Ten Features of Toxic Feminism
10. A sense of entitlement. This is the expectation of getting a benefit without earning it.
9. Using sex to increase economic advantage.
8. Bitchsplaining, or talking too much about subjects of no interest or importance, interrupting more knowledgeable and able males.
7. White Supremacy. From the very beginning, feminism has always been a racist ideology. The phrase, reproductive rights, is feminist lawyer code for decreasing the fecundity of women with dark skins. Feminism is to today what the KKK was to 100 years ago. Politically correct. Adhered to by 100% of lawyers. Doctrines imposed by force. Full legal immunity for crimes committed in public. It took the KKK 100 years to lynch 5000 blacks. Today, an excess of 5000 black males is murdered every year. The feminist lawyer, protecting its client, the criminal, is 100 times more lethal to young black males than the KKK.
6. Anti-patriarchal family, and all its aspects, including the raising of children by a heterosexual couple.
5. Support of ever bigger, more intrusive, socialist, and tyrannical government.They will use the appellate courts to impose tyranny on the public that the legislature cannot achieve.
4. Support for radical Islamists. They are the most patriarchal sect of any group. This support is inexplicable, unless one understands, they too hate our way of life, and want Western Civilization abolished.
3. They are adamant about continuing the American holocaust of abortion. Black fetuses are over represented in this enterprise. See #7, again.
2.Feminism makes people unemployable. Hire a feminist, hire a lawsuit. Employers will be investigated by multiple regulatory agencies for discrimination for an off color sexual joke. Then, they will be sued by the feminist. They will have to fire highly productive male employees. They will pay defense lawyers outrageous sums, even to reach summary dismissal.
1. False accusations. Because the feminist lawyer dominated legal system is totally biased against males, feminist people use false accusations, to devastating effect on innocent males. Most accusations against males that are acquaintances, of abuse, of assault, of threats, of rape, are false. Because of the conflict of interest, and the advantage coming to the female, all such accusations should be screened with polygraph examination. All false allegations should earn what Martha Stewart got for lying to the FBI about not receiving a phone call, in an informal conversation in her home: 5 months of prison, 5 months of house arrest and 2 years of probation.