Wednesday, December 20, 2017

End All Government Support for the Ivy League Universities

I would not hire him for any job. His mere presence is sexual harassment.

Here. You decide.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Machines are always 100 Times Better than Living Beings. Only one Function Remains for Living Beings.


Creativity comes from nowhere, and cannot be programmed in an algorithm. CRISPR/cas 9 technology will have to make us all Mozarts and Einstein, perhaps both at the same time.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Ironic. Women Were Doing Well by Working Hard. Now, ...

The feminist #MeToo movement has made it impossible to hire, or to even talk to a woman without a witness or a recording.

Hire a woman, hire a lawsuit. Talk to a woman, end your career. Women will be shunned by anyone not idiotic or not suicidal. Women can now form their own companies, and get accused by women they never met, as employers.

One notes, the accused were  mostly, supercilious, left wing male running dogs of the feminists, doubling the irony.

NY Times: Palm Springs City Council Now All Gay

This will be a natural experiment of the contention that all gays with political power become tyrants.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Male Running Dogs of the Feminists Clamp Down on Male Exuberance

Elite naval aviators punished. For nothing, sky writing. Not just funny act, but likely required a high level of skill. Should have been commended.

The President should fire the Secretary of the Navy for allowing this sanction. Trump is a NYC liberal. He is a weak leader. He will be re-elected. But, watch out for the guy after Trump, as real Americans remain disappointed by the destruction of our way of life. Feminists are a greater threat to our nation than the Taliban are to Afghanistan.


Oh, For Pete's Sake. Enough. Vile Feminists Go After 61 Year-Old Paraplegic With ED


The Most Effective Way to Neutralize the Mueller Investigation, in One Day

Call for his female or male victims of sexual harassment to all come forward. Time to get rid of that pest. Sue the FBI and the Department of Justice, especially, uber-Harvard Law asshole, Rod Rosenstein, who appointed him.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Alternative View of Opioid Overdose Crisis

Fewer than 10% of opioid deaths had prescribed opiates. The majority of those had heroin and carfentanyl on board as well.

The deaths are of drug addicts. Enjoy the massive drop in the rate of crime headed our way.