Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Proposal for the Creation of New ICD-10 Codes for Disorders Caused by Virtual Reality (VR)

Executive Summary

This proposal calls for the establishment of specific ICD-10 codes to categorize health disorders directly related to the use of Virtual Reality (VR) technology. As VR becomes increasingly prevalent in entertainment, education, and therapeutic settings, recognizing and coding VR-related disorders is critical for effective diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. These new codes would enable healthcare providers to accurately document and treat conditions arising from VR use, facilitating research and informing safer VR practices.


Virtual Reality technology immerses users in digital environments, offering novel experiences and interactions. However, prolonged or improper VR use can lead to a range of physical and psychological health issues, including but not limited to motion sickness (VR-induced nausea), eye strain, headaches, and disorientation, as well as potential long-term effects on mental health and spatial awareness. Despite growing awareness of these issues, the current ICD-10 lacks specific codes to report health conditions associated with VR, hindering systematic healthcare responses.

Proposal Details

1. Creation of ICD-10 Codes: We propose the introduction of new ICD-10 codes under a category specifically designated for disorders caused by virtual reality. These codes would classify health issues based on their nature and severity. Proposed codes might include:

· VR01: Virtual Reality-Induced Motion Sickness

· VR02: Virtual Reality-Induced Visual Fatigue

· VR03: Virtual Reality-Induced Postural Instability

· VR04: Psychological Effects Induced by Virtual Reality

1. Clinical Guidelines for Diagnosis and Management: Develop comprehensive guidelines that utilize the new codes, providing healthcare providers with criteria for diagnosing and managing VR-related health issues. These guidelines should emphasize early detection, appropriate therapeutic interventions, and guidelines for safer VR use.

2. Educational Initiatives: Implement education and awareness programs for healthcare professionals, patients, and the general public to increase understanding of the potential health impacts of VR. Highlight preventive measures and best practices for minimizing adverse effects.

3. Research and Surveillance: Encourage research into the prevalence, mechanisms, and long-term effects of disorders caused by VR. Use the new ICD-10 codes to standardize data collection, supporting epidemiological studies and the development of evidence-based guidelines for VR use.


· Enhanced Healthcare Delivery: Specific ICD-10 codes for VR-related disorders will enable more accurate diagnosis and effective management, improving patient outcomes.

· Informed VR Usage: Increased awareness and understanding of the health risks associated with VR can lead to safer usage practices among the public and professionals, reducing the incidence of VR-related health issues.

· Advancement in VR Research: Standardized codes will facilitate research into VR's health impacts, guiding the development of safer technologies and therapeutic applications.


The creation of ICD-10 codes for disorders caused by virtual reality is an essential step toward addressing the health challenges posed by emerging technologies. By providing a structured approach to documenting and managing VR-related health issues, these codes will enhance patient care, support research, and promote the development of safer VR practices. We strongly advocate for the adoption of these proposed codes to better understand and mitigate the health risks associated with virtual reality technology.


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