Instead of being hanged, this elite was recruited by the Allies to rebuild the German economy and became even wealthier than under the Nazis government contract and plunder.
Tuesday, July 30, 2024
Law in Failure: War, the Most Catastrophic Failure of the Lawyer Profession, the Biggest Lesson of the Holocaust
Instead of being hanged, this elite was recruited by the Allies to rebuild the German economy and became even wealthier than under the Nazis government contract and plunder.
Letter to the FTC About the Clustering of the Pricing of GLP 1 Agonists
Monday, July 22, 2024
Allowed to import non-approved drugs. Once approved, not allowed to import drugs. This 150 pounds is $194. Compare to $1035 in the US. That $50 shot likely provides a big profit.
See Tables C and D for the AUDIT scores.
Monday, July 15, 2024
Relationships - The Young People Course, and for the Old People Too
There are some immutable laws of relationships
1) The social value of the two partners must be equal. You can have an ugly rich man with a beautiful poor girl. You cannot have an ugly poor man with a beautiful girl. The is the Law of Social Equity. When the value of one partner changes, the relationship changes immediately. Two struggling actors work as waiters. One gets a $million acting job. The relationship will end immediately. Marilyn Monroe starts to model, the merchant marine husband is history. The most powerful value comes from celebrity. That is why imprisoned serial killers get marriage proposals from normal females. Celebrity is an irresistible aphrodisiac, even on highly toxic males. The second most powerful is money or the prospect of making money in the future. The best indicator of future earnings is intelligence. The best, most available evidence of intelligence is wittiness. That means clever, unexpected zingers, not clowning. Clowning is evidence of low intelligence and a turn off. The third most powerful is a handsome face and a good body. All male achievements are to serve reproduction and to attract top shelf females. The biggest drop in value is untreated criminality, addiction, or mental illness symptoms. The average person has zero tolerance for them. Even the most loyal partner will be gone in a year or two. The divorce rate is close to 100%.
2) Reproduction drives sexual attraction. Females are attracted to alpha males. In wolf language "alpha" means "father." That means the attractive male will be an adequate father. Males are sexually attracted to motherly females. They must be motherly in appearance and in caregiving behavior. The ordinary male is not sexually attracted to models. They are too thin with 5% body fat, so the camera makes them look 10% heavier by flattening their appearance into 2 planes. Modes are attractive to designers. They look like boys. Their bodies will not distract the eye from the designer products.
Besides a pleasant or beautiful face, and a 10% to 25% body fat content. males are attracted to females that make them feel good. Females do so by taking care of them. They do it by bringing peace to their stressful existences, by being psychologically supportive. Females should avoid bitchin' and bossin'. Such a feeling is a preview of how the female will make the offspring of the male feel.
3) Marriage is a legal nightmare. Exceptions are rare. Its sole benefit is to keep males from leaving their families. Fatherless children are truly disadvantaged according to hundreds of statistical studies. Single motherhood should be highly discouraged for the sake of children. Marriage should have an expiration date of 25 years. Compatible people may renew it. Others should part ways, while their bodies are still operating well. They may explore the stunning array of future dates and get tremendous physical and mental growth and satisfaction.
None of the above is entirely determined genetically. People can work hard to learn the skills and even to improve their appearances.
4. The thinking is that relationships are not lasting long, like 3 months, because one is not being one's real self in the beginning. The real self is less attractive, and ends the relationship. The better advice is to stay phony. Set up rules in the relationship, no bitchin', no bossin', no bullyin'. Be on your best behavior, your kindest, your cleverest, your funniest, permanently. The partner gets great treatment. You get into the habit of being a better person, expending more effort, energy, wit, and thinking. As with any repetitive behavior, it becomes easier and a habit. 5. When you ask a date to do this reading ahead of meeting, time to bed together is reduced to less than half an hour. No coffee. No walk on the beach. No flowers. No expensive steak dinner. No drive in a Bentley. People do not want to waste any time. "I know our date is Friday. Can you come over now, instead?" All high school students should be required to read the webpage on Elder Sex from the AARP. That is just the beginning. Review breast orgasm. Thank new technology for this discovery with an fMRI. Tantric sex. This information is for people with erectile dysfunction and low vaginal exudate production ability. The one message from them? Sex is not a bathroom function to be completed in 7 minutes. Make time and reap great enjoyment, not to mention the admiration and gratitude of both partners.Trump Assassination Attempt - Hard to Believe It Was Only Enabled by Incompetence or by DEI Leadership
The elite deride conspiracy theories. The best explanation for government mishaps is the convergence of multiple mistakes by lazy and incompetent dunderheads. This one goes too far.
The shooter is a nerd who learned shooting at a gun club. This kid did a commercial for Black Rock, the investment firm for many government pension plans. He contributed to a far left attack group. Just before the shooting, he registers as a Republican. He gets to the roof of a building 130 yards from the President. It had not been occupied by police as other roofs around had. Many people scream at the police that a shooter is on that roof. A police sees him turn the gun and ducks, but does not come back. The police snipers allow 7 shots to be fired, then shoot him in the head. That way, he cannot be interrogated. The shooter had a skilled, well aimed head shot until Trump turned his head, like a good military sniper. He calculated windage and elevation, as John Wayne advised in a movie.
The FBI and the Secret Service are Democrat storm troopers. They serve to imtimidate grandmothers praying at abortion clinics, and parents objecting to schools transitioning kids to another sex without consent. They spend $hundreds of millions hounding and harassing the political opponent of Biden. They used the playbook of the Stasi of Putin. All must be fired and replaced by real police officers. A special prosecutor should be approved by Congress, and prosecute any conspirators to the limit of the law. That includes Biden, who may have known of, and permitted this conspiracy by failing to stop it.
Understanding ADHD, and Why Stimulants are Its Best Treatment
The body loses 0.5% of dopamine neurons a year from berth to death. They start and drive movement. The amount of movement drops every year. Go to a free play playground and look at 3 year olds and 10 year olds. If you put a normal 5 year old in a 12 year old class, you will think, ADHD. That means teachers are best source of information for making the diagnosis. They have a class full of kids to compare a child. The Diagnosis of ADHD is made if the child sticks out from his same age peers. It does not respond to good classroom discipline, and will affect function. That means, the child may have to be moved out of class. The child is disrupting the learning of tohers, and consumming an unfair amount of staff attention.
What are stimulants stimulating? They are stimulating the frontal lobes. They inhibit many parts of the brain, including the dopamine system. One old fashioned alternative was the infliction of pain, in corporal punishment. Fear helped kids control themselves in class in the past. Most parents do not want to raise their kids in fear. The other problem with corporal punishment is that it may be rewarding to a child with ADHD. They are bored. They enjoy adult attention. They are sensation seekers. Corporal punishment provide all those rewarding properties. If it worsens the child, it should be stopped. Medications should be considered.
Stimulants are twice as effective as other medications like atomoxetine, antidepressants and blood pressure medications. They work in an hour, peak at 2 hours (both benefits and side effects), and last 4 hours (all original stimulants), 8 hours (Adderall), or allegedly 12 hours (Vyvanse, Adderall XR). They each help 70% of patients. Put the 30% of non-responders on the alternative drug, and half will improve. Try combinations on the remaining treatment resistant patients. They must be matched for strength before drawing conclusions about effectiveness. For example 10 mg of methylphenidate has the strength of 5 mg of amphetimine. Adjust the doses before comparing their effects. The dose is by the weight. An effective dose will stop working even if adjusting for weight, after several month or a year. An alternative to repeated increases in doses per weight is to stop the stimulanst for 2 weeks on a school break, and restart at the same dose.
Monday, July 8, 2024
Things that are a Good Idea in Theory but Rough in Reality
Showering together - the seeing, touching, and removing of grotty unknown organic substances from the body of the other person, slipping and falling, arguments over water temperatures, agonizing, blinding eye infections, especially if wearing contact lenses
Outdoor Summer concerts - sounds like a lot of fun. But you must endure high temps in uncomfortable conditions, heat, dehydration, crowding, long waits, physical discomfort
Driving in a beautiful open convertible car - noise, weather, including, extreme heat, sun exposure, losing a hat, open to intruders, costly repairs to mechanism and fabric of the top, limtted trunk space
Sunday, July 7, 2024
Law in Failure: The Crime Rate is a Marked Underestimate
Crime has updated. It has moved to the internet. The lawyer profession has not. Official reports of crimes are garbage, lying government propaganda. We should get rid of the lawyer profession managment of crime. If crime decreases they lose jobs. They only protect the criminal, and never the victim. They arrest and crush the victims fighting back, as a threat to employment. All jurisidictions with low crime rates have only one feature in common. Some are rich or poor, some religious or secular, some crowded or sparse. All have public self help. The criminal is far more afraid of the public than of the police in low crime areas. It is time to unleash the only effective crime suppression, public self help. The public should be able to punish the criminal on the spot and have immunity from criminal or civil liability. The criminal should lose all substantive legal rights.
Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Daytime Sleepiness vs Dementia and the Case of President Biden
Dementia is the permanent, irreversible loss of the ability to form new memories, for exaample, today's date.
Daytime sleepiness from inadequate amounts of REM and Stage IV deep sleep is as impairing as intoxication on illegal alcohol blood levels. All the above functions can be affected as well. However, the remedy to daytime sleepiness is a good night's sleep. Another is a 30 minute nap. That is the limit of time for a nap to refresh, but to avoid spoiling that night's sleep. The other remedy for daytime sleepiness is modafinil 200 mg, pproved for sleepiness associated with inadequately treated sleep apnea.
I reviewed the case against "Fit for Duty" requirement for the police, punishing sleepiness at work. An accommodation for daytime sleepiness is imperative, especially if the job has caused the daytime sleepiness. The best is a 30 minute nap. An alternative is to take modafinil 200 mg for wakefulness, without effect on emotions or on thinking.
Biden has sleep apnea. He might have daytime sleepiness in the absence of a review of his medical record. Please, stop saying, Biden is demented. Biden should consider coming out about his sleep apnea, to help the majority of those with it who are untreated. It is not a disqualifying condition if treated with regular use of CPAP, implants, naps shorter than 30 minutes, and modafinil 200 mg in the AM. His doctor should provide that medication to cover the hours when alertness will be important.
As to slowing, the human body loses 0.5% of its dopamine neurons each year from birth, and movement slows from age 2. If fast movement is a requirement, then a 5-year-old should be president. Performance on cognitive tests peaks at age 16. In order to give a 40-year-old an IQ of 100, one must allow 50% of the right answers required at 16. Same thing, make a 16-year-old President if performance on a cognitive test is relevant to political leadership. As to trouble with word finding, the most common causes do not include dementia, but aging, language processing problems, inattention and distraction, stress and fatigue.
Remarks about the mental performance of President Biden are ad hominem remarks. They commit the Fallacy of Irrelevance. Biden should be criticized about his policies. On the other hand, did Biden make any of his decisions while sleepy? If Biden mistakes were made while sleepy, add them to the list of historic disasters caused by sleepiness.
Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Law in Failure: Prosecutorial Immunity Is Absolute, Despite Intentional Misconduct
The innocent defendant spent 2 years in prison. The prosecutor told a witness to destroy exculpatory letters after a court order to produce them for the defense. The defendant sued the prosecutor. The Supreme Court granted absolute immunity to the prosecutor. Here. Libertarian magazine agrees. The judge can sanction the rogue prosecutor. The disciplinary counsel may as well for violating the special duties of the prosecutor. In reality, they never do, engaging in a collusion and a massive cover up of massive lawyer violations of the Rules of Conduct.
Liability shrinks an enterprise. Immunity grows an enterprise. These decisions are unauthorized industrial planning. They are the job of a legislation. The legislation should keep out of it, since all industrial planning usually fails. Immunity should, at least, be limited to new, growing, and struggling enterprises. Examples are the early railroads and the internet in the 1990's. Once large and mature, all immunity should be removed. Criminal Prosecution is large, mature, established for 1000's of years. Neither judges nor prosecutors should be legally immune. Because of the dangerous nature of their acts, they qualify for strict liability. However, professional standards of due care will help them police themselves. An expert in their business would be required to testify they deviated from professional standards of due care.
I would be interested in finding a case where an immune party was subjected to violence. I owuld like to introduce the superior, and compelling nature of formal logic into the legal system. The contrapositive of a true assertion is always also true. All bats are mammals (A then B is true). This animal is not a mammal, it cannot be a bat (not B then not A must be true, the contrapositive). Reviewed here.
If you believe that legal liability replaced endless cycles of revenge violence, then legal immunity justifies endless cycles of revenge violence. I would like to make that point in an amicus brief for the defense of a violent act against an immune party. Legal liability was an invention that made civilization possible. One could stop spending all day on self protection and on retaliation for aggression by others.