Monday, April 22, 2024

Comply, but Sue the EEOC for any Loss from the Imposed Hiring Practice

 Any loss from hiring criminals should be compensated by the EEOC. Because it is a regulatory taking, Sheetz should be compensated under the Fifth Amendment. Say, an employee with a criminal record steals. Say, he assaults a customer, and the store is sued for the damages. The EEOC that forced the hiring should pay all the damages assessed to the store. 


This is an analogous legal situation, laws protecting squatters' rights to the detriment of property owners interests. 


Thursday, April 18, 2024

The Red Guard and their Cultural Revolution in America

 Start with litigation using the civil rights laws. All DEI constitutes a hostile work environment. All DEI commits the Fischer Fallacy. A fallacy violates the Fifth Amendment procedural due process right to fairness. If litigation fails, proceed to more intrusive measures. 

Fischer Fallacy

Friday, April 12, 2024

Forgot Big Government Rent Seeking as the Grand Unifying Theory of Politics

 Maybe there is a genetic explanation for the preference of educated people for liberal, leftist views. The more obvious one is rent seeking, money. Government collects taxes at the point of a gun, and pays the salaries of close to worthless people. No one else would pay for their services. 


Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Please, Do Not Give Career Criminals Handicapped Parking

 Left wing academic says, behavior is determined. Hug a thug. Punishment and reward are part of determinism. If behavior is determined, then only incapacitation is effective in the criminal law. The deceased have the lowest recidivism rate of all. 

Stanford scientist, after decades of study, concludes: We don't have free will (

Saturday, April 6, 2024

This is Crazy and Criminal. Euthanasing a Young Woman with Treatment Resistant Depression


Need more details of her care. How about the usual list for tratment resistant conditions, ketamine, electroconvulsive therapy, transcranial magnetic stimulation, exercise, clozapine, stimulants for energy, psylocybin? How about revisiting missed medical conditions, like infections, iron deficiency, endocrine disorders, brain conditions? It is possible everything has been done under Euro Commie Care. Commie Care is cheap care. Once you need expensive care, you may get on a waiting list and pass away there. 

Do autistic people have boyfriends? Maybe her doctors made a mistake. 

Should people lose their lives on the casual and inappropriate remark of a frustrated psychiatrist? I suggest replacing that remark with, "I have run out of ideas, time for a second opinion."

I suggest a trip to the Mayo Clinic before this drastic mistake. Get the works. 

Just Power and Self Interest Matter, Not the Rule of Law

 A person resisting a House of Representative subpoena sits in jail. The DOJ will not allow its lawyers to testify before a House Committee. Raw partisan power cancels the rule of law and professionalism. 


Friday, April 5, 2024

Fischer's Fallacy and Critical Race Theory (CRT)

Naturally CRT  is a lawyer scheme to plunder the productive. It commits the Fischer Fallacy. Any application of it in a tribunal would violate the Fifth Amendment Procedural Due Process right of the defendant to a fair hearing. That would be true of any fallacy committed by the court. 

A review of the Fischer Fallacy. Basically, some offense took place in the past. It is then applied to the present without justification, since the offense has stopped. It is used to scapegoat current defendants for past offenses they had nothing to do with. 

In this story, black supremacist racist analysis is scapegoating white teachers, in the captive audience of mandatory training. It creates a hostile work environment. Teachers should remain silent, but file a complaint about each biased and hostile utterance by the black supremacists. Each should go to agencies overing the civil rights of the county, the state, and the federal jurisdiction. Once these are rejected, they may file a discrimination lawsuit. 

To my knowledge, there are no data supporting this neo-Marxist indoctrination and Red Guard sytle re-education camps. The sole way for students to learn is repetition. If the student is stupid, just repeat more than others, and still master the subject. Chinese students study from 6 AM to 10 PM, and have a book open at lunch. They are not learning by rote. They are learning creative problem solving. 

I Doubt One Can Reverse a Mass Delusion, Except by Waiting for the People to Die

 Elections may be a faster alternative. Most elections do not result in change, because entrenched interests resist change. Most of our beliefs will be held to be delusional in ever shorter periods of time. We may share 1% of the beliefs of 100 years ago. That period of rejection may be compressed to 20 years today. Data is influential, if trusted. Nothing is more persuasive than personal experience.  Today, the media are outlets for billionaire interests, some of which are delusional, emotional, but always unjustly enriching to the owners. People imitate because they don't know how to act or what to believe. The media present models to imitate. 

Giving the billionaires that own the media and the political parties a personal experience may be the quickest and most powerful method to change mass delusions. The concept of reciprocity should be kept in mind. Do unto others so they can feel your pain too. 

Here. That article is panhandling for money for a magazine that stands for the facts and evidence. It does not offer a real solution.