Saturday, February 25, 2017

Two Trends are Rushing Headlong at Each Other, Intelligent Robots and CRISPR/cas9. And, It Is Just in Time.

Machines are 100 times better than living beings. Compare a car to a horse, a computer to 100 clerks with pencils, and an excavator to 100 men with shovels.

That advantage will soon be here in intelligent machines. See the Wired article on the contest of Go, the Chinese board game, between man and machine.

In chess, there are 37 possible moves at each play. Computers beat all humans long ago. In Go, there are a billion moves, each play, according to the article. A computer beat the human Go champion. He said, the computer made a move no human could have conceived of.

Skillful activities, such as medical care, are more in the category of chess, not in the category of Go in complexity. Goodby to all professionals. Surgeons, you can be rehired to lift the patient onto the operating table, for the best surgery you have ever seen by a robot. Judges, you can be rehired to yell, “All Rise,” as a judge robot, better than any judge who ever lived, is wheeled into the court.

That leaves one function for people, creativity.

CRISPR/cas 9 must increase the creative ability of human beings, as a whole, by 1000 times.

Why Are Arrest and Re-Arrest Rates Used in Crime Policy Debates, and Not Rates of Crime Victimization?

Why would the lawyers use a figure that has no relationship to reality, that is so easily changed by order of politicians, and by order of corrupt police officials, all worthless government employees, stealing our tax money?

The reason is obvious. Crime rates are not important. Arrest rates are important. Each arrest means work for three lawyers, the prosecutor, the defense lawyer, and the asshole in the middle, on the bench.

This is about criminal lawyer employment policy and law.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Iowa Legislator Wants Party Registration Balance in University Faculty Hiring 

Who is smarter, the rich or the poor? Who is more likely to vote Republican, the rich or the poor? The rich are too intelligent to teach. The lower functioning, left wing faculty is merely reporting on the achievements of the intelligent rich to their students, no matter the subject matter. Forcing universities to find greater balance would force them to hire achievers, instead of the all the left wing losers now indoctrinating our kids into failed Communism, for nervy, exorbitant tuition.

I doubt such a law would be found constitutional, especially in any state affiliated university. I spent three great years at the University of Iowa. It was a kind of paradise of Americana. I rarely encountered left wing ideology, mostly technical learning took place. More recently, University of Iowa has made the news for left wing politically correct policies.

I suggest another approach than this legislation. It is likely to be constitutional. Punish the universities by slowing, decreasing and withholding funds until the administration is replaced by a more patriotic crew. The legislature can tell the courts, there is just not enough money to go around. They will quietly purge the faculty of partisans disloyal to our American values.

The same tactic should be done at the federal level. End the "in your face" threats of the Trump administration, put in office to clean up;

1) start to stealthily squeeze funding to all disloyal jurisdictions, universities, and other institutions receiving government funding. There is no reason the government has to fund people who want to take down this country. Make the checks later and later, smaller and smaller, and then not coming at all;

2) use the power of audits and regulatory oversight. Given the millions of rules, these have a 100% chance of finding violations;

3) litigation to deter discrimination against current targeted groups;

4) start to impeach appellate judges for their rulings, and not for trivial collateral corruptions;

5) target disloyal legislators, funding primary challengers, Tea party style.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

From The Volokh Conspiracy

There should be presumption of organ donation. Instead of checking off that one wants to be a donor, one should check off that one refuses to be a donor. Presumption of donation increases donations ten fold in comparable jurisdictions around the world.

The Kelo mentions only property, not real property. It therefore applies to chattel and corpses are chattel. The government should take corpses, and crush families that refuse to cooperate.  The idea of donating organs to feeding the worms or burning them in cremation is idiocy.

Because of their self dealt immunities, violence against legislators, regulatory officials,  and appellate judges has full justification in formal logic. These are not even human beings. They should be attacked but not killed. If they are killed they will be replaced by grateful competitors.  Included on the hit list should be religious leaders or ethicists, including doctors, opposing a market place for organ donations. They believe they know the interests of the donors better than they do. They are mostly elitist and stupid.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

The Police and Sleep

Email sent to the Professional Standards Division of a Town Police Department

I would appreciate a brief meeting, mostly to listen to your side of the story, and to your concerns and objections to a change in Department policy on sleep. I do not want to be advocating any change with a naive and incomplete information about the situation.

If you wish, I can provide information about sleep for your review.

1) Famous disasters involving sleep, including the destruction of the space shuttle, the Challenger;

2) sleepy people are as impaired as legally intoxicated people on standardized tests of performance, such as on driving simulators (would you allow a visibly intoxicated officer to get into a department car or to answer a call?);

3) the department itself causes sleep problems by requiring night shift officers to testify in the daytime;

4) the department punishes sleepy officers, inducing a cover up of the problem rather than a solution to it;

5) it is unknown if sleep is a factor in adverse police incidents; for example, it is unknown if the officers were sleepy when they blasted a law abiding black immigrant, taking a wallet out of his pocket; and NYC had to pay $millions in compensation; but the incident was in the middle of the night.

I did receive a copy of your rule on fitness for duty. I lost my copy, and would appreciate another copy. As I recall, it requires that officers arrive fit for duty.

I would like to change to a more realistic, real world wording.

Officers may self report sleepiness, with impunity. If a supervisor discovers sleepiness, sanctions could take place. The officer should clock out, go to a car or elsewhere and try to go to sleep fully for a minimum of a half an hour. If refreshed, clock back in, return to work.

If duty requires that officers respond despite being sleepy, they may have a dose of prescribed Modafinil, 200 mg, a medication FDA approved for shift worker sleep disorder.

In future investigations by your division, you will include a question about the alertness of the officers at the time of the incident. You will then add up the fraction of incidents involving impairment from sleepiness.
I do not have an easy answer to thinness of coverage, and now we are having sleeping officers, out of circulation. That is why I would like to hear your side of the story.