The Decarceration Game
The decarceration movement will continue. It will have liberal and conservative supporters among the lawyer profession. Each side will use its own pretextual justifications. The left will hold the vicious black thug as a victim of racism. This plan is exemplified by collaborator to the white lawyer establishment overlord, and pro-criminal advocate, Michelle Alexander, author of the New Jim Crow. She is a colleague to Prof. Berman. The right wing lawyer will falsely claim smaller government, and saving money on prisons. Both will really be promoting more lawyer employment and rent seeking.
The result is already evident. The murder of minorities has increased. The increase is great enough that it may become an effective, efficient and rapid alternative to the defunct death penalty. One problem is that the death penalty will also apply to little girls skipping rope in front of their homes, as the vicious clients of the lawyer drive by.
One response will be to hire more police, and it goes without saying, far more lawyers. This will cancel the savings from closing prison beds. So the growth of government will still be promoted by that back door. It will transfer tax money from rural prisons to urban police and lawyer institutions.
Coincidentally, the agents of the prosecution, the police, have also been fettered by the Ferguson Effect and by Draconian federal, Obama DOJ, consent decrees. Other departments see that, and will fall in line without prosecution or litigation. So, the growth in their numbers will be a sham exhibition of false piety by the lawyer. The greater number of police will consume the tax savings of decarceration, as will the greater employment of lawyers on both sides. These fettered officials will lean back, and watch minority victims get murdered by the client of the lawyer profession. The black crime victims lose. The white tax payers lose. This is a perfect arrangement for the lawyer profession.
The murder solution rate is now 60% in the country. It is 30% in Chicago. It is 0% in Honduras. Each has a murder rate an order of magnitude greater than the last. Each is more procedure saturated and overlawyered than the last. Each is also more decarcerated than the last, of course.
At some point, the public will understand this game. The latter is not a prediction for 2017. It is a prediction for 2027.