Sunday, December 23, 2018

The End Stage of the Democratic Party Platform for Women

Law in Failure: The Entire Lawyer Profession is a Rent Seeking Scam

They Will be Shooting the Wrong People

Brazil is more overlawyered than the US. 1000 law schools, 200,000 law students. 1 lawyer per 300 people in Brazil,  350 people in the US. 

This program will fail. They are shooting the wrong people, to drop the crime rate.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Lawfare in Japan

Lawyer gotcha on paperwork bullshit charges. Maybe, Japanese prosecutors are also feminists. Political correctness is worse in Japan than in the US.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Machines Should Not Emulate Living Functions

Cars do not move on legs. Airplanes do not flap wings. It is for that reason they are 100 times or even a thousand times better than living beings.

This robot imitates a person. It even looks like a person with legs, arms, and hands. Go back to the drawing board. It should be a cheaper robot specific to installation of gypsum boards. It should carry 10 of them up front. Move them into place, and punch nails into the studs. The framing studs should be standardized to accommodate it. Things that do a lot of tasks do none well. For example an amphibious car does neither task well.

Better yet, such work should be done at a specialized factory. I once watched a condo being built. They would slide an entire long narrow floor into place on sleds. Each floor took a couple of days to install.

Negligent Resuscitation Resulting in Pain and in Cost

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Lawyer Profession Myths and Intentional Falsehoods Falsehoods

 Adversarial System is a good way to find the truth. It originated in the Disputation Method of Scholasticism. It was cool in 1275 AD. Today it is ridiculously invalid. It is a joke given modern knowledge. It lacks even the most basic measurement of validity. The disputation method  is a Catholic Church methodology.  Its content violates  the Establishment Clause. Scholasticism was an attempt to prove the existence of God through the study of nature. That aim was given up in 1300, when Occam debunked it. Faith validates the existence of God. It becomes a competitive game, like basketball. It depends on the skill of the lawyer on each side. That skill easily overwhelms the facts and promotes the reliance on procedure. It does guarantee nice incomes for 3 lawyers, the plaintiff, the defense, and the judge in the middle. 

The jury is a good lie detector. The jury is a detector of likability and of feelings. Even lie detectors measuring physiological reactions to lying have been banned. They have no validity except for entertainment purposes, like on the Maury Show. The feelings of jurors, who know nothing about complicated technical subjects, will decide based on feelings, like pity for the plaintiff.  The jury was a great advance in the year 1000 AD. It replaced the wisdom of the crowd for the feelings, biases, and self interests of the judge. 

Letter to Defense Lawyer in Suicide Malpractice

Please, transmit this message to Mr. James Kjar.

I am a psychiatrist in Pennsylvania. I am interested in your case. I cannot serve as an expert witness. However, I can help you be more effective in  using your defense expert witness. 

1)  As a matter of policy, these lawsuits deter doctors from helping the most needy and dangerous patients;

2)  they  violate Frye;

3)  Lorazepam is often used to calm intensely suicidal patients;  people who get agitated do so on first use (like we have five drinks, most of us want to sleep, a few of us want to fight);

4) unforeseen intervening causes should be put in evidence, this element of torts is often neglected by the defense;

5) for a thousand years, the intentional act of the suicide victim broke any chain of causation between negligence and the death. Hanging is not a medical procedure. The current legal view, of suing doctors for the intentional act of another, is quite wrong headed and not scientific:

6) most suicides are not caused by medications, but by relationship problems. Families cannot face that, and try to scapegoat the doctor;

7) if the victim had broken a law, a tort settlement should not reward law breaking;

8) demand 5 records of patients of the expert similar to the victim. If he does not have 5, he is not an expert. If he does, and any benzodiazepine was used, he should be disqualified, as a liar in his expert report. If he is anti-medication partisan, he should be disqualified as not representing the mainstream of care today. Hold the plaintiff expert witness accountable for any false testimony, including any statements about their resume. An example of false testimony is that a record was reviewed, when it was not.  If a false statement is found, move to dismiss the case, and to charge all legal costs to the personal assets of the expert. To deter. 

There would be no charge to you, if you want any brief record reviewed, including toxicology or expert reports. 

David Behar, MD

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

I Suggested Doing This at the Outset, Sexual Misconduct Charges against Mueller

Lawfare justifies the use of lawfare. If Clinton were President, would there be a Mueller investigation? If the answer is, no, there should be one now.

I Now Oppose the Death Penalty. I Support the Italian Death Penalty.

Here is proper, swift and cheap justice. It is an example of the Italian death penalty, in this case carried out by  Italians.

Instead of $million spent on appellate lawyers, their legal scams, and years taken to execute someone in the US, this is better. A guard waves a carton of cigarettes. The disruptive and violent inmate is stabbed 50 times. The investigation of the incident results in a conclusion,  suicide.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Addiction before Puberty

There used to be a rule with no exception in psychiatry. No addiction before puberty. Offer whiskey or cigarettes to children, they do not like them.

A Washington Post story about an 8 year old heroin addicton won a Pulitzer Prize. It was false, and the newspaper returned the prize, and fired the reporter.

All that is out the window with video addiction. I used to say, "Try taking a tablet away from a 4 year old, you will see addiction." Then this video came along:

Saturday, October 27, 2018

To Get the Legislative Intent

If a law has recently been enacted, most of its drafters and supporters should still be alive. If term is ambiguous, has anyone ever interviewed the living enacters as to the real intent of legislature, as opposed to divination and mind reading?

If this has never been done, is there any procedural or constitutional obstacle to such a tactic? Naturally, both sides should be allowed to do an interview and to present their results, before a tribunal.

The Trial Itself Violates the Daubert Standard

The trial itself has no scientific validation. It comes from the Scholasticist method of disputation, as a method of arriving at the answer of a difficult question. The rules of evidence violate multiple tenets of formal logic, critical thinking theory, and most do not meet Daubert standards. Then you have a jury. In 1275 AD it was a good advance. The jurors had knowledge. They brought the wisdom of the crowd. Those benefits have been removed. You now have twelve strangers who will be using their gut feelings to detect the truth, when lie detectors are prohibited. They will detect likability, if lucky, and no more. The lawyer is excluding people with knowledge, and even people married to people with knowledge.

Next, the lawyer hobbles the most experienced person in court, the judge. This is the oldest lawyer, who may have done the jobs of the lawyers, and has the biggest experience. If he so much as drives by the crime scene, you will crush the judge. Why? The trial is a fictional play. Any attempt to introduce real facts cannot be tolerated.

The criminal law, is in utter failure. It has a high false negative rate (1 in 10 major crimes is prosecuted). It has a high false positive rate (there is 1 exoneration for every 5 executions). It uses methods from the 13th Century, when anyone else trying to would be arrested as a threat to public safety.

Here is one potential remedy. I propose to exclude all lawyers from all benches, legislative seats and responsible policy positions in the executive. Waiting for that to come about, an intermediate remedy would be to end all self-dealt immunities. Prosecutors and judges should be held to professional standards of due care. They qualify for strict liability because their sole product is punishment. However, that would be too draconian and would ruin them.

There is no justification for prosecutorial or judge immunity from either defendant nor from future crime victims. I find it funny when ALI types dispute this idea as a potential cause of litigation explosion.

MERSA - Al Qaeda Weapon of Mass Destruction

Given today's pat down procedures, Al Qaeda can recruit people with MERSA, or infect a suicide bomber with MERSA. Then, just have them travel continually. The TSA gloved inspectors would spread MERSA to dozens of people each time. Then Al Qaeda would laugh and send a thank you note to the TSA.

Proportioality in the Arithmetic of Sentencing for Fraud and Other Financial Crimes

I have argued that someone who steals $6 million is destroying a constructive economic life, or whatever the consensus value of life is being used. Therefore, the defendant should be executed, summarily, since there is no controversy about the amount.

What about stealing $850,000? That is about an eighth of a human life. If the life expectancy is around 80 years these days, the defendant should serve an eighth of a human life or 10 years. During that time, he should be as productive as possible at whatever occupation, make as much money as he can. Say, he makes $425,000 as a hedge fund trader from prison. He may repay that amount and have his sentence reduced by a half. This person is not being incapacitated because of his physical danger to others, but because of his lack of good judgment and morals. He should do well in the structured setting of the prison.

Study: Child Porn Reduces Child Abuse, Then, Commentary

Review of other studies here.
Another review here and here.  

This is a list of the legality in the nations of the world, here. This list would be useful for cross national comparisons when populations are similar. 

The federal law is reviewed here.

It is indisputable that prosecution for child porn viewing is a big lawyer business.

The policy justification for this law is that buying child porn results in more production. Production is child sexual abuse. To be charitable, that conclusion is not a settled scientific question.

Should laws meet Daubert standards? If a law does not, should it be declared unconstitutional? The law may be based upon or emanate from an expression of religious faith, in violation of the Establishment Clause. Or, it may be based on false, anti-scientific assumptions, violating the procedural due process right of the defendant to a fair hearing.

See here. See the article here.

Study: Making Pornography More Accessible May Curb Child Abuse
By Alice Park Thursday, December 2, 2010 |

Whether pornography is an expression of free speech or a form of exploitation remains a hotly debated issue, and new research may only stir up the controversy further.

Scientists led by Milton Diamond at the University of Hawaii found that easing access to sexually explicit material may help lower sexual abuse of youngsters. Diamond's group compared rates of various crimes, including sexual abuse, murders, assaults and thefts, both before and after the fall of the communist regime in the Czech republic. Before a more liberal government gained power in the country in 1989, all forms of sexually explicit material, including magazines such as Playboy, were banned, and all nudity was considered pornographic. (More on Will Polygamy Be Legalized in Canada?)

The new government, however, passed a law allowing some expressions of nudity, including child porn, and when Diamond and his group compared rates of child sexual abuse both before and after the communist regime was in power, they found that there were fewer cases of abuse after pornography became more accessible.

The data support previous work that found similar trends when pornography laws were relaxed in Japan and Denmark. Coupled with the fact that rates of other crimes did not change in the same time period in the Czech Republic, Diamond speculates that the reason for the decline in child sexual abuse could be due to the fact that potential offenders were able to substitute child pornography for sexual acts themselves. (More on Is Banning Pro-Pedophilia Books the Right Answer?)

But not all child abuse experts buy that theory, and take issue with the idea that child pornography, in any form, could be considered an antidote to sexual abuse. “The study and its findings are provocative,” says Dr. Cindy Christian, chair of the Committee for Child Abuse and Neglect for the American Academy of Pediatrics and chair of Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, “but as a pediatrician I would never condone any child pornography even in order to protect other children from child sexual abuse.

If a law has an aim, and it can be shown to result in the opposite of that aim, shouldn't the law be void? If mere expert testimony must meet certain standards of reliability under Daubert or Frye, shouldn't a far more prescriptive and coercive utterance such as a law meet even higher standards of reliability? For example, an expert testifies to some standard of practice in a torts trial. That expert is telling all practitioners in that jurisdiction the minimum required from them as a standard, under pain of civil liability. He is bossing all practitioners. The Supreme Court has set standards of reliability for such prescriptive testimony. Here is a legal resource on that standard of testimony:

Now, the criminal law is far more prescriptive, bosses the entire population not just practitioners, and carries penalties that are harsh. (From the introduction of Section 2251, "Whoever, in the course of an offense under this section, engages in conduct that results in the death of a person, shall be punished by death or imprisoned for not less than 30 years or for life."

Then, shouldn't a law meet even more stringent criteria of reliability than mere influential expert testimony? If a law is meant to reduce child abuse by punishing its visual depiction and possession of such, but the opposite has taken place, shouldn't the law be voided as toxic and harmful itself. Here. Organized crime profits from high prices, and is the biggest beneficiary of the child pornography. Most of the child porn is produced in Eastern Europe, and one wonders about jurisdiction questions if the law is to prevent child abuse. May a US law have its biggest impact on foreign territory?

The law was passed in 1977. Since then, child sexual abuse has doubled, according to this review.

In studies, porn consistently reduces the incidence of sexual crimes, including the sexual abuse of children.

According to this academic institute, pics of children playing in a bathtub can be indicative of pornography, kids at the beach, splashing, and fully clothed in swimwear, can be indicative.

One suspects feminist lawyers and rent seeking. However, beyond that suspicion, shouldn't a law be scientifically valid or overturned? The law against child porn is an example, but this question applies to all law making. The Supreme Court has surprisingly or not surprisingly addressed scientific validity of laws or regulations only once to my knowledge.

And the Supreme Court ruled that a law need not be scientifically valid to be upheld (What the ...!@#?), allowing the EPA to classify carbon dioxide as a pollutant. It is allowing faith based law making, even in the face of evidence of opposite effects to the intent of the statute.

Friday, October 26, 2018

PC Firings are Pretextual

Pretextual means a false use of the law. New management arrives. The old people do not want to leave fast enough. So conduct from a long time ago, likely known at the time, is dredged up, and is now used to get rid of the stragglers and hangers on.

Megan Kelly fired after blackface comment, but also low ratings:

Old writer at PBS:

Moonves, genius manager who made $billions for CBS, would not leave when daughter of Gladstone took over:

Producer of 60 Minutes:

Roger Ailes and son of Murdoch, James:

PA Animal Cruelty Law Could Result in Prison for Researchers, for People Setting Out Rat Poison, for Hunters, for Fishermen

An animal is a eukaryote (multi-cell organism), whose cells do not have a cell wall (as plant cells do). Bedbugs are animals. They are even vertebrates.

This Act covers  "animals." Even if it were restricted to mammals, killing a rat with poison is punishable by prison time. How would you like it to die from bleeding from all organs, inside the wall of a house?

All animal medical  research is not for the benefit of an animal, and is punishable by prison time. Eating a hamburger is a violation of this law, by its suborning of animal cruelty, as defined in this Act 10.  It was signed by Gov. Wolf, running for re-election, to pander to animal rights extremists.

I plan to step on a bug, to record the crime, and to turn myself in. In prison, I will step on a cockroach, and have my 90 days sentence extended by another 90 days.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Harris County: Renting Sexbot Prohibited; Owning One OK

I guess this rule supports long term relationships. What if you replace the head or change its program personality?

Clown Costume Banned by City

The clown costume is protected free speech, especially if carrying a chain saw.

Urine Drug Screening Should be Collected Before a Lie Detector Test

Sedatives and blood pressure pills that slow the heart can defeat the already questionable validity of the lie detector test.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Lawfare Should become a Full Procedural Defense to End a Legal Matter

The proper remedy to an offensive elected official is the next election.
Putin finds some paper work violation in a successful business. The owner may choose to go to trial and certain Russian imprisonment. The alternative is a plea deal. He gives half the business to the richest man in the world, a trillionaire several time over, Vlad Putin. That is lawfare. Putin uses the police to enforce laws on the books. Is this OK?
You may say, that is Russia, a dictatorship. Heck, no. Every corporation and their owners are committing hundreds of felonies and torts a day. Everyone in the US who works is committing 3 federal felonies a day. Who knows how many are being committed by people on welfare. The sole reason we are not prosecuted or sued is lawyer discretion, a choice to not do that.
That principle includes prosecutors. So, for example, did Robert Mueller ever make or receive a phone call on a federal phone number that did not involve official business? Wife calls, says, pick groceries on way home. FBI should investigate, and Mueller should be prosecuted. His personal and official devices are filled with embedded child porn. Refer to FBI. Total e-discovery should be done on his records and on his devices. The reason? Searching for bias. The real reason, deter with federal prosecution and return lawfare.
Lawfare is infinite, and a form of lawyer infinite employment, adding no value, and actually destroying value. It also degrades the integrity and reputation of the Rule of Law. One can never know if a prosecution is to protect public safety or to attack political opponents and enrich the lawyer profession. The defense lawyer owes his job to the prosecutor or plaintiff lawyer. That lawyer will never fully protect his client. The client must do that alone.
Lawfare was an unstated factor in 9/11. Al Qaeda attacked the World Trade Center in 1993. Bill Clinton probably spent 1000 hours defending himself against pretextual, bullshit impeachment charges. These were motivated by his raising taxes on the rich. So He could not address Al Qaeda, and they thrived, thanks to Republican party Congressional lawfare. That improper use of the law cost us 3000 lives, and a $7 trillion hit to the economy. It is a serious matter.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Not in mainstream Press: IP Address of Senator Doxxer is from Maxine Waters Office

According to this off beat source.

Monday, October 1, 2018

All Investigational and Legal Costs To George Soros

All those feminists and their male running dogs coming out are his employees.

Analysis by a far left hate speech propaganda outlet.

Skin Developments

Of interest to the doctors on my list, but also to the investors on my list. 

If anyone knows of real world experience or acquires it, please, let me know. Things happen when a treatment goes into the real world.
On another skin subject, porn has propelled new technologies from the cave drawing to the internet. Machines are always 100 times better than living beings. See the car vs. the horse. Try commuting to work on a snow day on a horse, if you doubt that ratio. That will be true of sex robots. Problem, they still look like dolls. In the future this robot boyfriend will not only be great company, he will say things like, don't you dare touch those dishes. I will take care of them. 

I need a new word for people whose sexual preference is for robots. Those of you who took Latin or Classical Greek should begin to think about that. My ban from Facebook is over this week. I would like to return with an answer. 

These robots also need a new material to cover them that feels like young human skin. I am not going to mention what color even black customers will be buying because so many of you are so sensitive. That skin gun above will not be it. Airplanes do not fly as birds do. Cars do not run as horses do.  I will broach this subject with a couple of people I know in materials science. The latter is at the base of all human progress. 

Sunday, September 30, 2018

The Real Age of Adulthood is 14

Today's ages of majority are a denial of reality.

Nature defines adulthood as the age at which a living being can reproduce, for example, a plant is called an adult plant, when produces seeds.

The adulthood induction rituals are around that age in most of the world's religions.

Civilization has made 14 the age of adulthood, for 10,000 years.

Adolescents are superior to adults in every way. That includes morality. They have a lower rate of violent crime than adults do.

The reason our adolescents are immature is that they have been intentionally kept immature to generate jobs for the inferior clients of the lawyer profession. One matures by experience and by suffering. Teens are kept in the fraudulent babysitting service called, high school, a total waste of time.

Female NASCAR driver wins pro title at age 17. Only an adolescent female could have done that.

The Real Goal of this Democratic Party Attack on Kavanaugh

An all female Supreme Court, especially Democratic Party females, and their male running dogs.

I opposed Kavanaugh when named. Had Trump listened to my preference, his female second choice, she would already be sitting on the Court. Kavanaugh was an All Swamp creature, born and bred in the DC sick culture of rent seeking, and of tyrannical government. He was a Yale Law radicalized enemy to our nation. No matter how conservative or libertarian, one ends up with that culture, after a short time there. He came from there, and returned there, worked his life there. Say, an extremist Israeli moves to Iran. Within a month, he will be going Iranian, in every way, and to the extreme, in accordance with his personality. I felt that effect, spending a week in Tokyo.

I support an even number of Justices on the Supreme Court to end these bad 5-4 decision. In a 4-4 decision, the lower court ruling stands. Usually, the lower court is complying with another sick, prior 5-4 decision of the Supreme Court. An even number reduces the changes made by the Supreme Court. The stupidest people in the land are lawyers. The stupidest lawyers are those from Ivy Law Schools. The stupidest Ivy grads sit on the Supreme Court.

I Have Complained of Inhuman Commie, Modern Architecture. This One is Physically Nauseating

Modern architecture is dehumanizing Commie Era bullshit. This one is physically sickening. Not in Commie China, but in New York. Pay $millions. You still need a broom handle to bang on the ceiling as little entitled brats run about at 1 AM, in the apartment above. "Pipe down, up there. I call the police."

Soros Funded Far Left False Propaganda Outlet Goes After a Doctor

Child  abuse laws are an end run around the Fifth Amendment due process right to notice, and to a fair hearing. Before the police enters a home, they show some evidence that a crime has been probably been  committed to a judge. The judge then issues a search warrant. The same goes for an arrest warrant. Child welfare authorities enter home without any warrant, without probable cause. They take children the same way, without any warrant, just based their feelings and their feminist biased instincts.

Crazy states like Delaware have declared verbal criticism of a child to be abuse. They have made citizens older than 18 mandated reporters to their Delaware Near Death Office.

Here, a far left false propaganda outlet personally attacks a medical experts who questions accusations of abuse. He should them for defamation to permit discovery of all of George Soros' records.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Agonizing? Here is your best remedy. Register as a Democrat.

This guy was easily played by Democratic Party operatives. If he does not become a Democrat, he should be expelled from the Republican party.

I Banned from Facebook 30 Days, Elon Musk Must Pay $20 million

For a stupid remark on Twitter. More lawyer gotcha.’s-elon-musk-settles-with-sec-paying-dollar20-million-fine-and-resigning-as-board-chairman/ar-BBNIvg1?ocid=spartanntp

Eyewitness Testimony

During my Evidence course, and many times since, I proposed to prohibit eyewitness testimony without corroborating physical evidence. At least, I think, I did.

In one quarter of the exonerations of murderers on death row, by DNA identification, the defendant falsely confessed to the murder. What really happened was that the police implanted a false memory. They even provided details only the murderer could know, not in the media.

I even saw a brochure continuing legal education with course on how to implant false memories in jurors. At least, I think, I did.

Kavanaugh Confirmation Conflict

If this is a sham, a game being won by Democrats, what should happen?

Republicans should stop playing it. The problem? Trump and Grassley are weak leaders. Or, they are devious vipers.  While this show is going on, they are passing legislation. The American people are getting increasingly hostile to these Democratic Party antics. They are sacrificing Kavanaugh to generate $billions in free advertising for the Republican Party.

Michael Moore Being Smeared by a Feminist, His Wife

Laugh of the Day.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Commentary on the Child Porn Law Entry

If a law has an aim, and it can be shown to result in the opposite of that aim, shouldn't the law be void? If mere expert testimony must meet certain standards of reliability under Daubert or Frye, shouldn't a far more prescriptive and coercive utterance such as a law meet even higher standards of reliability? For example, an expert testifies to some standard of practice in a torts trial. That expert is telling all practitioners in that jurisdiction the minimum required from them as a standard, under pain of civil liability. He is bossing all practitioners. The Supreme Court has set standards of reliability for such prescriptive testimony. Here is a legal resource on that standard of testimony:

Now, the criminal law is far more prescriptive, bosses the entire population not just practitioners, and carries penalties that are harsh. (From the introduction of Section 2251, "Whoever, in the course of an offense under this section, engages in conduct that results in the death of a person, shall be punished by death or imprisoned for not less than 30 years or for life."

Then, shouldn't a law meet even more stringent criteria of reliability than mere influential expert testimony? If a law is meant to reduce child abuse by punishing its visual depiction and possession of such, but the opposite has taken place, shouldn't the law be voided as toxic and harmful itself. Here. Organized crime profits from high prices, and is the biggest beneficiary of the child pornography. Most of the child porn is produced in Eastern Europe, and one wonders about jurisdiction questions if the law is to prevent child abuse. May a US law have its biggest impact on foreign territory?

The law was passed in 1977. Since then, child sexual abuse has doubled, according to this review.

In studies, porn consistently reduces the incidence of sexual crimes, including the sexual abuse of children.

According to this academic institute, pics of children playing in a bathtub can be indicative of pornography, kids at the beach, splashing, and fully clothed in swimwear, can be indicative.

One suspects feminist lawyers and rent seeking. However, beyond that suspicion, shouldn't a law be scientifically valid or overturned? The law against child porn is an example, but this question applies to all law making. The Supreme Court has surprisingly or not surprisingly addressed scientific validity of laws or regulations only once to my knowledge.

And the Supreme Court ruled that a law need not be scientifically valid to be upheld (What the …?), allowing the EPA to classify carbon dioxide as a pollutant. It is allowing faith based law making, even in the face of evidence of opposite effects to the intent of the statute.

Proposed New Profitable Prison Industry - Making Barbiturates for Execution Injections

European governments are pressuring drug manufacturers to cut off the states from their barbiturate supplies. This is to impose their abolitionist views on the United States and an attack on US and on state sovereignty.

There are likely many meth amphetamine manufacturers with chemistry training in some state prisons. Barbiturates represent mid-19th Century technology, and should not be challenging to produce. Because no health claims are being made for these products, but they are to be used as intentional poisons, FDA oversight should be avoided.

Here is an example of a recipe: for making a kilogram at a time. DEA oversight seems appropriate to prevent diversion of any supplies or output by prisoners, guards, etc.

Dealing with Denial of Care by Insurance Doctor Reviewer

The doctor is a traitor to clinical care, and a clueless dunce. Evidence based medicine is the medicine of 7 years ago, after academia has caught up with their research paper shuffling. It represents deviations from current standards of due care, but a convenient pretext to deny care by traitors to clinical care.

Appeals are totally rigged against spending by insurance, and phony time consuming procedures.
Here are other ideas to get approval.

1) Keep submitting or calling about approval. Eventually, a low level reviewer will randomly approve the request. Most of the decision are inappropriate and driven by personal profit from denial of care. This doctor should tell us whether he gets bonuses from company profits.

2) Have a standard letter to be signed by a patient. When these insurance company collaborators deny adequate care, send a formal request for an investigation by the licensing board. If the doctor is out of state, not licensed in the state of the patient, the denial of care is a medical act, requiring a license. Submit a request for an investigation into the unauthorized practice of medicine.
If the doctor is licensed in the state of the patient, but qualified outside the specialty of the prescriber, ask for an investigation into practice outside the scope of training and knowledge.
If the reviewer is licensed in state, and deny care within his own specialty, ask for an investigation into a medical act taken without direct evaluation of the patient, on an unknown patient. Records are not transcripts, so they are not adequate substitutes for a thorough evaluation in person by the reviewer.

3) If there will be a difference in pay, refer to the Department of Justice for a violation of the Stark Amendment and Anti-Kickback statutes.

To deter.