Saturday, July 9, 2016

Tales of Conduct Disorder

Conduct disorder is childhood antisocial personality disorder. Its features are selfishness, fearlessness, lack of remorse unless the person is suffering personal punishment, impulsivity, lack of empathy, inability to learn from consequences. Other than that, they may be very intelligent. They have social skills in the form of manipulating people to get what they want. They are precocious in their social development. They party like people 10 years older. The crime meter starts to spin fast around age 3. Everyone, including fellow preschoolers knows who they are by then.

You have to wait for or go to the end of the recording to learn of the motivation for the car chase of this 12 year old girl.

Monday, July 4, 2016

The Future of US Health Care as Government Controls More of the Industry

Rio de Janeiro’s hospitals are running out of syringes and basic medications, and their staffs are running on little-to-no pay, with one month to go before the city hosts the 2016 Summer Olympics.

From here:

Sunday, July 3, 2016

TSA Thugs Beat On a Brain Tumor Teenager

I hope she sues everyone involved, including the Federal government. They negligently hired thugs. They negligently failed to train them. They negligently failed to inform them they work for the public, and not the other way around. Meanwhile, these thugs are failing test contraband by inspectors. Naturally, these thugs are agents of the prosecutor and the lawyer profession.