to be extremists in their respective religion.

So their future child has no chance to escape his fate.

Low Hispanic Unemployment

Down to 4.5%.

$350 Charge for Bad but Honest Review of Hotel

I think this is credit card fraud, since the customer did not get any benefit in exchange for this charge. If it is punishment, government can do that, after a fair hearing, unless agreed to in a contract. If it was in a contract, the contract is void for unconscionability.

She should ask the credit card company to investigate, and to retrieve the charge. It is an unauthorized charge. The hotel should be charged with identity theft, as anyone else making an unauthorized charge would.

Customer Service is Over Rated

Some customers are more trouble than they are worth, along with their friends like them. When this couple demanded free cupcakes, the police should have been called. They should have been arrested. To deter.

No One Has Found a Vote Changed by Russian Meddling

The indictments in the Mueller Probe have all been for bad paper work prior to or unrelated to the election.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

The Prosecutors Need to Pay the Legal Costs of Harvey Weinstein

The payments should be ordered by the judge. They should come from the personal assets of the prosecutors. It is not part of their job description to engage in abuse of process and in a false prosecution. To deter.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

What the Anti-Press Trump Supporters Do Not Understand

The real enemies to our nation are the billionaires who own these outlets, and instruct them, All Trump Hate, All the Time.


It should not be Death to the Press.

It should be death to Bezos, the gay activist owner of the Washington Post, death to Carlos Slim, the slimeball Mexican concrete billionaire, the owner of the NY Times, death to Bill Gates, the serpentine owner of MSNBC, death to Brian Roberts, the vile owner of Comcast.

They did very well under Obama. They are all far left extremists, who want to destroy our nation.

My wife babysat Roberts, as a child. She should have orchestrated an accident when she had the chance.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Over the Counter Medication in the Dominican Republic and in Costa Rica

Friends returning from there say, all medications, including controlled substances, are available over the counter, not even behind the counter, without a prescription. Pharmacies even have home delivery. Hospitals with medication shortage of opiates tell families, go to the pharmacy,  get some for your loved one. Prices are lower than in the United States for generic versions.

These countries have virtually no overdoses, certainly not an overdose crisis, as the US does.

Crime is on the rise in Costa Rica, once one of the safest countries in Central America. It is all being committed by illegal aliens from Jamaica, from Mexico, pouring in from their lightly guarded borders.

We should study and learn from their experiences.