Wednesday, May 31, 2017


People complain about endless war, and it has only been a couple of decades.

The US war against the indigenous people lasted from 1682 to 1920. War will last as long as necessary.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Mens Rea is Not Just Lawyer Quackery. It is Illegal. So is Any Other Use of a Latin Word in a Legal Utterance

I am not reading this article.

Mens Rea. Latin. Language of the Catholic Church is not allowed by our constitution in the legal system. Latin endorses Catholicism.

Copied from the Catechism. Section 1857. Not allowed.

To its credit the Medieval Church believed God would judge intent upon reaching heaven, His being all knowing. That was their faith, they said. Not even the 13th Century Church believed man could read minds.

Mind reading is a supernatural power.

In the 13th Century, the sole punishment was death. So loopholes were needed to soften the law. That is no longer necessary.

Retribution and culpability are from the Bible. They are worthless to the tax payer. They are prohibited, except in the imaginary world of the lawyer.

Mens rea is more lawyer false doctrine, coddling the criminal, and harsh treatment of past and future victims.

Mens rea is anti-victim garbage. If someone reads the article, explain why anyone would bother doing so, outside the anti-victim, left wing, pro-criminal lawyer.

A hunter shoots another thinking him a deer. A hunter shoots another because the other's wife paid him $10,000. Same act. Same outcome. Vastly different treatment of the defendant. One goes home, the other gets the death penalty, all based on the mental state. This is ridiculous. How does the lawyer know the drunken hunter who killed a guy is not far more dangerous than the contract killer with discipline? The lawyer has loosed a menace on the public and executed a far less dangerous guy. The drunken hunter is now loosed by the lawyer to crash into a school bus.

The alternative to the mens rea is far more reliable, fairer, and safer to the public. Count unconvicted conduct and prior convicted conduct. And incapacitate for the status of the person, not for the crime. Naturally, the lawyer has banned strict liability crime, and compounded the mistake by banning status crime. Why would logic be banned by the lawyer, and coddling of the criminal be imposed on crime victims? Because the lawyer makes no money if the criminal is incapacitated for being a criminal from the earliest age possible, and crime is suppressed. Give the data to the jury if Booker must be followed, even though the jury does not know anything about this technical subject.
Lawyers should stop saying crime has dropped in rates. It has not. Saying it has destroys the credibility of any lawyer.

If any law school professor uses any Latin in class, the Jewish and Protestant students should start banging Mao's Little Red Book on their chair writing tablets. If he does it again, he should be grabbed. A tall dunce cap should be placed on his head, and he should be bounced from the class. This is America, a secular nation.

Complaints may be filed with the Civil Rights Office of the Education Department, for the violation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Imagine a professor seeking to impose the Sharia on our students. Seeking to impose the Catechism is no less offensive. Every single Latin utterance should be reported, investigated, and fined heavily. There is ongoing, massive violation of this law in our law schools. I support the right to speak Latin by the professor in church, at home, or anywhere else, but not in law school class, nor in any other legal setting.

May the Lawyers Ordering the Taking Down of Confederate Statues Ever Criticize Taliban and ISIS Savagery for Destroying Historic Landmark Statues of Other Faiths?


Monday, May 15, 2017

A good reason to polygraph all sex accusers

False accusers in Israel are legally immune.

This policy justifies the removal of the Israeli equivalent of Jeff Sessions, based on his prosecutorial immunity.

I have proposed the penalty for false statement to government officials by lying feminists be the maximum, 2 years of prison for a  second degree misdemeanor. All false accusers of President Trump should be prosecuted and receive that maximum.

Feminist groups suborning false allegations should be sued by the victims of the false accusations. The responsible officials of such feminist groups should not be able to hide behind any corporate veil.

In Italy, the false allegation got a feminist 12 years.

Back to the Israeli immunity granted to feminist false accusers.  The above documentary made Israeli women unmarriageable, and unemployable. 

Israeli men should convert to Islam, which still respects the patriarchal family.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Should the Use of Falsies or of Make up to Cover Acne be Criminalized?

Man pleads guilty. He promised women money and a chance at making porn films. He had sex with them to sample.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Combination approach may help combat autism

Yale School of Medicine News
The hormone oxytocin, the so–called hug hormone or cuddle chemical, has more nicknames than proven medical uses. However, oxytocin may benefit children with autism spectrum disorders if receptors for opioids – brain chemicals activated by drugs such as heroin that tend to disconnect people socially – are also blocked, Yale researchers reported the week of May 1 in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Oxytocin plays a key role in sealing social bonds during activities such as sex and nursing, but its use in spurring greater social connections among people with autism has had limited success. However, Yale researchers were able to significantly increase social interaction among monkeys – as measured by extent of eye contact – when oxytocin delivery was paired with the drug naloxone, which blocks opioid receptors and is widely used to combat heroin overdoses.

It has long been noted that use of the opioid morphine disrupts lactation in nursing mothers, but naloxone reverses those symptoms in part by spurring increased production of oxytocin. The authors suggest the two neurochemical systems appear to be evolutionarily linked in human behavior: oxytocin spurring creation of strong social bonds and opioids — as tragically illustrated in cases of addiction — triggering greater social isolation.

Coupling an increase in oxytocin and the inhibition of opioid receptors “really boosts social interactions in a robust way we do not see when using either approach individually,” said Steve Chang, assistant professor of psychology and neurobiology and senior author of the paper.

Yale’s Olga Dal Monte and Matthew Piva are co–lead authors of the study. Chang’s team also collaborated with Yale’s Kevin Anderson and Avram Holmes to obtain gene expression evidence supporting the observed social boost in the human brain.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Threat to Privacy is Getting Ubiquitous

The opening screen on my Nissan Rogue states that data on the car will be transmitted to Nissan. I wrote asking what data, who gets its, how it will be used. I asked if it is available to government officials. They replied that a black box has been in Nissans since 2006. Car functions are being monitored, and that, yes, the data would be available to government entities when appropriate. They did not say they would need a court order to reveal the content.I am now asking, how to turn it off, and how to disconnect the black box recorder.

So, Nissan knows everything about my use of the car. The police can prove I was speeding. The wife can prove I was at my mistress's address on a specific date. (Just kidding, Honey. I could not handle two bosses.)

It gets worse. My son in law was discussing a product in his living room, with all appliances off. He then began receiving ads on this product. The likely source of his privacy breach was the microphone of his turned off smart TV, or his cellphone running Android, or his X-Box. It is waiting for instructions to turn on, for example. However, while waiting, it might be transmitting the conversation in the living room to Google.

Wifi holograms of objects behind walls are now possible.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Police Allow Masked Commies to Burn the Newspaper Boxes of Poor People Trying to Make a Meager Living


Letter to School District About Student Driven Learning Quackery

I received your report. Stop your New Age nonsense. All of it is gibberish to falsely justify increases in taxes.

You stink. Your schools stink by any objective measure. Your students stink, and are total, disgraceful, under-performers, compared to less privileged children in other systems. That utter failure is 100% your fault. You spend an unbelievable $27000 per student, yearly, and we are getting inferior students back.

Stop wasting money on defective, special education students, who will never amount to anything. Stop overpaying teachers. Start to increase your class size. Make people learn instead of your bullshit, disproved, feel good, crap methodology, such as student driven learning. You are trying to make to make students do the teacher’s job. Students don’t know anything. If students drive education, they will end up still not knowing anything. You are a quack. There is only one way to learn, and that is through repetition. If a student is stupid in a subject, that means they must repeat the learning more times. But, everyone gets to learn the basics. Nations emphasizing such learning are beating the pants off American students. American students stink because of educational quacks like you. You need to leave this school district. Peddle your quackery in California, where no one cares about performance, but only about making students feel good.

I want to stop your educational quackery in court. I am going to start this legal process by demanding an investigation into your quackery by the state. Did you like my use of commas? I learned it in the slum schools of New York, at the cost of $100's a year, per pupil. I was taught how to use the comma, and made to practice.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Baltimore Mayor Asks FBI to Help with Out of Control Murders. Here

My lawyer friends may be puzzled by this request, since murders are state crimes, and not federal crimes. However, I see another angle.

This lady had her police officers falsely prosecuted. As a result, the police has decided to just respond to 911 calls. They are basically, on strike. This effect is called the Ferguson Effect. Since the FBI investigated, and harassed this police and many other police departments, they are responsible for the rise in murders. The murder rate does correlate with the solution rate by the police. This effect may also apply to all crimes. The solution rate of murder in Baltimore is a bit over half what it is across the nation.

If the FBI wants to lower crime and murder, it can tear up the Consent Decrees it bullied many police departments into signing.