Friday, October 19, 2018

Lawfare Should become a Full Procedural Defense to End a Legal Matter

The proper remedy to an offensive elected official is the next election.
Putin finds some paper work violation in a successful business. The owner may choose to go to trial and certain Russian imprisonment. The alternative is a plea deal. He gives half the business to the richest man in the world, a trillionaire several time over, Vlad Putin. That is lawfare. Putin uses the police to enforce laws on the books. Is this OK?
You may say, that is Russia, a dictatorship. Heck, no. Every corporation and their owners are committing hundreds of felonies and torts a day. Everyone in the US who works is committing 3 federal felonies a day. Who knows how many are being committed by people on welfare. The sole reason we are not prosecuted or sued is lawyer discretion, a choice to not do that.
That principle includes prosecutors. So, for example, did Robert Mueller ever make or receive a phone call on a federal phone number that did not involve official business? Wife calls, says, pick groceries on way home. FBI should investigate, and Mueller should be prosecuted. His personal and official devices are filled with embedded child porn. Refer to FBI. Total e-discovery should be done on his records and on his devices. The reason? Searching for bias. The real reason, deter with federal prosecution and return lawfare.
Lawfare is infinite, and a form of lawyer infinite employment, adding no value, and actually destroying value. It also degrades the integrity and reputation of the Rule of Law. One can never know if a prosecution is to protect public safety or to attack political opponents and enrich the lawyer profession. The defense lawyer owes his job to the prosecutor or plaintiff lawyer. That lawyer will never fully protect his client. The client must do that alone.
Lawfare was an unstated factor in 9/11. Al Qaeda attacked the World Trade Center in 1993. Bill Clinton probably spent 1000 hours defending himself against pretextual, bullshit impeachment charges. These were motivated by his raising taxes on the rich. So He could not address Al Qaeda, and they thrived, thanks to Republican party Congressional lawfare. That improper use of the law cost us 3000 lives, and a $7 trillion hit to the economy. It is a serious matter.

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