Some Real Revolutions in Psychiatry, with no New Technologies
Revolution? No. This is a silly article. Syphilis was the No.1 cause for mental hospitalization in the first half of the 20th Century. Then, penicillin was discovered and ended it. Microbial origins of mental illness is old news.Needles and nasal sprays are not revolutionary, but, again, old news.
Computer implants? This is bullshit.
Wellness? Quackery.
Here are some revolutions in mental health.
With no new technology.
1) Abolish all face to face encounters. Abolish all buildings. Abolish all records save video recordings of telemedicine. This will slash over head. It will end the maldistribution problem and the shortage problem. Algorithms can do the initial evaluations and screenings. Here is the really revolutionary part: pass the savings on to the public. All medical licenses are converted to a single national license, so psychiatrists may see patients from anywhere in the nation, and send scripts to any local pharmacy;
2) all mental health medications with safety margins and low addiction potentials go over the counter, so the majority of patients treat themselves. Package inserts are restricted to the sixth grade reading level;
3) there is no shortage of psychiatrists, there is a shortage of psychiatric time. Half is now being consumed by regulatory quackery, and paper work with no benefit for patients. Prosecute insurance companies, and retrieve the $trillion they have stolen in doctor time, enjoin state government from any additional regulation without extensive scientific evidence of a benefit for outcomes;
4) because of the immunities of insurance companies in ERISA and of the states in the Eleventh Amendment and subsequent Supreme Court decisions, violence against insurance and state officials have full support in formal logic. Formal logic has no uncertainty, and no exceptions. It is more final than the laws of physics. If tort and criminal liabilities are a substitute for violence, then immunities fully justify violence. The contra-positive of a true assertion is always true in formal logic. Hunt insurance and regulatory officials. Beat their asses. If they fail to learn, kill them. This is the violent arm of the revolution. Families of victims of denial of treatment who committed suicide may take the lead on this one.
5) identify the genetic basis of psychiatric symptoms, not syndromes. Those syndromes are bullshit, 19th Century superstitions. Then make CRISPR/cas 9 kits to change them in patients, and in all their offspring. Charge $150 for each kit, as is being done today.