Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Marriage Equality Hits Australia

Anyone who hates homosexuals, wants to see them suffer unspeakable agonies, for a long time, will strongly support marriage equality.

Today, only a self defeating fool would get married, especially the productive male. The legal system is on a jihad to take his assets and to destroy his life. It is totally rigged against the productive male. So the marriage rate has markedly dropped, down to 30% in blacks, and 60% in whites, in the 2010 Census.

Family law lawyers are desperate for work. They concocted this scheme to get homosexuals to marry. You homosexuals fell for it. It was never a homosexual idea. It was always a family lawyer idea.

In countries where it has existed a long time, very few homosexuals, especially productive males, are falling for this trap.

Although I do not particularly like homosexuals, I still see them as human beings. So, I do not relish the idea of seeing the spectacle of the blood bath headed their way in marriage equality. To all my homosexual friends, I say, "Run, it's a trap."

I feel like the cryptographer in this Twilight Zone Episode, To Serve Man, who figures out the real meaning of what the space alien is saying, and is running, screaming toward the people being loaded onto the space ship. When they are having you over "for dinner," the earth people are the dinner, not the guests.

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