Sunday, June 23, 2024

Intelligent Israel and Palestine Unity Against Shia Iran, the Unity in Genetics

 See the article about the semitic genes of European Ashkenazi Jews. See the advanced technology of the 7th Century Arabs of Baghdad. Some was reached in Europe in the 19th Century. 

I do not understand why both nations are missing the obvious. Hamas and Hezbollah are funded and controlled by Iran, a Shia nation. The death toll has been a million, including the slaughter of mothers and children. Of course, killing a female prevents the birth of seven future enemies. 

One wonders why Hamas would use human shields. Simple. They are Sunnis. if they are killed by Israel, Iran wins. They kill Sunnis, and make Israel look like criminals against humanity. 

One wonders the intelligent Israelis have not bought out Sunni Palestinian leaders to unify against a mutual enemy, the Shia of Iran. If they are not persuaded, try bribery. It is far cheaper and more intelligent than the current plan. 

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