Sunday, July 7, 2024

Law in Failure: The Crime Rate is a Marked Underestimate

 Crime has updated. It has moved to the internet. The lawyer profession has not. Official reports of crimes are garbage, lying government propaganda. We should get rid of the lawyer profession managment of crime. If crime decreases they lose jobs. They only protect the criminal, and never the victim. They arrest and crush the victims fighting back, as a threat to employment. All jurisidictions with low crime rates have only one feature in common. Some are rich or poor, some religious or secular, some crowded or sparse. All have public self help. The criminal is far more afraid of the public than of the police in low crime areas. It is time to unleash the only effective crime suppression, public self help. The public should be able to punish the criminal on the spot and have immunity from criminal or civil liability. The criminal should lose all substantive legal rights. 


Unauthorized Access to a Computer

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