Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Will Fitbit Replace the Sleep Test for $120?

Fitbit.  Several patients have shown me Fitbit graphs on their cell phones, of their sleep. It graphed  heart rate, respiration, motion, and rated sleep as light, medium, or deep. That is basically a sleep test for $120, instead of for $1200. It is sleep in the natural setting of the patient, rather than in a laboratory with wires plugged to the wall, and on  a strange bed.

To get refreshing sleep, one must be paralyzed for several hours during the night. If there is no extended period of zero physical activity, one may sleep 20 hours and still feel tired in the daytime. Fitbit would quantify the periods of sleep paralysis.

It can also be used to track physical and sports activity levels during the daytime. Once cleaned, it may be used by several patients.

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