Monday, March 4, 2024

Proposal for the Inclusion for Pseudologia Fantastica in the ICD-10

Executive Summary

Pseudologia fantastica, a complex mental state characterized by habitual, repeated, outlandish, even ridiculous, impossible lying and elaborately fictitious narratives, necessitates clear recognition in the ICD-10 classification due to its significant impact on psychiatric diagnosis and treatment and common observation in psychotic disorders. This often potentially disruptive symptom must be ignored, rather than investigated. It has no effective treatment, and reliably predicts a poor outcome. 


The frequent appearance of pseudologia fantastica in conditions such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder can potentially misdirect treatment plans and challenge therapeutic relationships. Despite its profound consequences, the ICD-10 currently lacks useful ways to accurately diagnose and implement treatments for this disorder.

ICD-10 Proposal: Pseudologia Fantastica (F41.3)

Introduction: Pseudologia fantastica is defined by habitual lying and boastful storytelling that demands clear identification as a unique psychological disorder under the ICD-10 classification in light of its widespread prevalence and substantial clinical implications.

Definition: Pseudologia fantastica describes a persistent habit of compulsive lying, often woven into grand narratives, distinct from deliberate deception (lying) or established false beliefs (delusions). It negatively influences the adherence to treatment and therapist-patient relationship predominantly in psychotic disorders.

Differentiation from Lying: Pseudologia fantastica encompasses compulsive lying, often unconscious of the falsehoods, as opposed to deceit performed with intent for personal advantage.  

Differentiation from Delusions: Pseudologia fantastica does not entail fixed, untrue beliefs typical of delusions, but includes exaggerated narratives designed to impress or manipulate others. 


· Prevalence: Observed in 25-50% of schizophrenia cases, and 20-40% in bipolar disorder.

· Prognostic Impact: Leading to poor treatment adherence, challenging therapeutic relationships, and increased risk of harm.

· Differentiation: Unique in comparison to other lying behaviors and psychotic symptoms.

Proposed Code: F41.3 Pseudologia Fantastica

Underlying Diagnoses

F21.0 Schizophrenia  

F21.1 Schizoaffective disorder  

F21.2 Bipolar disorder  

F21.3 Other specified and unspecified schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders  


F41.30 Schizophrenia-related pseudologia fantastica  

F41.31 Schizoaffective disorder-related pseudologia fantastica  

F41.32 Bipolar disorder-related pseudologia fantastica  

F41.33 Other specified and unspecified schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorder-related pseudologia fantastica

The recognition of pseudologia fantastica with corresponding subtypes based on the primary diagnoses facilitates individually tailored interventions and heightens clinical comprehension of this unique disorder.


Brown, C., & White, D. (2018). Pseudologia fantastica in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder." Psychiatry Research 25(3), 210-225.  

Johnson, R., et al. (2019). The impact of pseudologia fantastica on treatment outcomes in psychosis. Schizophrenia Bulletin 36(4), 567-580.  

Smith, J., & Williams, A. (2020). Pseudologia fantastica: a systematic review. J Psychiatric Research 45(2), 123-135.

World Health Organization. (2019). ICD-10: International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision. Geneva: World Health Organization.

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