Friday, August 2, 2024

Law in Failure: Biggest Cause of Victimization is Weakness. Human Power Comes from Tools

Simians are aggressive. They form packs and attack larger animals. Chimps are 10 times nore aggressive and murderous as humans. For humans, tools are the most effective way to increase power, and to deter victimization. The main purpose of the law is to generate rent seeking jobs for lawyers, and to enrich the profession. When mandatory sentencing guidelines surged inprisonment, they dropped crime 40%. As an immediate result, lawyer unemployment also surged. The pushback was swift. "prison is the new Jim Crow." Black Lives Matter burned down the cities with near total immunity. Billionaire funded propaganda got Soros prosecutors elected. They decriminalized thefts. They released career criminals without bail.They suppressed the reporting of crime. Victims who shot the criminals were selectively and viciously prosecuted by the pro-criminal prosecutors.Lawyers used their tools well to protect their rent seeking jobs. Gun control has preceded all democides. Mass murderers know the above principle well. All proponents of gun confiscation should be presumed to be mass murderers until they prove themselves otherwise.

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