Sunday, May 27, 2018

This Happened to me in Bethlehem, PA

It cost me $11,000 to remedy the Zoning Board complaints. I demanded the home address of the inspector and of the Mayor. I told him, I was going to video record their violations, and file a Zoning Board complaint about every single instance of chipped paint. I would go after every rain storm. They refused to give me the home addresses.

 When I planned to appeal these violations, the Chief Inspector called me. I told him, I wanted to take down his city. I would measure every sink height in government building bathrooms, and file an ADA lawsuit for each violation. He asked me not to. He thought these standards did make a difference in quality of housing, and in property values.

They came from this foreign book, The 2015 Residential Code for One and Two Family Dwellings. It was written by Euro-trash, dirty, Commie, big government tyrants. Do not kill them, even though  these quacks deserve to be killed. Report their houses to the local zoning authority. An additional argument in the lawsuit would be the application of foreign law without its being enacted by the Congress. I got too busy, and forgot to follow up.

If you have a neighbor enemy, buy the book, and anonymously report each infraction separately, to drive him out, with infinite cost.

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