Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Safeway Massacre. Thank the Supreme Court Again for the Murderous Rampage of a Paranoid Schizophrenic

Now this mass murderer qualifies for involuntary admission to a psychiatric hospital. Of course, first, there has to be a hearing employing 3 lawyers, one to prosecute, one to defend his freedom to the death, of others, naturally, and one to sit in the middle to make the decision. This judge, the lawyer in the middle, is totally unqualified to make any such clinical decision. Yet, this know nothing lawyer will loose the most vicious mentally people on the public, in pure evil.Paranoid schizophrenics murder around 2000 people a year, often with little or no provocation. Every single one of those murders is the responsibility of the rent seeking, lawyer sinecure creating, irresponsible Supreme Court.

Organized medicine has also failed to do enough to enact legislation overturning the horrid Supreme Court decision that took over psychiatry in 1976 to generate lawyer jobs. That decision had no justification since there was no abuse by clinicians signing two commitment certificates. And, if there were abuse, the doctors would suffer an endless series of investigations and punishments.

In the case of the paranoid schizophrenic who killed dozens of people at Virginia Tech University, there had been dozens of complaints about his psychotic statements, and threatening behavior for over two years. Yet, the lawyer protected pure evil from even reporting him to his family so they might get him back into treatment.

On the positive side, the public helped itself by taking a shot at him, and by tackling him. One worries that those heros will be prosecuted by the lawyer.

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