Friday, July 28, 2017

Ten Features of Toxic Feminism

10. A sense of entitlement. This is the expectation of getting a benefit without earning it.

9. Using sex to increase economic advantage.

8. Bitchsplaining, or talking too much about subjects of no interest or importance, interrupting more knowledgeable and able males.

7. White Supremacy. From the very beginning, feminism has always been a racist ideology. The phrase, reproductive rights, is feminist lawyer code for decreasing the fecundity of women with dark skins. Feminism is to today what the KKK was to 100 years ago. Politically correct. Adhered to by 100% of lawyers. Doctrines imposed by force. Full legal immunity for crimes committed in public. It took the KKK 100 years to lynch 5000 blacks. Today, an excess of 5000 black males is murdered every year. The feminist lawyer, protecting its client, the criminal, is 100 times more lethal to young black males than the KKK.

6. Anti-patriarchal family, and all its aspects, including the raising of children by a heterosexual couple.

5. Support of ever bigger, more intrusive, socialist, and tyrannical government.They will use the appellate courts to impose tyranny on the public that the legislature cannot achieve.

4. Support for radical Islamists. They are the most patriarchal sect of any group. This support is inexplicable, unless one understands, they too hate our way of life, and want Western Civilization abolished.

3. They are adamant about continuing the American holocaust of abortion. Black fetuses are over represented in this enterprise. See #7, again.

2.Feminism makes people unemployable. Hire a feminist, hire a lawsuit. Employers will be investigated by multiple regulatory agencies for discrimination for an off color sexual joke. Then,  they will be sued by the feminist. They will  have to fire highly productive male employees. They will pay defense lawyers outrageous sums, even to reach summary dismissal.

1. False accusations. Because the feminist lawyer dominated legal system is totally biased against males, feminist people use false accusations, to devastating effect on innocent males. Most accusations against males that are acquaintances, of abuse, of assault, of threats, of rape, are false. Because of the conflict of interest, and the advantage coming to the female, all such accusations should be screened with polygraph examination. All false allegations should earn what Martha Stewart got for lying to the FBI about not receiving a phone call, in an informal conversation in her home: 5 months of prison, 5 months of house arrest and 2 years of probation.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

It is Far Worse in Pennsylvania


Man is disputing child support in Houston, TX, because he is not the biological father. The mother lied to the court, in the past. She should be arrested and put in prison for lying to a government official, and even for perjury.

In Pennsylvania, the court would say, we know, he is not the biological father. The father is the person who takes care of a child. Do not change a girlfriend's child's diaper in Pennsylvania. That kindness could cost a male the child support needed until college graduation, for that child and for all the spawn of the hussy. If you see a child with a girlfriend, run as fast as possible, block her, and refuse all contract.

The feminist dominated legal system of Pennsylvania makes all family formation financial suicide.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Judges Triply Oppressed by the Criminal Cult Enterprise


I have argued that the nation is totally oppressed by the criminal Cult enterprise that is the lawyer profession. The hierarchy of this criminal gang must be arrested, tried for insurrection against the constitution, and executed, if the nation is to be saved.

I have agued that lawyers are doubly oppressed compared to the public, and that judges are triply oppressed. The correct response would have been to send the judge a bill for the real cost of the card holders. That $30 price is false. More like $5 is correct. 

Monday, July 17, 2017

Musk to Governors: AI biggest threat to humanity, regulate it.

Me: CRISPR/cas9 technology must make us more creative.

Creative means, invention cannot be predicted. So, far, all AI is programmed, and it is like any machine. Yes, 100 times better than a living being, but will not find relativity without data, or write a music like Mozart at age 6, or change the business as the Beatles did. Yes, the car is 100 times better than a horse. Yes, Google super computer beat the best Go player, with a billion possibilities at each move. But it did so by crunching all the moves ahead in brute force calculation. That is is like the end of ditch digging, and good riddance to ditch digging. I do not see the threat if everyone becomes talented and creative by genetic enhancement.

Stuttering asshole Musk should stop wasting time with governor jerks. He needs to return to work, and to deliver on the $billions he borrowed and that people invested, on his promised  cheap electric cars and home batteries.

"Christine" and Facial Recognition = Perfect Murder

That was a horror movie. A car named "Christine" killed people that offended it. It could not be stopped, not even by a crusher, at the end.

If a car can drive itself, can it become a victim specific instrument of murder? Can it find the victim by a wifi search of his cell phone? Then, can it pick out a victim in a crowd through coming ubiquitous facial recognition software?

Can a driverless car belonging to a stranger be hacked, and programmed to kill a specific person, with cloaking techniques hiding the identity of the murderer?

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Dog Training as Prison Rehabilitation


This article inspires some questions.

1) Animal cruelty is a hallmark trait of antisocial personality. What happens if an animal frustrates one of the prisoners?

2) Professional dogs such as seeing eye dogs, and bomb, cadaver, or drug sniffing dogs are worth $10,000. They can also be trained to detect bed bugs, cancer, pending death. Does this program allow for high value training? If it does, do any of the high prices paid go back to the prisoner trainers?
3) Is anyone afraid a prisoner will secretly train a dog to kill the police or guards?

4) It is well known dogs are racist. If a dog rejects a black prisoner, will this dog be sanctioned by being expelled?

5) I am sorry. Forget $10,000. "the TSA pays $218,000 in startup training costs for explosive sniffing dogs and then pays $158,000 each year after that. This money covers the salary of the dog handler, the dog’s food, veterinary costs, kenneling, training, and certification." Add this job to the list of missed opportunities by Prisoner Industries. I am sick of those dummies.

Functional MRI and Pedophilia

Not quite there yet, but will be there soon. The functional brain scans of pedophiles, likely in response to erotic images, are different.

Get ready, not only for mitigation, but for their demands for privileges, such as handicapped parking, Medicaid coverage as disabled people. Employers will have to make reasonable accommodations. And, an appellate court will uphold charges of sex discrimination if you make a negative remark about the "pervs that rape and kill little kids." The employer will have to pay the pedophile $million for sex discrimination.


Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Machines are Always 100 times Better than Living Beings

Compare commuting to work on a horse, in the snow to using a car.

Sex and porn have always been strong promoters of new technology, from the printing press to robotics.

Here is a recent review.

As to pedophiles having sex with child sex robots, that should protect the millions of real children now being kidnapped, victimized and murdered by pedophiles. The politically correct academics do not understand that.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Fighting Ring Tone as an Excuse for Battery

Fighting words are no longer an excuse or justification  for beating someone up ("I slept with your wife the other day.").
Here is a fighting ring tone. Beating the ass of that guy should have full justification in statute,  as a matter of public policy.


Sunday, July 2, 2017

Sex Offender Registry proponents have catching up to do.

In China, your name and face get plastered on video displays for jaywalking.

Use more than 2 feet of toilet paper in 9 minutes, you are identified, and the toilet paper dispenser locks in the park bathroom.

By 2020, all activities will be tracked by facial recognition, and you will earn a social desirability score, open to public scrutiny.

I have always said the remedy for all legal problems will be technical.

NY Times Addiction Article Reports an Important Study

Ignore the left wing, big government, redistributionist propaganda. However, this study is important. Environment can alter dopamine levels in both directions.

Key point:

Michael Nader at the Wake Forest School of Medicine showed this in a study of monkeys and cocaine. When monkeys are moved from an individual cage and housed in a group, some become dominant and others assume a submissive role. For those that become dominant — meaning they get more attention, more grooming and more access to food and treats — this is a positive change. They now have more D2 dopamine receptors and are less interested in self-administering cocaine. But for submissive animals, the group setting is a stressful change, and they respond by increasing their use of cocaine.

Strikingly, the effect of environment is easily reversible: Stress the dominant monkey by returning it to a solo cage and its D2 receptors will drop — and its taste for cocaine will increase. In other words, simply by changing the environment, you can increase or decrease the likelihood of an animal becoming a drug addict.
The challenge is to translate this effect into treatment tactics for addiction rehab.

Letter to the head of the Drug Enforcement Administration, Demanding an End to Restrictions on Prescriptions of Stimulants to Children with ADHD

DEA Diversion Control Division
Attn: Liaison and Policy Section
8701 Morrissette Drive
Springfield, VA 22152

    RE: Prescribing of Stimulants in Children

Dear Madam or Sir,
I am requesting a waiver from your rules and oversight for doctors with child psychiatry training, for pediatricians, and for family doctors prescribing stimulants to children with attention deficit disorder, some with hyperactivity (ADHD), some without it (ADD). These rules include the prohibition of refills, the filling of scripts within days of their date, the limiting of post dated prescriptions to a total of three, oppressive tracking of prescribers, disruptive  harassment of legitimate prescribers.

Your statutory purpose is to reduce addiction in the United States. In the case of children and adolescents on stimulants, the majority must be forced to take them. Most resist doing so to avoid getting slowed down. Untreated ADHD is as silly, goofy, disruptive as any intoxication you care to name. They do not want to come down off this innate “high.”

This resistance to taking stimulants is despite tremendous resulting success, the ending of harassment for impulsive behavior, winning academic and conduct awards, the pressure of their families. The majority also have concomitant oppositional defiant disorder, where they engage in pointless opposition to adult instruction for no advantage to them. It comes as a package with ADHD.

This reaction and their features are the polar opposite of addiction. Your restrictions on these prescribers represent regulatory quackery. They violate the American with Disabilities Act Amendment, now covering mental conditions. They are against good policy by restricting access to care. They are cruel and stupid. Let me know your decision and any analysis by your legal counsel. If you decline this request, I will sue you in federal court for the above violations of law and of policy.