Sunday, January 28, 2018

Many Publications are Falsely Named

LGBTQ Nation is not a homosexual interest group. It is a left wing propaganda outlet. It viciously attacks homosexuals who dissent from their left wing doctrines. So, Milo was voted homosexual of the year by 70% of their members, but they bashed him viciously.

The Jewish Exponent is not a Jewish interest group. It is a left wing propaganda outlet. It has a news blackout,  completely shunning the most powerful Jews in the nation today, the Kushners, Jared and Ivanka. It viciously attacked Stephen Miller, White House Adviser. It did not express support for the moving of the American Embassy to Jerusalem. They even had the nerve to criticize the support of Israelis for Donald Trump. That is because, as left wing Americans, they know Israeli interests better than Israelis. 

MS magazine is not really a feminist magazine. It is a left wing propaganda outlet. If a conservative woman has fulfilled all feminist ideals, she will still get totally bashed. The same is true for Emily's List, a feminist PAC. They claim to support the election of females, however, they will never contribute to any outstanding conservative female candidate.

These groups are very misleading. They should be investigated for fraud. 

Another Attack on the Family by the Lawyer Profession

In this hideous, horror movie class case, a know nothing, nitwit lawyer on the bench will get to decide, instead of the family.

Foreign Bands Singing the Praise of Places Derided in the US

Even the past is better today. I never heard these nice pop songs from the 1970's with strange admiration for US places we deride.

Sacramento by Middle of the Road (from Scotland)

Mississippi by Pussycat (from Holland)

Saturday, January 27, 2018

New Criminal Defense: Trans Age

New civil rights defense for charge of raping children: defendant is trans age. This person will need the accommodation of having a teddy bear when he goes to sleep.

I plan to use this defense if ever charged with murder. I identify as age 2. I am too young to be charged at all. While having a tantrum, I killed a person. That is part of the Terrible Twos. I should be placed in foster care.

I support the trans age movement as the next frontier of the great struggle for civil rights. I demand it be addressed in the Democratic Party platform in the next Presidential nomination, in 2020.
Then I should be placed in the corner, for a time out. The foster parents should verbalize the rule, first, "Bad boy, you killed a guy." I am not sure about the criticism, bad boy, since it may affect my self esteem, later.

While in foster care, I may be too lazy to walk ten feet to a toilet, and may poop my pants where I am rolling around, dripping onto the white velour couch. I will need the accommodation of a diaper change by the foster parents. In my mind, I will be too young to clean up for myself.

I have known this strong feeling of being age 2, for a long time, perhaps as early as age 2. When I look in the mirror, I see an old man. I am horrified, and feel very uncomfortable. I expect the tax payer to pay for plastic surgery to make my face look like that of a baby, to bring it in accordance with my true feeling about my real identity. 

The appellate courts will rule, yes, I must be accommodated, or the foster home will be discriminating by age. Objectively, there is nothing about me that shows I am two years old, except for my tantrums, informed by a legal education. However, I feel I am two years old. So, it is age discrimination to treat me as older.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Why Autonomous Cars Will Never Break Any Law or Government Guidance

There will be no more speeding by this thing.


The breaking of a law or even of a guideline or written policy makes the negligence automatic and per se. In any accident, the question of negligence is settled by the breaking of a rule. The sole remaining dispute will be about the amount of the damages. Because of the knowledge of the rules ahead of time, the negligence per se may even be labeled as intentional or with malice. The damages may then be trebled.

Most laws, regulations, and rules are worthless, and may actually cause more damages. They are designed to generate jobs, and have no merit or scientific validity. That is a legislative question, and not one for the court in a negligence claim.

Look forward to 3 hour commutes instead of 1 hour commutes, caused by cars obeying every single one of the Rules of The Road.

Immigrant Crime Rate Low, Illegal Alien Crime Rate High


Immigrants have low crime rates. Illegal aliens have a high crime rate. Immigrants are screened prior to arrival. Illegal aliens are driven here by their home countries because they are undesirable people.

Immigrants are more likely to vote for the Republican Party, appreciating what they have here.

Illegal aliens are already voting for the Democratic Party. They elected Barack Obama to his second term. This effect explains the defense of illegal aliens by the Democratic Party. They are trying to shift the balanced voting in our divided nation. The Democratic Party is the party of the traitor lawyer profession.

Attended the Women's March, 2018, in Philadelphia

It was not a women's march. It was  a Democratic Party Bund. High achieving conservative women would likely be met with hostility, even more intense than harassing males.

The ticket I obtained had the reason for any remaining pay disparity by gender. It said, Free. Women just do not like money. None of the usual explanation for their low pay apply today.

The train in was like a Japanese subway at rush hour. It stopped at the next station. I had to push into the crowd to get off the steps. The feminists liked my pink shirt. I yelled, Tickets. A lib kid looked pale, and was getting motion sickness. I told him, do not vomit here. I was groped in my back by someone with huge boobs. I did not object loudly, as I should. Don't touch me. I feel threatened.

I asked a police supervisor if there was a ban on food concessions. He said, they just needed a permit, Why? Do you want to snitch on someone. I replied, No, I'm hungry. He pointed to a WaWa a block away.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

This is the End Stage of the Democratic Party Platform

Thieves do not bother to take money left in the trash in Venezuela. You need 100 of them to equal the value of a penny. Mass famine is ahead for the Venezuelan people.


Venezuela reminiscent of Detroit.


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Sharia Law Should Punish these Synagogue Attackers in Germany

The German courts refuse to punish the firebombing of a synagogue as a hate crime by three Muslims.


The standard punishment for the drinking done by these three Muslims, as administered by Mohamed, was 40 beatings with a stick. Mohamed repeated these beatings as drinking was repeated.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Chinese Tech Buys Grindr


Chinese government will know all personal details and preferences of the homosexuals of the USA.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Revising Legal Standards for Defamation in Journalism

Libel laws should be changed. There should be tort liability of news organizations if they violate their own Code of Ethics. One of the most important is to provide two sides of the story. Such a new standard would imply, the profession is regulating itself, and not the government, perhaps in violation of the Freedom of the Press Clause.

Once any violation is proven, the liability should be automatic. The sole dispute in court should be about the value of the damages. The actual malice standard of the NY Times case should result in exemplary damages (triple actual damages). To deter.

This would be an elegant way to redefine defamation, to deter fake news, and to compensate the victims of journalism.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Monday, January 8, 2018

Is this Pretextual or Is It a Huge Error Caused by Military Feminism Bias?


General is not promoted and is denied a command after calling a Congressional staffer, Sweetheart. Whoever made that decision should be fired on the spot by the President.

Objectively, the US military is just about the worst in the world. They took our $trillions, and have been chased out of a half dozen countries by Stone Age savages with $50 weapons.

Their self defeating leadership, controlled by civilian politicians, must be purged.

This failure is 100% the fault of the lawyer profession. I consider the embedded lawyers in the military, these ccommissars of political correctness, cancelling orders from the tactical unit level to the orders of 4 Stars, to be traitors. They need to be named, arrested, given a short trial, and executed in the courthouse basement, on reading of the verdict of treason.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

End All Government Support for the Ivy League Universities

All government funding, subsidies, and support should be stopped to the Ivy League. Those schools are treason indoctrination camps. Because of their extreme political bias, their non-profit status should be revoked. The alumni of these schools have been very destructive to our nation, once they get their hands on governmental powers. Whether identified as liberal or as conservative, they all promote big government and its tyranny.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Friday, January 5, 2018