Saturday, October 19, 2019

Improving the Supreme Court

These measures can be enacted by a Judiciary Act and require no constitutional amendment.
Move the Supreme Court to Wichita, KS, the center of the continental USA, away from Washington DC, the rent seeking capital of the USA. No one can overcome local culture. Hate the Deep State. Move to the Deep State. Become Deep State. One may hate a country. Move to it, one will become the same as the people there after a few months. Midwest culture is the most moderate and best of the American regional cultures.
Make the number of Justices an even number, to end 5-4 decisions. A 5-5 decision would let the lower court decision stand. An even number of Justices would make the Supreme Court less disruptive.
Impeach Justices for their decisions to make them more accountable to elected officials and to election results. Fast track these impeachments to deter Justices immediately. Most of these judicial decisions are not based on law nor on facts. They are based on feelings, biases, moods at that time of day, political advantages, even the temporary physiological state of the judges. For example, criminal sentences in an Israeli court were less severe after lunch. All Justices should get a sandwich before casting their votes. This feelings-based jurisprudence should be replaced by an algorithm belonging to the Congress. The algorithm would consider facts and laws, not feelings. If a decision negligently damages a party, the owners, the Congress should be held liable. This review by Eugene Volokh concludes that threatening impeachment by legislators before a judicial decision is not a crime.

Exclude anyone who passed 1L from the Supreme Court. Random members of a jury pool would be much better for this country. Lawyers are the stupidest people in our country. Replace them with wine besotted bums from the streets or with Life Skills class students learning to eat with a spoon. The decisions would have more common sense, and the writing would be clearer. Enact an amendment to permit judicial review. Marbury v Madison should be voided for illegality. Article I Section 1 of the constitution gives all legislative power to the Congress. Until an Amendment permits judicial review, Congress should approve all Supreme Court rulings reversing a law or conferring a new right within a year. If not confirmed, they should be void in the absence of a constitutional amendment permitting judicial review. The Congress should also have to approve the 10,000 pages of the Federal Register of executive regulations, or the same should happen, automatic cancellation after a year. These regulations are laws, including severe punishments for violations. Calling administrative sanctions "not punishment" covered by the Eighth Amendment is just lawyer made up stuff. Who would prefer a 30-day jail sentence to ruinous costs of compliance with regulations' limitless and arbitrary compensation for violations of regulations. Who would prefer 30 days in jail to losing one's business or an entire industry? The 30-day prison sentence is protected and limited by the constitution. Regulatory sanctions are not. Congress should take responsibility for them and face the voter for their consequences.

The black clerical robes are from the Catholic Church, and the Supreme Court and all other courts should stop violating the Establishment Clause. The standing, the sitting are ridiculous parts of a church service. The same is true of the Justices' sitting on an elevated altar. That Greek temple housing Supreme Court building is highly offensive to our egalitarian and libertarian culture. The black robes are those of a Catholic priest. The Supreme Court should meet in an office conference room, with everyone wearing business casual. The best arrangement would be a meeting by Zoom or video chatting, livestreamed to the entire nation. The Justices are not better than anyone else. In fact, they are know nothing, Ivy indoctrinated lawyers hired to resolve conflicts of law. They are lower than everyone else by their toxic arrogance. They are 10 times more damaging to our nation than organized crime.
End Judicial immunity. It is self-dealt and not in any approved legal document. Sovereign immunity originated in a psychotic delusion. Henry of Bratton said, the Sovereign speaks with the Voice of God. Immunity has a religious origin. It violates the Establishment Clause by imposing the Catholic catechism on the country. It has a delusional and psychotic origin, making it a mental illness symptom. Immunity justifies violence in formal logic. Legal liability replaces endless cycles of violent retaliation. If torts are to improve the product or service, the Supreme Court should have full legal liability. Its decisions are hideously damaging to out nation. Strict liability if fully justified, but they are so bad, they would go out of business. Impose a standard of professional standards of due care. Let the Justices buy insurance, as they force everyone else that is productive to do in our country. If they want to avoid being sued, they should take more care in their decisions. The idea that judges are too busy to deal with nuisance lawsuits is ridiculous. Judges are far less productive than supermarket and other business owners, beset by nuisance lawsuits. Their time has a negative dollar value, since they destroy value by every utterance. Uncertainty of the Benefit of Term limits of 18 years which have been proposed. It is unclear if that would improve decision making and writing. It is possible, the limits would update the beliefs of the Justices in accordance with recent elections. It is also posible, term limits would destroy the skills learned from experience. In the case of other officials, such as the Congress, term limits would empower the Deep State in the form of the staff with a know nothing elected official figurehead.

Void any decision written at higher than a Sixth Grade reading level. The decision notify the public, not the lawyer profession. They are not instruments for more lawyer employment. They are to serve the public interest. The public is the emmployers of these Ivy indoctrinated lawyers. The average reading level is 8th grade. That means half the population cannot read above that grade. The average reading level of a criminal is the 4th grade. If a decision is about the criminal law, it should score at the 4th grade level to give proper notice to its consituency, the convicted criminals. There are 10 ways to determine grade level of a text. Perhaps the average of their scores can be used. These methods use various factors, such as: - Sentence length and complexity - Vocabulary difficulty - Syllable count - Word length - Grade-level equivalents

These pompous Ivy indoctrinated lawyers may just not be capable of plain English language. They should have ChatGPT rewrite their decisions at the 6th grade level, and at the 4th grade level for criminal cases.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Good Way to Decrease Female Employment, a Natural Experiment

Forced equal pay for female employees who are not equal.

Right to Know Law Request to PA Department of Human Services re: 15 minute minimum for a brief medication visit

March 31, 2019

Department of Human Services
Health and Welfare Building, Room 234
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120
Attention: Andrea Bankes

Your § 5200.48, from Your Regulation § 1153.52 (c) (1). Payment conditions for various services. “Psychiatric clinic medication visits shall be a minimum duration of 15 minutes.”

I request the following information about the above regulation. Please, provide it in electronic form. Do not make any paper copies.
1) All communications about the justification for such a rule, including internal DHS communications, the record of all outside commentary about the rule, and whether and how all other requirements of the Pennsylvania Administrative Procedure Act (“Act”) found in Title 2, Chapter 1, 5 and 7 of the Pennsylvania Annotated Statutes were followed;
2) the payment for each such visit by PA Medicaid, and by its managed care providers;
3) the total number of such visits in 2016, 2017, 2018;
4) the total number of such visits in the three years prior to the adoption of this regulation and the total payment for those visits;
5) the total number of payments for such visits denied by PA Medicaid managed care because they were shorter than 15 minutes, for 2016, 2017, 2018;
6) any internal legal analysis justifying such denials, since a service was rendered;
7) any internal legal analysis as to the legal nature of such managed care companies, are they private contractors, are they quasi-governmental organizations with police powers to deny payments, to punish people out of compliance with a PA regulation?

Saturday, March 30, 2019

List of Bolshevik Billionaires Trying to Destroy America

One may speculate. What if the Jews had killed Adolf Hitler after his 1933 election? Would history have been different? The problem was that 20 families had funded his campaign. He represented their world view, down to reliance on astrology for decision making. It is possible nothing would have been prevented because of the power of these families. Several were so powerful that nothing happened to them after the War. They were recruited by the victors to rebuild the German economy.

Legal liability is a substitute for violence. By formal logic, legal immunity justifies violence. The contra-positive of a true assertion is always true. All bats are mammals, is true (A then B is true). This animal is not a mammal, it cannot be a bat (Not B then not A must be true).

Evan Williams, Jack Dorsey - Twitter

Bill Gates - MSNBC

Ryan Roberts - NBC

George Soros - MoveOn, Southern Poverty Law Center, Brennan Center for Justice

Mark Zuckerberg -  Facebook

David Brock and George Soros - Media Matters

Jeff Bezos - Washington Post

Larry Fink - Black Rock and the NY Times