Sunday, March 23, 2025

Reducing Health Care Costs

 1) Open the US market to imported medications. These should undergo lab testing for purity, then stamped with a label of approval. 

2) Put all medications that are not addictive and that have the same LD50 as acetaminophen over the counter. Patients have access to AI. It is superior to experienced specialists at diagnosis and at treatment. 

3) If a party fully investigates and remedies an adverse event, all that evidence should be exempted from litigation. Ruinous litigation causes defensive medicine, stiffles bold innovation, and induces a cover up of the factors that caused a catastrophic failure. The lawyers are scoring a $50 billion pay. The defensive medicine they induce is insurance fraud being not medically necessary, but legally necessary. That cost is $500 billion. Prosecute instances of defensive medicine as medical fraud.  

Letter: Consent for Gender Transitioning with Puberty Blockers of Children before the End of Tanner Stage 2

Dear Doctors: As you know, the Medical Practice Act makes you and me mandated reporters of professional misconduct. I request that you identify all practices in Pennsylvania engaged in gender affirming care of children prior to Tanner Stage 2. You must then read their written informed consent. It should state the finding of Dr. Marci Bowers that the development of adult genitalia is required to experience a sexual climax. Puberty blockers permanently prevent sexual climax. At a recent talk at Duke University on "Trans & Gender Diverse Policies, Care, Practices, & Wellbeing," surgeon and "trans affirming" Doctor Marci Bowers, who transitioned at the age of 38, admitted that children who undergo transition before puberty will never have adult sexual function or experience orgasm. "An observation that I had," said Bowers, "every single child who was, or adolescent, who was truly blocked at Tanner stage 2," which is the beginning of physical development, when hormones begin their work of advancing a child to adulthood, "has never experienced orgasm. I mean, it's really about zero." 

Then you must request that each practitioner repeat to the investigator the speech they give to children and to parents, explaining the idea of a sexual climax, its value, and the implications of not being able to experience it. In males, it is required, not just for gratification, but also for reproduction. 

I request overall numbers that you have found, how many providers discuss this result in their informed consent, and the specific language used to explain it to children. 

If you only act on specific complaints, this is a complaint against all transitioning practitioners who fail to inform children and their parents of this effect. Do not become accomplices in this misconduct by covering up their failures. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Defendant Tactics to Survive a Lawsuit

The overwhelming majority of lawsuits have no merit and are ridiculous. Even if a person slipped on an oil spill in a supermarket, it is 100% their fault. The video will show that 99% of people walk around it. It will show that 99% of people who fall from it, get up and have no damage. That leaves the plaintiff who was too stupid or inattentive to walk aroun it. The defendant is being asked to pay for the pre-existing disease and frailty from aging that was the real cause of the damage. The lawsuit industry is a lawyer scam. Everyone pays for their scam in the form of higher prices. 

In the case of medicine, add 10% of costs for defensive medicine, procedures that are not medically necessary, but legally necessary. An example is taking people to the ER to assess a small injury, where most  bills are are $1000 an hour. The USA health care bill is $5 trillion, so $500 billion is to prevent malpractice litigation. This is also fraud because of the lack of medical necessity. Medical necessity means benefits the patient. When it benefits the provider by preventing law lawsuits, it is fraud. However, providers have a duty to survive financially, and litigation is a threat to that survival.  Tort litigation was designed to replace long cycles of violent revenge. It substituted money payments to the damaged person for violent retribution. It has turned into a scam by lawyers and providers. When we say, defensive medicine costs $500 billion, that goes to the doctors and providers. It far exceeds the cost of litigation, around $50 billion. That explains why organized provider groups  do little to crush the lawyer scheme. 

The lawyer claims the contigency fee  provides greater acces to the courts and to justice for poor people. It developed as plaintiffs got compensation and refused to pay their lawyers. By agreement, the plaintiff lawyer gets the payment, subtracts all expenses, takes a contingency fee, and pays the plaintiff the remaining crumbs. Contingency fees are a collection tool, not greater access to justice.

1) It should be a subject of discovery. Did the plaintiff lawyer inform the plaintiff that in the absence of a physical injury, the entire amount of the settlement is taxable as income? That is reviewed by the IRS here. That means, paying the income tax on the full $million verdict. That is true even though the lawyer deducted expenses and his contingency fee. Not only may the plaintiff end up with nothing, but may have to borrow money to pay the tax on the verdict. 

2) If the lawsuit is covered by insurance, the company will provide a lawyer. The defendant must hire a lawyer malpractice lawyer to terrorize the insurance company defense lawyer. That lawyer is paid very little. He has to go to trial to make more. His loyalty is to the employer, so he can be hired again. His economic interest is to put the defendant through a trial.  Professional responsibility rules require his entire duty be to the defendants. He is also required to provide zealous representation. Zealous means to assert every legal right, including motions to dismiss a case without merit at the outset. Don’t count on professional responsibility overcoming economic self interest of the defense lawyer. 

3) The litigation privilege precludes reporting or litigating any content of the lawsuit. What people say in a lawsuit is protected from liability. That includes reports, depositions, various communications about the lawsuit matter. The litigation privilege is reviewed here. However, there are remedies inside the trial, by the judge. For example, an expert says, he reviewed these records prior to forming an opinion. He has not reviewed these records. He has perjured himself. Move that the judge  declare a mistrial and assess all legal costs to the assets of the expert. Submitted resumes are part of sworn statements. If there are inaccuracies, they should be treated as perjury as well, before the judge. The defendant has a lot of knowledge that the defense lawyer may not have. He should go through the statements carefully, ask for motion that wrong statements be treated as perjury by the judge. 

4) Some licensed defendants are mandated reporters of professional misconduct and problems by licensed professionals. If the a plaintiff expert is over the age of 60, it is still appropriate to ask a licensing board to review the cognitive ability of the expert and any other impairment affecting the ability to practice. Intemperate statements may result from mood disorders, substance abuse, including caffeinism. The defense expert should be questioned about these brain health habits. Report one at a time to keep the plaintiff expert and other licensed plaintiff participants and witnesses under investigation. This reporting is mandatory under the licensing act of the state, and legally protected. Any agreement to not disclose or to not disparage the plaintiff side does not absolve the defendant of this reporting requirement. It is a matter of policy that agreements may not violate a law. Failure to report by the defendant may result in big fines and other sanctions. 

5) Lawyers are mandated reporters of lawyer misconduct (Rule 8.3). Partners in a law firm must stop misconduct ( Rule 5.1). If a plaintiff lawyer engaged in any violation of the Rules of Conduct, report the lawyer to the Disciplinary Counsel of that jurisdiction. Cite the number of the Rule. Then report every partner of the law firm for failure to stop the misconduct. Report every associate of the firm for failure to report the misconduct. Report the judge for failure to report the lawyer misconduct. Report any evidence of impairment of the judge to the Judicial Review Board. Request an assessment of the impairment. These regulatory bodies dismiss almost all reports, however extreme they may be. They themselves are a scam, The lawyer and judge regulators  should be reported for taking tax money and not doing any work for it to the local federal prosecutor  (honest service fraud, a federal crime). If a defendant has a license, there isa mandated durty to report professional misconduct. 

6) Try to get dropped from the case if another defendant has decided to settle. If a defendant party decides to settle to avoid a trial, the other defendants may force them to go to trial anyway. That should be done by the defense lawyer. If they refuse to communicate with the other defense lawyers about keeping them in the case, and forcing them to go to trial the defendant may communicate with the other defendants. This is against all advice of the defense lawyer. If the lawyer is adamant, tell him to do it himself or else he is providing inadequate representation. This is from a rule of civil procedure, "A release by the injured person of one joint tort feasor, whether before or after judgment, does not discharge the other tort-feasors unless the release so provides, but reduces the claim against the other tort-feasors in the amount of the consideration paid for the release or in any amount or proportion by which the release provides that the total claim shall be reduced if greater than the consideration paid." Then, " The conduct of all defendants against whom the case is proven must be considered in order for comparative fault to be assessed and apportioned." The plaintiff wants the big money. The other defendant wants out of the case. The way that can happen is drop the defendant from the case. 

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Adult at 14: Introduction

I.  Nature defines adulthood as reaching an age with the ability to reproduce, for example, an adult plant is one capable of reproduction. 

II. The adulthood rituals of mainstream religions are around that age.

III. For 10,000 years of human civilization, people learned their trade before 14, and left the family of origin around that age. 

IV. Brain and physical function peak around that age, and deteriorate after 18. You get a fat ass and a poorer memory ability. The vaunted decrease of older age in risk taking is from the dementing process of losing dopamine neurons at 10% a decade of life. 

V. Maturity is acquired from responsibility and from painful experience, not from the passage of time. 

VI. The slow progression of legal adulthood to ever older ages is a lawyer delusion and rent seeking scheme. It is to excuse the criminal conduct of their clients, and to earn defense income. They want adulthood for criminal responsibility to be at age 25. This is the age when the frontal lobes are fully myelinated, and the brain stops developing. Of course, this quackery promotes an impairment, not a strength. 

VII. High school is a rent seeking, government make work scam that should be ended. Education should be accelerated by 2 years up to the 8th grade. Everyone should finish school with what is now a 10th grade education, including average and low performing students. It should include relationship skills, financial sophistication, a habit of daily physical exercise, knowledge of fallacies and of critical thinking, etiquette, hygiene,  and manners. Learn from Asian schools where students study from 6 AM to 10 PM. They are not learning by rote, but they are learning creative problem solving. 

VIII. Students entering the 9th grade at 15 should be learning their vocations. These include the professions, such as medicine. If one insists on 80 hours a week of memorizing 2000 page books every 12 weeks, the 16 to 18 year old is better at that than the deteriorated 22 year old. 

IX. Do not waste the superior ability of the young adult on playing. End playing at age 10. This will provide an upgrade in knowledge, innovation, and getting things done in all vocations. The ability of young adults and even of children is being intentionally underestimated for nefarious lawyer purposes. 

X. The pace of change will have an accelerating acceleration. It will require people with far more agility, ability, and willingness to take productive risks. Young people take more risk. It should be in well informed venture capital investing, in business startups,  not in a speeding car. To have people at the peak of ability sitting in a baby sitting in high school, achieving nothing, is self defeating. 

XI. If people age 16 will have a vocation, and adult responsibilities, they should have the legal rights of adulthood, contract making, marriage, voting, drinking, legal drug use. They should also have full adult criminal and civil liabilities, military draft.  

XII. Economics. The cost of high school. The cost of not working for 4 years. The cost of the delay in skill acquisition if 10000 hours are reequired to get good at something. The cost of a delay in family formation after economic adequacy. 

Sunday, November 24, 2024

The Remedy for Physician Burnout is not Therapy. Are You Kidding Me?

Therapy and medications are for mental disorders. By definition, they are not caused by events, excet in the same way stress worsens all medical conditions. When a real stress happens, the remedy is not treating the victim. It is actions to fix the stress. How about starting some real resistance to counter burnout? Do not count on organized medicine, a wholly owned susidiary of the Deep State. Doctors are all on their own, in defending clinical care.

Remember when you broke a rule in school and were made to write, you will not do so, 250 times? That was a form of corporal punishment and physical abuse. MD's should be litigating their being physically abused by forced typing. No typing should be allowed when a video recording of an encounter is 100 times more effective. Then go after the lawyer profession for their frivolous but ruinous litigation. Include the accomplice judges allowing frivolous lawsuits, which are the majority of them. Challenge regulators and reviewers for the quackery of their unproven rules. Let others burnout dealing with the medical profession, and not the doctors. Deter them.

The idea of burnout is simple. When you get rid of a doctor, the payer saves $5 million a year in health care costs. The case not being made is that each doctor restores 70% of patients to health and function worth $100 million a year to the economy and to the tax base. That is the pure cash value. It puts no value on the suffering alleviated.

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Everyone Should Support the 4B Movement to Promote Human Evolution

The 4B movement refers to "bi," which means, no, in Korean. The 4 Nos are no dating, no sex, no marriage, no childbearing. Look at the pictures in this article to grasp why it should be supported. Such people should be avoided physically. They should not reproduce. 

Rapid human evolution is on display in a walk around your local mall. You will see many pretty young women. If you ask one a question, they will be mannerly, soft and nice. They will want to  try to help you. Contrast their fraction in today's malls to a picture of good looking young people in class pictures from just 40 years ago. Such attractive females have more sex, more climaxes, induce more climaxes, and bear more children (more fecundity). In a few decades, more people will be pretty, and nice. 

This is a review of attractiveness and evolution

Law in Failure: Criminalize Weaponization, Nitpicking, and Ad Hominem Attacks, with the Penalties of Perjury

 In a tribunal, nitpicking and ad hominem remarks are dishonest (lying). They should be punished as perjury is. At the least, the party guilty of that should pay the legal costs. 

Weaponized investigations and prosecutions of political opponents are honest services fraud. They use tax funds for partisan political attacks. These should punished with long prison terms. 

Nitpicking, in a legal context, refers to the act of focusing on minor, trivial, or technical flaws in an argument, document, or procedure, often to the extent of being overly critical or pedantic. The objection is to some trivial mistake or some small detail. The real purpose is to attack a larger policy or verdict. 

Key Elements

1. Minor flaws: Nitpicking involves emphasizing small, insignificant errors or issues.

2. Technicalities: Legal nitpicking often centers on procedural or formalistic aspects.

3. Overly critical: The focus is on criticizing minor points, potentially detracting from the larger issue.

Examples in Law

1. Challenging a contract's validity due to a minor typographical error.

2. Dismissing evidence because of a technical flaw in the collection process.

3. Appealing a verdict based on a judge's minor procedural error.

Relevant Legal Concepts

1. Technicality: A minor, formalistic aspect of a law or procedure.

2. Hyper-technicality: Excessive emphasis on minor details.

3. Pedantry: Overly meticulous attention to trivial matters.

Jurisprudential Significance

Nitpicking can:

1. Delay or obstruct justice.

2. Distract from substantive issues.

3. Undermine the spirit of the law.

Courts may view excessive nitpicking as:

1. Frivolous.

2. Abusive.

3. Obstructive.

Notable Cases

1. United States v. Morrison (2000): The Supreme Court rejected a nitpicking approach to statutory interpretation.

2. Smith v. United States (1993): The Court dismissed a technical challenge to a conviction.

Here is a favorite. 

Korean Air Lines Co., Ltd. v. Park

Case Details

- Date: 2002

- Court: United States District Court for the Central District of California

- Citation: 2002 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 13045

Case Summary

A passenger, Kyung Park, sued Korean Air Lines for damages exceeding $50,000 due to lost luggage. Korean Air Lines invoked the Montreal Convention's liability limit of $50,000. However, Park argued that the airline's ticket, written in a font smaller than required by regulation (14-point font instead of 18-point), rendered the liability limit inapplicable.


The court ruled in Park's favor, finding Korean Air Lines liable for damages beyond the $50,000 limit due to the non-compliant font size.

Key Points

1. Technicality: The court focused on the font size technicality.

2. Regulatory compliance: Korean Air Lines failed to meet the font size requirement.

3. Liability limit: The court waived the $50,000 liability limit.


1. 2002 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 13045

International Air Transport Association (IATA) Regulations

1. Ticketing requirements: IATA Resolution 722 (Article 3.2) specifies font size and formatting for ticket information.

2. Liability limits: Montreal Convention (Article 22) establishes liability limits for airlines.

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Regulations

1. Airline tariff requirements: 14 CFR § 399.85 (a) mandates clear, conspicuous disclosure of terms and conditions.

2. Ticketing requirements: 14 CFR § 221.100 (a) specifies font size and formatting.

Montreal Convention

1. Article 3: Requires accurate documentation, including ticket information.

2. Article 22: Establishes liability limits for airlines.

Airline Industry Standards

1. IATA Passenger Ticket Guidelines: Provide guidance on ticket formatting and content.

2. Air Transport Association (ATA) Standards: Establish industry standards for ticketing and documentation.

General Legal Principles

1. Contract law: Airlines' terms and conditions must be clear, concise, and conspicuous.

2. Consumer protection laws: Protect passengers from unfair or deceptive practices.

Relevant Cases

1. Korean Air Lines Co., Ltd. v. Park (2002)

2. United States v. American Airlines (2019)

These rules and regulations emphasize the importance of compliance with formatting, font size, and content requirements in airline ticketing and documentation.

Relevant Lawyer Rules of Conduct

American Bar Association (ABA) Model Rules of Professional Conduct

1. Rule 3.1: Meritorious Claims and Contentions: Prohibits frivolous arguments and nitpicking.

2. Rule 3.2: Expediting Litigation: Encourages avoiding unnecessary delay and obstruction.

3. Rule 4.1: Truthfulness in Statements to Others: Prohibits false or misleading statements.

California Rules of Professional Conduct

1. Rule 5-200: Conduct That Prejudices the Administration of Justice: Prohibits obstructive behavior.

2. Rule 5-210: Professional Conduct in Litigation: Mandates fairness and honesty.

New York Rules of Professional Conduct

1. Rule 3.1: Meritorious Claims and Contentions: Similar to ABA Rule 3.1.

2. Rule 3.2: Expediting Litigation: Similar to ABA Rule 3.2.

Federal Rules of Civil Procedure

1. Rule 11: Signing of Pleadings, Motions, and Other Papers: Requires good faith and non-frivolous arguments.

Key Principles

1. Candor: Lawyers must be truthful and honest.

2. Good faith: Lawyers must act in good faith.

3. Fairness: Lawyers must be fair and respectful.

Sanctions for Misconduct

1. Monetary sanctions

2. Attorney's fees

3. Disqualification

4. Disciplinary action

Relevant Rules of Evidence

Federal Rules of Evidence

1. Rule 102: Purpose and Construction of Rules: Promotes fairness, clarity, and efficiency.
2. Rule 401: Test for Relevant Evidence: Limits relevance to material issues.
3. Rule 403: Exclusion of Relevant Evidence: Allows exclusion for prejudice or confusion.

Specific Rules Addressing Nitpicking

1. Rule 611: Mode and Order of Interrogation and Presentation: Controls questioning tactics.
2. Rule 614: Calling and Interrogation of Witnesses by Court: Regulates court-led questioning.

State Rules of Evidence

Vary by jurisdiction, but generally mirror Federal Rules.

Key Principles

1. Relevance: Evidence must relate to material issues.
2. Materiality: Evidence must substantially impact the case.
3. Prejudice: Evidence may be excluded if prejudicial.

Sanctions for Nitpicking Misconduct

1. Evidence exclusion
2. Attorney's fees
3. Disqualification
4. Disciplinary action

Relevant Cases

1. United States v. Williams (2010)
2. Johnson v. United States (2015)

Relevant Federal Rules of Civil Procedure

1. Rule 8(d): Prohibits immaterial or impertinent allegations.
2. Rule 11(b): Requires signing pleadings, motions, and other papers in good faith.
3. Rule 12(f): Allows striking irrelevant or redundant pleadings.
4. Rule 26(g): Regulates discovery requests and responses.
5. Rule 37: Governs motion practice and sanctions.

Specific Rules Addressing Nitpicking

1. Rule 12(b)(6): Dismissal for failure to state a claim (nitpicking).
2. Rule 56: Summary judgment (prevents unnecessary nitpicking).

Rules Addressing Ad Hominem Arguments

1. Rule 12(f): Strikes irrelevant or redundant pleadings (including personal attacks).
2. Rule 43(a): Regulates evidence and testimony.

State Rules of Civil Procedure

Vary by jurisdiction but generally mirror Federal Rules.

Key Principles

1. Good faith: Pleadings and motions must be filed in good faith.
2. Relevance: Allegations and evidence must be relevant.
3. Materiality: Allegations must substantially impact the case.

Sanctions for Nitpicking/Ad Hominem Misconduct

1. Dismissal
2. Summary judgment
3. Attorney's fees
4. Disqualification
5. Disciplinary action

Relevant Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure

1. Rule 11: Requires voluntary and intelligent pleas.
2. Rule 12(b)(6): Dismissal for failure to state an offense (nitpicking).
3. Rule 16: Governs discovery and prevents unnecessary nitpicking.
4. Rule 26: Regulates expert testimony and evidence.
5. Rule 32: Controls sentencing and prevents irrelevant arguments.

Specific Rules Addressing Nitpicking

1. Rule 12(b)(2): Dismissal for lack of jurisdiction (nitpicking).
2. Rule 47: Regulates indictment formatting.

Rules Addressing Ad Hominem Arguments

1. Rule 12(f): Strikes irrelevant or redundant pleadings (including personal attacks).
2. Rule 26: Regulates expert testimony and evidence.

Key Principles

1. Good faith: Prosecutors must act in good faith.
2. Relevance: Evidence must be relevant.
3. Materiality: Allegations must substantially impact the case.

Sanctions for Nitpicking/Ad Hominem Misconduct

1. Dismissal
2. Evidence exclusion
3. Attorney's fees
4. Disqualification
5. Disciplinary action

Relevant Cases

1. United States v. Morrison (2000)
2. United States v. Stevens (2010)


1. Federal Judicial Center
2. American Bar Association (ABA)
3. National Conference of State Courts
4. Department of Justice

Additional Statutes

1. 18 U.S.C. § 3732 (Prosecutorial misconduct)
2. 18 U.S.C. § 401 (Contempt of court)

Honest Services Fraud


Honest services fraud is a form of fraud that targets the deprivation of someone's right to the honest services of another. This typically applies to public officials, corporate executives, and employees. The core idea is that these individuals owe a duty to provide honest services to their constituents, employers, or clients, and failing to do so, often through deceit or self-serving actions, constitutes fraud.

Statutory Basis

The statutory basis for honest services fraud comes from 18 U.S.C. § 1346. This statute was enacted by Congress in 1988 to address a gap in the federal mail and wire fraud statutes. Prior to its enactment, federal fraud statutes only covered schemes to defraud victims of money or property. Section 1346 expanded the definition of "scheme or artifice to defraud" to include schemes to deprive others of the intangible right to honest services.

Elements of Prosecution

To successfully prosecute someone for honest services fraud, the following elements must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt:

  1. Scheme to Defraud: There must be a clear scheme or plan designed to defraud. This involves intentional deceit, misrepresentation, or concealment of material facts.

  2. Deprivation of Honest Services: The scheme must specifically aim to deprive another individual or entity of honest services. This usually involves situations where an individual breaches their duty of loyalty or fiduciary responsibility. Common examples include public officials accepting bribes in exchange for official acts or corporate executives engaging in self-dealing.

  3. Bribery or Kickbacks: The Supreme Court has clarified that honest services fraud primarily covers cases involving bribery or kickbacks. In other words, there must be some form of corrupt payment or benefit exchanged for favorable actions or decisions.

  4. Intent: The defendant must have acted with specific intent to defraud. This means that the actions were knowingly and willfully carried out with the purpose of deceiving someone for personal gain.

  5. Use of Mail or Wire Communications: Since honest services fraud falls under the broader category of mail and wire fraud, the scheme must involve the use of mail or wire communications to further the fraudulent activities. This includes using emails, phone calls, or postal services in executing or concealing the scheme.

Key Cases

Several notable cases have shaped the interpretation of honest services fraud:

  • McNally v. United States (1987): This case led to the enactment of 18 U.S.C. § 1346. The Supreme Court ruled that the mail fraud statute did not cover schemes to defraud individuals of intangible rights, prompting Congress to pass the honest services statute.

  • Skilling v. United States (2010): The Supreme Court narrowed the scope of honest services fraud, ruling that it only applies to schemes involving bribes or kickbacks. This decision limited the application of the statute to clear cases of corruption and self-dealing.


Here are some typical scenarios that might constitute honest services fraud:

  • A public official accepting bribes in exchange for awarding government contracts.

  • A corporate executive engaging in self-dealing by steering business to a company they secretly own.

  • An employee accepting kickbacks from vendors in return for favorable procurement decisions.

  • Add, the use of tax payer funds to investigate and to prosecute a political opponent. That includes people not running for office, such as opponents of abortion or angry parents at a school board meeting. 

Monday, November 11, 2024

Advice to Pre-Law Students to Impress Law School Admissions Committees

 Try to get a 3.75 GPA. Spend 40 hours a week studying, you are on the job. It is worth $millions in future earnings. There is only one way to learn, and it is repetition. If you are stupid in a subject, repeat more. Try for the high grades from the first grading period. You can skip the partying, since it is quite boring. Alcohol and drugs also impair brian function. Serial dating is more productive, growthful, and thrilling for the young person. Bumble has great, high achieving young people. Females must start the conversation on it. Match has topnotch older people that will enjoy dating a young person. Drop your distaste for the older body. Exercise a half an hour a day, at least 5 days a week to look good. If male, lift weights. Try to avoid the weight gain that is inevitable after age 18. You have 112 waking hours a week. They should be booked up. You are rapidly deteriorating with age after 18. Do not waste a minute of your peak existence. 

You can have any major you wish. Your high grades show Admissions you can finish, and hand in quality work. That is all they want. I suggest a technical major, since it will be an asset when looking for a lawyer job. For example, a lawyer who was a nurse, or an accountant, or a chemist, or even an art historian (for museum law) is worth gold to law firms. 

I have suggested some mandatory pre-law subjects, but these are being ignored. 

Critical Thinking Course, including Formal Logic. It should also cover Fallacies and  Cognitive Biases. Fallacies violate the Procedural Due Process Right to a fair hearing in the Fifth and in the Fourteenth Amendments. The common law doctrinces in the various Rules often commit these. These violations should be brought up in law classes and in litigation. The common law includes unlawful supernatural concepts such as mind reading (mens rea), future forecasting (duty to prevent injury), and an examplar of conduct that is a ficitious characted (a thinly disguised Jesus, in violation of the Establishment Clause). 

Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods since most decisions in the law are made on feelings, no matter what the law school propraganda. The jury system was an advance a thousand years ago. It brings the wisdon of the crowd. Most jurors want to go home. They will go along with the one juror with a strong feeling. That feeling is based on on likability of the parties, the theater production of the trial, and on other biases. 

Economic Policy Analysis or another course that covers the rent seeking theory. It explains the pathologies, failures, and malfeasance of the lawyer profession. Rent seeking is armed robbery by intelligent, middle class people. It is still a crime. 

Speech Articulation and Speech Making will help the student get rid of a distracting accent, and impart some confidence in public speaking. 

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Advice to Pre-Medical Students to Impress the Medical School Admissions Committee

Forget work life balance. There is none in your future. Try to maintian a 3.75 college GPA. How does one do that? Study over 40 hours a week, every week of the marking period. There is no other way to learn any skill or subject than repetitition. If you are stupid, repeat more. Try to get all A's in the 4 Pre-medical required subject, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Organic Chemistry. Try to take these subjects in the first 3 years, since they may be covered on the MCAT exam. Take the MCAT twice if the first scores were too low. The medical school does not care what your major is. It does want to know you get things done, finish, and can succeed. If you carry a 16 credit hour a weekin college, medical school will be equivalent to a 40 credit hour week (8 hours a day of lectures 5 days a week). You will be learning a  2000 page book every 12 weeks. Even with a photographic memory, you will still not be able to answer the question upon graduation, what do you want to do to help this patient, Doctor? That will require another 10,000 hours of patient care. 

Avoid drinking and using drugs in college. They impair brain function. You have 112 waking hours a week. Fill them up with useful activity. People outside of healthcare are less likely to understand your situation.You can skip the partying, since it is quite boring. Alcohol and drugs also impair brian function. Serial dating is more productive, growthful, and thrilling for the young person. Bumble has great, high achieving young people. Females must start the conversation on it. Match has topnotch older people that will enjoy dating a young person. Drop your distaste for the older body. Exercise a half an hour a day, at least 5 days a week to look good. If male, lift weights. Try to avoid the weight gain that is inevitable after age 18. You have 112 waking hours a week. They should be booked up. You are rapidly deteriorating with age after 18. Do not waste a minute of your peak existence. 

If you need a job to pay expenses, consider training and certification as an EMT, rather than as a fast food worker, librarian, or Uber driver. 

Basic Requirements: 1. Age: 18 years old (minimum); 2. High school diploma or equivalent; 3. Valid driver's license; 4. CPR certification

Training Levels: 1. EMT-Basic (EMT-B): 120-150 hours: 1. Patient assessment; 2. Airway management; 3. Trauma care; 4. Medical emergencies. 2. EMT-Intermediate (EMT-I): 30-35 hours (additional):  1. IV therapy; 2. Medication administration; 3. Advanced airway management. 3. EMT-Paramedic (EMT-P): 1,200-1,800 hours: 1. Advanced life support; 2. Pharmacology: 3. Cardiac arrest management. Certification: 1. National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT); 2. State certification (varies)

Skills: 1. Patient assessment; 2. Airway management; 3. CPR; 4. Defibrillation; 5. Trauma care; 6. Medical emergency management

Continuing Education: 1. Recertification (every 2 years); 2. Continuing education hours (varies)

Salary Range: 1. EMT-B: $25,000 - $40,000; 2. EMT-I: $30,000 - $50,000; 3. EMT-P: $40,000 - $70,000. 

This job will give a preview of the profession. It will provide a rich discussion for the medical school interview. Why do you want to be a doctor? To help people. Here is a list of ghastly but memorable mistakes I made taking care of them. 

If you have a summer off, go to the local med school and volunteer to carry out a small research project leading to a publication within the time of the summer break. Again, this project shows an ability to complete a task, and to get a result. Publication of  a negative finding is as valuable as a positive finding, but less glamorous. Try learn about the subject matter of the faculty before a meeting. This experience will also provide a good subject for the medical school interview. Why do you want to be a doctor? To help people. Here is the  flow chart for my NIH grant proposal. 

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Please, America, Install the Bidet Feature In All Toilet Seats (for $150)

The Hygienic Revolution: Why Bidet Toilet Seats Trump Toilet Paper

For decades, toilet paper has been the standard for personal hygiene after using the restroom. However, this outdated practice is not only inefficient but also detrimental to our health and environment. Bidet toilet seats, a staple in many European and Asian countries, offer a superior alternative. It's time to embrace the hygienic revolution and ditch toilet paper for the advanced benefits of bidet toilet seats.

Enhanced Hygiene

Toilet paper often leaves residue and irritates sensitive areas, leading to discomfort and potential health issues. Bidet toilet seats provide a gentle, soothing stream of water that cleans thoroughly, eliminating bacteria and reducing the risk of infections. This is particularly crucial for individuals with certain medical conditions, such as hemorrhoids or anal fissures. 

Environmental Benefits

The production and disposal of toilet paper contribute significantly to deforestation, water pollution, and waste management issues. Bidet toilet seats minimize paper usage, reducing the demand for this resource-intensive product. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), if every household in the United States replaced just one roll of toilet paper with a bidet, we could save over 15 million trees annually. Run the bidet for a full minute, wiping one with paper will show only water. 

Increased Comfort and Convenience

Bidet toilet seats offer adjustable temperature controls, massaging jets, and self-cleaning nozzles, ensuring a luxurious experience. This upgrade also eliminates the need for cumbersome toilet paper rolls and reduces the risk of accidental spills or messes. Additionally, bidets provide easier cleaning for individuals with mobility issues or disabilities.

Beyond personal hygiene, bidet toilet seats bring unparalleled comfort to family dynamics.

Intergenerational Benefits

Imagine the relief for:

- Young parents, no longer worrying about diaper rash or messy cleanups

- Elderly or disabled family members, enjoying easier, more dignified personal care

- Teenagers, experiencing enhanced personal hygiene and confidence

Congregate Living Arrangements

In shared living spaces – dormitories, nursing homes, prisons, or military barracks – bidet toilet seats become essential:

- Reduced risk of bacterial and viral transmission

- Enhanced cleanliness for residents with compromised immune systems

- Increased dignity and independence for individuals with mobility issues

Household Harmony

Bidet toilet seats minimize disputes over toilet paper usage and messy cleanups, promoting:

- Reduced stress and anxiety

- Improved household cohesion

- Enhanced overall well-being

Institutional Applications

Institutions benefit from bidet toilet seats:

- Hospitals: reduced risk of hospital-acquired infections (HAIs)

- Schools: improved student hygiene and focus

- Correctional facilities: enhanced inmate health and dignity

The Cleanliness Comfort Index

Consider the following metrics:

- 90% reduction in toilet paper usage

- 80% decrease in bacterial transmission

- 75% increase in resident satisfaction

By investing in bidet toilet seats, families and institutions prioritize comfort, hygiene, and well-being.

Economic Advantages

While initial installation costs may seem daunting, bidet toilet seats prove cost-effective in the long run. Reduced toilet paper consumption saves households up to $100 annually. Moreover, bidets minimize plumbing issues caused by clogged toilet paper, reducing maintenance costs.

While upgrading to a bidet toilet seat requires an initial investment, the long-term savings are substantial. Consider the following:

- Bidet toilet seat cost: $100

- Installation cost: $50 (takes 10 minutes after learning to do it once) 

- Total upfront cost: $150

However, bidet toilet seats significantly reduce toilet paper consumption. Assuming an average household uses 1-2 rolls per day, and with a bidet, toilet paper usage decreases by 75%:

- Average annual toilet paper cost: $100-200

- Savings with bidet toilet seat: $75-150 per year


Bidet toilet seats offer unparalleled hygiene, environmental sustainability, comfort, and economic benefits. It's time to rethink our outdated reliance on toilet paper and join the global movement toward advanced personal hygiene. Embracing bidet technology will revolutionize our bathroom experiences, fostering a healthier, more eco-friendly future.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

When Should Doctors Be Made to Retire?

 Age has no validation as a marker for forced retirement. Only patient outcomes are valid. Powerful factors in that assessment include experience, patient mix, and the size of any difference. If the difference is 0.25%, as it is for age and sex of the MD, litigation against any party forcing retirement is justified by disparate impact. The practice will be judged in court using strict scrutiny. One can only feel a difference of around 30% at the gut level, after correcting for all other factors. 

Aging has positive effects, more emotional well being, more emotional stability, better regulation of desires and urges. Experience gives the older person more solutions to problems, more practice of coping skills and of vocational skills. Slowing of neuronal processing is for milliseconds. Older people will emphasize other perspectives, need to compromise, and recognition of one's own limitations.  They will see more positive in a situation when time is shorter. The cognitive benefits of aging are reviewed in a Scientific American article

When you take out a doctor, you save the payer $4 million a year. What is not being calculated is the value of restoring the health of patients, in preventing additional health care expenses, and in restoring people to economic productivity. Spend $2000 for a year of medical care by an old doctor, return to a $60,000 a year job. That economic loss from getting rid of one old doctor may be $120 million per year, not placing any value on suffering. The drop in spending power by the patient reverbreates through the economy. Using the Keynesian multiprlier, up to $2.50 is removed from the GDP of the economy. This places no value on the suffering of the patient or of family. 

Any error by the older physicians should be proven to be more frequent than that committed by the profession in general. While a medical error may have been committed, it must be proven to have the death or injury of the patient. 

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Pointless Transportation, the Series

 John Kennedy was told, there was no hope of winning Texas in the next election. He insisted on going to an even in a parade car to try to sway voters. He was assassinated. 

In the absence of hands on procedures, all work should be done from home. That would save a lot of money, time, environmental pollution, deaths from crashes. It is estimated that 10,000 of the 40,000 crash deaths take place during the commute. Highway hypnosis makes people arrive at work half asleep. Then tired people endure that sedative effect driving home. Sleepy people are as impaired as drunk people. Traffic deaths are surging despite improving technology in all aspects of driving. The most powerful way to drop these horrific tragedies would be to presume working from home in the absence of a hands on work requirement. 

In this case, wealthy and responsbile people decided to enjoy the sensation of being on a yacht. These are the sensations of poor people traveling from Europe to America. A storm arose, and their boat sank in 15 minutes. It also took a daughter. 

Let me see if I understand the concept of cruising, even on a city size liner. You made money. You own a beautiful, spacious home. It is comfortable. You trade your spacious home for a small cabin that is moving in 2 dimensions at the same time. You are crowded in with other people. You touch a handrail, and you catch the Norwalk virus. It gives you explosive diarrhea for a week. You watch less talented shows from Broadway or from Vegas. You have no escape. This is true during a hurricane like Helene, via Tik Tok.


9/2/2024: Audi boss Fabrizio Longo, 62, killed in 10,000-foot fall while mountain climbing in Italy. Mountain climbing, another form of pointless transportation. 

 James Dean

    - Date: September 30, 1955
    - Incident: Car accident in Porsche 550 Spyder
    - Location: Cholame, California
 Princess Diana
    - Date: August 31, 1997
    - Incident: Car chase and crash in Mercedes-Benz S280
    - Location: Paris, France
Paul Walker
    - Date: November 30, 2013
    - Incident: Car accident in Porsche Carrera GT
    - Location: Valencia, California
Ayrton Senna
    - Date: May 1, 1994
    - Incident: Formula One racing accident
    - Location: Imola, Italy
Steve Irwin
    - Date: September 4, 2006
    - Incident: Snorkeling accident with stingray
    - Location: Great Barrier Reef, Australia
John F. Kennedy Jr.
    - Date: July 18, 1999
    - Incident: Plane crash in Piper Saratoga, after skipping instrument landing class, and flying at night
    - Location: Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts
Carole Lombard
    - Date: January 16, 1942
    - Incident: Plane crash in Transcontinental & Western Air DC-3
    - Location: Mount Potosi, Nevada
Ricky Nelson
    - Date: December 31, 1985
    - Incident: Plane crash in Douglas DC-3
    - Location: De Kalb, Texas

Buddy Holly.Date: February 3, 1959, American rock and roll musicians Buddy HollyRitchie Valens, and "The Big Bopper" J. P. Richardson were killed in a plane crash near Clear Lake, Iowa, together with pilot Roger Peterson. It's snowing. The Beechcraft has few avionics, or weather information.  Let's fly it in an Iowa snowstorm. Oh, and the new wife is pregnant. 

Guy is set for life after selling his business. Buys a sail boat, sails the ocean, proving what, I do not know. Perhaps, he has low self esteem and wants to impress himself. No one else cares. Lands in Venezuela, and loves the beach. Arrested and tormeted in Venezuelan prison. Causes a problem for his country trying to get him back. Pointless transportation. 

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Law in Failure: Gun Control Laws Have Little or No Effect on Murders or on Suicides

See the article.

From the article: 

The study did find, at best, a marginal difference made with regard to mandatory storage laws and suicides. However, I'd argue that sufficient education, combined with tax incentives for gun safes would probably have a similar impact.

The reason for no dip in homicide rates, though, is pretty simple. Most guns used in crimes of any kind are either obtained illegally or are purchased by people who have no criminal record and wouldn't be denied some kind of gun by any laws remotely permissible under the Second Amendment.

Because that's the case, there's absolutely no way for gun laws to have an impact. Ban semi-autos and these murders would take place with revolvers. Ban revolvers and they'd be committed with single-shot or double-barreled guns. And that's just for the sake of argument. That's me providing a scenario that assumes gun control actually impacts what criminals can get.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Letter to the FTC: Purchase of Casetext by Westlaw, and the Closing of Subscriptions to New Subscribers

Office of Policy and Coordination 
Bureau of Competition 
Federal Trade Commission 
600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW 
Washington, DC 20580 

 RE: Purchase of Case Text by Westlaw/Reuters to Shut Down a Low Price Competitor to the public. Deirdre Stanley - Executive Vice President and General Counsel, Thomson Reuters, 3 Times Square, New York, NY 10036 

 Dear Madam or Sir: I am a consumer of legal research. I tried to get a subscription to a low cost account at Case text. I was told that no new subscribers to CaseText will be accepted. I would be required to purchase a subscription to the higher priced Westlaw to get the benefit of the superior product by CaseText. 

" CaseText is a legal research company and database that provides access to a comprehensive library of legal documents, including: 1. Case law: Federal and state court decisions, including opinions, briefs, and dockets. 2. Statutes: Federal and state laws, regulations, and legislative materials. 3. Secondary sources: Legal treatises, law review articles, and other authoritative texts. 4. Annotations: Summaries and analysis of key cases and statutes. 

 CaseText's database is searchable by keyword, citation, or topic, and offers features like: 1. AI-powered search and recommendation tools 2. Advanced filtering and sorting options 3. Document visualization and mapping 4. Collaboration tools for teams CaseText aims to make legal research more efficient, accurate, and accessible for lawyers, researchers, and students. 

Its database is regularly updated to reflect new developments in the law. Some of the key benefits of using CaseText include: 1. Time-saving: Quick access to relevant legal information 2. Comprehensive coverage: Extensive library of legal documents 3. Advanced search: AI-powered tools for precise searching 4. Collaboration: Easy sharing and collaboration on research projects Overall, CaseText is a valuable resource for legal professionals, researchers, and students seeking to streamline their legal research process." 

 This is a description of Westlaw by Reuters/Thompson. It is basically the same, but less intelligent, less efficient, less helpful. Westlaw, owned by Thomson Reuters, is a leading legal research database providing access to: 1. Case law: Federal and state court decisions, including opinions, briefs, and dockets. 2. Statutes: Federal and state laws, regulations, and legislative materials. 3. Secondary sources: Legal treatises, law review articles, and other authoritative texts. 4. News and business information: News articles, company information, and market data. Westlaw features include: 1. Advanced search: Boolean, natural language, and proximity searching. 2. Document analysis: KeyCite, Westlaw's citation tracking tool. 3. Research folders: Organize and save research sessions. 4. Alerts: Customizable notifications for new cases, statutes, or news. 5. Practical Law: Access to practice guides, checklists, and forms. 

 Thomson Reuters, the parent company, is a global information and technology provider, offering solutions for: 1. Legal professionals 2. Tax and accounting professionals 3. Healthcare professionals 4. Scientific and academic researchers 5. Business and financial professionals Thomson Reuters provides a wide range of products and services, including: 1. Westlaw 2. LexisNexis (competitive legal research database) 3. Reuters News Agency 4. Thomson Reuters Financial & Risk 5. Thomson Reuters Scientific & Scholarly Research Westlaw and Thomson Reuters aim to provide comprehensive, accurate, and up-to-date information to support research, decision-making, and professional development across various industries. 

 These are the recent fees for CaseText in 2022. CaseText offers various subscription plans with different pricing tiers. Here are some general pricing ranges for CaseText subscriptions: 1. Individual plans: - Basic: around $59-$79 per month (billed annually) - Premium: around $99-$129 per month (billed annually) 2. Team plans (for 2-10 users): - Basic: around $199-$299 per month (billed annually) - Premium: around $399-$599 per month (billed annually) 3. Enterprise plans (for 11+ users): - Custom pricing for large teams and organizations 4. Academic plans (for students and faculty): - Free or discounted access through participating law schools - Individual academic plans: around $20-$50 per month (billed annually) 5. Free trial: - 14-day free trial available for new users 

 These are the substantially greater costs for a subscription to Westlaw by Reuters/Thompson. The costs of a subscription to Westlaw, a legal research database, vary depending on the specific plan, features, and user type. Here are some general pricing ranges for Westlaw subscriptions: 1. Individual plans: - Westlaw Edge: around $125-$175 per month (billed annually) - Westlaw Essentials: around $75-$125 per month (billed annually) 2. Law firm plans: - Small firm (1-10 attorneys): around $1,500-$3,000 per month (billed annually) - Medium firm (11-50 attorneys): around $3,000-$6,000 per month (billed annually) - Large firm (51+ attorneys): custom pricing 3. Academic plans: - Student access: free or discounted through participating law schools - Faculty access: around $100-$300 per year 4. Government and non-profit plans: - Custom pricing for government agencies and non-profit organizations 5. Add-ons and additional features: - Westlaw Edge Plus: around $50-$100 per month (billed annually) - Westlaw International: around $100-$300 per month (billed annually) - Westlaw UK: around £100-£300 per month (billed annually) 

 Here is a brief history of the purchase of CaseText by Westlaw: 
 "- 2016: CaseText is founded by a team of legal technologists, including CEO Jake Heller, with the goal of creating an AI-powered legal research platform.
- 2017: CaseText raises $12 million in funding from investors, including Canvas Ventures and Y Combinator.
- 2018: CaseText launches its flagship product, CaseText Prime, a legal research platform using AI to analyze and summarize case law. 
- 2020: Thomson Reuters (Westlaw's parent company) announces its acquisition of CaseText for an undisclosed sum. 
- June 2020: The acquisition is completed, and CaseText becomes a part of Westlaw's legal research offerings. 
- 2020-2022: Westlaw integrates CaseText's AI technology and content into its platform, enhancing Westlaw's legal research capabilities. "

" The acquisition aimed to: 1. Enhance Westlaw's legal research capabilities with AI-powered tools. 2. Expand Westlaw's content offerings to include CaseText's unique analysis and summaries. 3. Strengthen Westlaw's position in the legal research market. By acquiring CaseText, Westlaw combined its comprehensive legal database with cutting-edge AI technology, providing users with advanced research and analytical tools. The stated purpose of the purpose of the purchase was to add the artificial intelligence capability of Casetext. It made it a superior product to Westlaw. "

What this official statement does not disclose is that cheaper subcriptions to Casetext would be closed to new subscribers like me. The idea is to force me to purchase an inferior product at twice the cost. 

 Please investigate this matter.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Law in Failure: Biggest Cause of Victimization is Weakness. Human Power Comes from Tools

Simians are aggressive. They form packs and attack larger animals. Chimps are 10 times nore aggressive and murderous as humans. For humans, tools are the most effective way to increase power, and to deter victimization. The main purpose of the law is to generate rent seeking jobs for lawyers, and to enrich the profession. When mandatory sentencing guidelines surged inprisonment, they dropped crime 40%. As an immediate result, lawyer unemployment also surged. The pushback was swift. "prison is the new Jim Crow." Black Lives Matter burned down the cities with near total immunity. Billionaire funded propaganda got Soros prosecutors elected. They decriminalized thefts. They released career criminals without bail.They suppressed the reporting of crime. Victims who shot the criminals were selectively and viciously prosecuted by the pro-criminal prosecutors.Lawyers used their tools well to protect their rent seeking jobs. Gun control has preceded all democides. Mass murderers know the above principle well. All proponents of gun confiscation should be presumed to be mass murderers until they prove themselves otherwise.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Law in Failure: War, the Most Catastrophic Failure of the Lawyer Profession, the Biggest Lesson of the Holocaust

This self evident lesson is never stated by our elite. This lawyer failure is in the service of the lawyer employer, the elites. This failure causes the deaths of millions of people, and $trillions in the destruction of infrastruture. This failure permits wars and democides with impunity for a small group of people. They usual greatly profit from war and from democide. Laws and rules prohibit the targeting of civilians in war. Exceptions must be added to these catastrophic rules. When people do not recognize the humanity of a group, scapegoat them falsely, and declare an intent to get rid of them, pre-emptive self defense is morally justified and mandatory. Naturally, the result of these orders is the mass slaughter of working class people of both sides. None has any beef with the other side, and most just want to go home. 

This doctrine coincidentally generates income for the manufactuers of war products and services. A small elite protects the elites of the enemy, and makes $billions. Millions of military personnel are employed in government make work jobs. Could the Jews of Nazi Germany have taken on the Wermacht (German military) to defend themselves? Obviously, no. They did not have to. Their could have tried to decapitate the Nazi hierarchy, instead. The civiliam Nazi hierarchy was a softer and more accessible target. Obviously, the earlier this defense is started, the more likely it is to succeed. Today's technology provides better tools for locating them, and for dispatching them cheaply. No one is learning this biggest lesson of the Holocaust. 

A few Nazi officals were hanged at the Nuremberg trials. The families that funded the election of the Nazis remained untouchable. They made $millions from Nazi contracts, after donating to the campaign of Hitler. They escaped any accountability after the war. They were recruited by the Allies after the war to rebuild the economy of Germany. These elites made even more $millions under the Allies than under the Nazis. 

 Here's an expanded list of financial contributors to Hitler's rise to power: Industrialists: 1. Alfried Krupp (Krupp AG) 2. Friedrich Flick (Flick Group) 3. Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach (Krupp AG) 4. Fritz Thyssen (Vereinigte Stahlwerke AG) 5. Emil Kirdorf (Gelsenkirchener Bergwerks-AG) 6. Hugo Stinnes (Stinnes AG) 7. Ernst von Borsig (Borsig AG) 8. Walther Funk (IG Farben) 9. Carl Bosch (IG Farben) 10. Georg von Schnitzler (IG Farben) Bankers: 1. Hjalmar Schacht (Reichsbank President) 2. Emil Johann Wittenberg (Deutsche Bank) 3. Oswald Rosler (Dresdner Bank) 4. Karl Rasche (Dresdner Bank) 5. Hermann Abs (Deutsche Bank) Landowners: 1. Prince Franz von Hohenzollern (Hohenzollern family) 2. Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (Ernest III, Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld) 3. Prince von Maltzan (Maltzan family) 4. Count von Galen (Galen family) 5. Baron von Thyssen-Bornemisza (Thyssen-Bornemisza family) American Families with Ties to Nazi Germany: (Note: Some American families had business or personal connections with Nazi Germany, but not all supported Hitler's ideology.) 1. Ford Family (Henry Ford): Ford Motor Company had business ties with Nazi Germany. 2. DuPont Family (Éleuthère Paul du Pont): DuPont had business connections with IG Farben. 3. Rockefeller Family (John D. Rockefeller Jr.): Standard Oil had business ties with Nazi Germany. 4. Harriman Family (Averell Harriman): Union Banking Corporation had ties to Nazi Germany. 5. Bush Family (Prescott Bush): Union Banking Corporation had ties to Nazi Germany. 

 These are the people who propel wars and democides. From a utilitarian viewpoint, they should be the very first casualties of war and of planned democides. Give them notice. Attack the families. Then eradicate the persons. The hierachy consists of the entire families, targeted for kidnapping and for assassination: Political leaders 
Top propagandists 
Intellectuals providing justification for the democide 
Religious leaders 
Organizers and executive officials 

Instead of being hanged, this elite was recruited by the Allies to rebuild the German economy and became even wealthier than under the Nazis government contract and plunder. 

After World War II, the Allies, particularly the United States, recruited several prominent German families and individuals to help rebuild the German economy. Some of these families had previously supported the Nazi regime, while others had maintained neutral or even anti-Nazi stances.

Families Recruited by the Allies:

1. Krupp Family: Alfried Krupp, son of Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, was recruited to rebuild the family's industrial empire.
2. Thyssen Family: Fritz Thyssen's son, Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza, was involved in post-war German politics and business.
3. Flick Family: Friedrich Flick's son, Rudolf Flick, continued the family's business interests.
4. Borsig Family: Ernst von Borsig's son, Ernst Jr., helped rebuild the family's engineering company.
5. Deutsche Bank's Hermann Abs: Abs, a prominent banker, became a key figure in post-war German finance.
6. Hamburg-American Line's Ballin Family: The Ballin family, owners of the Hamburg-American Line shipping company, were recruited to rebuild Germany's maritime industry.
7. Siemens Family: The Siemens family, owners of the electronics company, continued to play a significant role in post-war German industry.

Individuals Recruited by the Allies:

1. Ludwig Erhard: Economist and future German Chancellor, Erhard was instrumental in shaping Germany's post-war economic policy.
2. Konrad Adenauer: The first Chancellor of West Germany, Adenauer was a key figure in rebuilding the country.
3. Otto Wolff von Amerongen: A German industrialist and politician, Wolff von Amerongen helped rebuild Germany's economy.
4. Karl Blessing: A German economist and politician, Blessing served as Minister of Economics in the 1950s.

American Organizations Involved in Recruitment:

1. Office of Strategic Services (OSS): Precursor to the CIA, OSS recruited German experts for post-war reconstruction.
2. U.S. Military Government: The U.S. military government in Germany played a significant role in recruiting and working with German families and individuals.
3. European Recovery Program (ERP): Also known as the Marshall Plan, ERP provided economic assistance to war-torn Europe.

 Their families should be the first targets. That allows the hierarchy to change its decisions. The same is justified by utilitarianism for all military conflict. It is an alternative to industrial grade slaughter of military people who come from the class of working people. The selection of the targets should follow a validated investigation, and evidence meeting standards of criminal prosecution. These rules prohibiting such targeting. 

These rules must be modified with the above exceptions. 
 1. Geneva Conventions (1949) and Additional Protocols (1977 and 2005): Specifically, Protocol I, Article 51(2) and Protocol II, Article 13(2) prohibit attacks on civilians and civilian objects. 
 2. Hague Conventions (1899 and 1907): Article 25 of the 1907 Hague Convention IV prohibits attacks on undefended towns, villages, and buildings. 
 3. Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (2002): Article 8(2)(b)(i) and (iv) criminalize intentionally directing attacks against civilians and civilian objects. 
 4. United Nations Charter (1945): Article 2(4) prohibits the use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, which implies protection for civilians. 
 5. Customary International Humanitarian Law (CIHL): Rule 1 prohibits the targeting of civilians, and Rule 7 prohibits attacks on civilian objects. 6. International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Guidelines: The ICRC's Interpretive Guidance on the Notion of Direct Participation in Hostilities under International Humanitarian Law (2009) emphasizes the protection of civilians. 

 The United States has its own regulations. 
 1. War Crimes Act of 1996 (18 U.S.C. § 2441): Makes it a federal offense to commit war crimes, including intentionally targeting civilians. 
 2. Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) Article 118: Prohibits murder, including the killing of civilians. 
 3. UCMJ Article 119: Prohibits manslaughter, including the killing of civilians. 
 4. UCMJ Article 137: Prohibits conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline, including targeting civilians. 
 5. Geneva Conventions Act (18 U.S.C. § 2241): Implements the Geneva Conventions in US law, prohibiting attacks on civilians. 
 6. Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions (implemented through Executive Order 12633): Prohibits attacks on civilians. 
 7. US Department of Defense Law of War Manual (2015): Emphasizes the protection of civilians and prohibits attacks on them. 8. US Army Field Manual 27-10, The Law of Land Warfare (1956): Prohibits attacks on civilians. 

 Basically, in the US, only an executive order stands between ending catastrophic wars by targeting civilian leaders. Ford Executive Order 11905, issued on February 18, 1976, by President Gerald R. Ford. This executive order prohibited the targeting of foreign leaders, including civilians, for assassination. Specifically, Section 5(g) of the order states: "No employee of the United States Government shall engage in, or conspire to engage in, political assassination." Ford's executive order was later reinforced by Executive Order 12036, issued by President Jimmy Carter on January 24, 1978, which reiterated the ban on assassinations. Subsequent executive orders, including Executive Order 12333, issued by President Ronald Reagan on December 4, 1981, have continued to prohibit the targeting of foreign leaders, including civilians, for assassination. A future president can modify these orders, by including the exception of self defense. 

 The argument against this military doctrine is that they can it do to us. The reply is, yea, so. Let war starters and democide promoters live like hunted pray. They are doing it for profit. Let the risk of being the first target of war be included in their gambling with the lives and money of our own citizens. AI opposes this military target. Of course, AI is biased in favor the financiers that would profit from war and from democide. It cites the example of Quadaffi and of Saddam Hussein. Both were targeted by foreign invaders. The result of their eliminations were unclear about any advantage to the invaders.

Letter to the FTC About the Clustering of the Pricing of GLP 1 Agonists

Office of Policy and Coordination Bureau of Competition Federal Trade Commission 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20580 RE: Clustering of High Prices of GLP 1 Agonists in the USA, Compared to other First World Nations. Dear Madam or Sir: GLP-1 agonists, also known as incretin mimetics, mimic the effects of a hormone called glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1). GLP-1 is produced in the gut and helps regulate blood sugar levels by stimulating insulin release and reducing glucagon production. They can: 1) Improve blood sugar control: By mimicking GLP-1, these drugs help the pancreas produce more insulin and reduce glucagon production, which can help lower blood sugar levels; 2) Promote weight loss: GLP-1 agonists can slow down digestion, making people feel fuller for longer, and reducing appetite; 3) Reduce the risk of heart disease: Some studies suggest that GLP-1 agonists may lower the risk of heart disease and stroke; 4) They may have a role in reducing alcohol and drug use. All doses of each drug have the same price for 4 weekly injection pens, as cited from, a discount coupon website. Semaglutide (Ozempic, Rybelsus, Wegovy by Novo Nordisk): $1000 Liraglutide (Victoza, Saxenda) by Novo Nordisc: $325 Dulaglutide (Trulicity) by Lilly: $853 Exenatide (Byetta, Bydureon) by Astra Zeneca: $796 Tirzepatide (Mounjaro) by Lilly: $1035 The costs elsewhere for 4 weekly pen injectorss are: Germany $328, Japan $169, the U.K. $93, Australia $87, France $83.·No doubt these amounts are highy profitable, since the cost of a pen is around $5. What these companies fail to understand is the lesson taught in high school economics. If the price is lower, the demand will go up, as will total revenue and profit. The likelihood of the clustering of these high prices by chance is very low in the absence of collusion. Why wouldn’t a competitor price a product $200 lower, and corner the market, while still making a high profit? Please, investigate the coincidence of these high prices. See they if they violate Antitrust Guidelines for Collaborations Among Competitors, the Sherman Act (15 U.S.C. § 1), the Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. § 14), the Federal Trade Commission Act (15 U.S.C. § 45), or state and federal laws prohibit price-fixing and collusion, such as the California Cartwright Act and the New York Donnelly Act. I understand, you cannot permit importation without new legislation. That leaves an investigation for collusion to lower the prices. Here are the addresses of the corporate counsels. Anat Hakim, Corporate Counsel Eli Lilly and Company Lilly Corporate Center 893 S. Delaware St. Indianapolis, IN 46285 Jesper Hoiland, General Counsel, North America Novo Nordisk Inc. 800 Scudders Mill Road Plainsboro, NJ 08536 Christine Tramontano, Chief Counsel, North America AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP 1800 Concord Pike Wilmington, DE 19803

Monday, July 22, 2024

 Allowed to import non-approved drugs. Once approved, not allowed to import drugs. This 150 pounds is $194. Compare to $1035 in the US. That $50 shot likely provides a big  profit. 

You should ask your political representatives to demand the PA Medicaid negotiate the highly profitable price of $40 a pen, not $250. From a high school Economics 101  view, demand will explode, and the drug companies will become more profitable. Box of 4 pens is $83 in France. Come on, man.


This is the AUDIT scale for alcoholism. A 4 is normal, 9 is of concern. he selected patients had scores of 13.

Current FDA  approved meds for alcohol addiction have a 5% long term success rate. 

They improve glucose metabolism by nerve cells, so help people with Parkinson's, Alzheimer, and depression. As they cut food consumption in half, so they appear to cut alcohol consumption in half. Cochrane Review:

"Here we provide a principled analysis of social media posts detailing a reduction in alcohol consumption while taking GLP-1 and Tirzepatide medication. In addition, we report a reduction in average number of drinks, binge drinking, AUDIT score, and the sedative/stimulating effects of alcohol in individuals taking Semaglutide or Tirzepatide in our remote study. These findings add to a growing literature detailing a reduction in alcohol intake after GLP-1 agonist medications. To our knowledge this is the first report of decreased alcohol consumption following Tirzepatide use. Further RCTs are needed to fully explore the therapeutic potential of GLP-1 agonists and GIP/GLP-1 combination drugs for the treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder."

People were less drunk when they drank. 

See Tables C and D for the AUDIT scores. 

Monday, July 15, 2024

Relationships - The Young People Course, and for the Old People Too

 There are some immutable laws of relationships

1) The social value of the two partners must be equal. You can have an ugly rich man with a beautiful poor girl. You cannot have an ugly poor man with a beautiful girl. The is the Law of Social Equity. When the value of one partner changes, the relationship changes immediately. Two struggling actors work as waiters. One gets a $million acting job. The relationship will end immediately. Marilyn Monroe starts to model, the merchant marine husband is history. The most powerful value comes from celebrity. That is why imprisoned serial killers get marriage proposals from normal females. Celebrity is an irresistible aphrodisiac, even on highly toxic males. The second most powerful is money or the prospect of making money in the future. The best indicator of future earnings is intelligence. The best, most available evidence of intelligence is wittiness. That means clever, unexpected zingers, not clowning. Clowning is evidence of low intelligence and a turn off. The third most powerful is  a handsome face and a good body.  All male achievements are to serve reproduction and to attract top shelf females. The biggest drop in value is untreated criminality, addiction, or mental illness symptoms. The average person has zero tolerance for them. Even the most loyal partner will be gone in a year or two. The divorce rate is close to 100%.

2) Reproduction drives sexual attraction. Females are attracted to alpha males. In wolf language "alpha" means "father." That means the attractive male will be an adequate father. Males are sexually attracted to motherly females. They must be motherly in appearance and in caregiving behavior. The ordinary male is not sexually attracted to models. They are too thin with 5% body fat, so the camera makes them look 10% heavier by flattening their appearance into 2 planes. Modes are attractive to designers. They look like boys. Their bodies will not distract the eye from the designer products. 

Besides a pleasant or beautiful face, and a 10% to 25% body fat content. males are attracted to females that make them feel good. Females do so by taking care of them. They do it by bringing peace to their stressful existences, by being psychologically supportive. Females should avoid bitchin' and bossin'. Such a feeling is a preview of how the female will make the offspring of the male feel. 

3) Marriage is a legal nightmare. Exceptions are rare. Its sole benefit is to keep males from leaving their families. Fatherless children are truly disadvantaged according to  hundreds of statistical studies. Single motherhood should be highly discouraged for the sake of children. Marriage should have an expiration date of 25 years. Compatible people may renew it. Others should part ways, while their bodies are still operating well. They may explore the stunning array of future dates and get tremendous physical and mental growth and satisfaction. 

None of the above is entirely determined genetically. People can work hard to learn the skills and even to improve their appearances. 

4. The thinking is that relationships are not lasting long, like 3 months, because one is not being one's real self in the beginning. The real self is less attractive, and ends the relationship. The better advice is to stay phony. Set up rules in the relationship, no bitchin', no bossin', no bullyin'. Be on your best behavior, your kindest, your cleverest, your funniest, permanently. The partner gets great treatment. You get into the habit of being a better person, expending more effort, energy, wit, and thinking. As with any repetitive behavior, it becomes easier and a habit.   5. When you ask a date to do this reading ahead of meeting, time to bed together is reduced to less than half an hour. No coffee. No walk on the beach. No flowers. No expensive steak dinner. No drive in a Bentley. People do not want to waste any time. "I know our date is Friday. Can you come over now, instead?" All high school students should be required to read the webpage on Elder Sex from the AARP. That is just the beginning. Review breast orgasm. Thank new technology for this discovery with an fMRI. Tantric sex. This information is for people with erectile dysfunction and low vaginal exudate production ability. The one message from them? Sex is not a bathroom function to be completed in 7 minutes. Make time and reap great enjoyment, not to mention the admiration and gratitude of both partners.

5. Always pay the $100 assembly fee for furniture, especially if from IKEA. Assembling furniture has a serious risk of violence between 2 people. Biting, throwing things, stabbings may result from excessive supervising by the person reading the instruction sheet standing over the other person doing all the work. 

6. In young people, sex is a bathroom function. It takes 7 minutes and then you wipe or shower. This is a big misconception. Because female sexual response is slower than that, all the females of the nation are getting unfairly mistreated in the sex act.  All high school students should read the AARP page on Elder Sex. When rapid ejaculation is gone, taking time becomes possible for an enhanced sex experience for both sex partners. Females will be grateful for their prolonged, achingly pleasurable, and multi-orgasmic experience. Young males adopting this outlook will get a tremendous reputation. Females talk about males as much as males talk about females, if not more. If the young adult says, there will be a reading assignment before our first date, the time from handshake to the bedroom will be minutes. Females are totally deprived of a great, caring, and long lasting sexual experience. They crave it, and cannot wait for it. 

7. This AARP page does not address the dozen types of female climaxes. The rule is to not touch the genitals. One such is the nipple orgasm. Also, here. Forget applying food to the breast, or buying expensive lingerie, too messy and expensive. The effective, active ingredient is time spent. These climaxes are described as sneaky, different from the genital climax, and explosive. Of course, they require time, like 15 to 30 minutes. Males will not regret the gratitude of their female friend. Some involve the release of oxytocin, a hormone causing attachment, devotion and loyalty to the skilled and patient male friend. The take home message to males is, if serious, and not just going to the bathroom into a person, take an hour or more. Do not put your member inside anything until an hour has passed. People think of males as 8 times more sexual because of their higher testosterone blood levels. However, females are capable of 8 climaxes a day. Two or three would be outstanding even for a young male. Plan for a day off the day after, since the female will want to sleep. 

8. Just as males should consider learning about Elder Sex and Breast orgasms, females should learn about prostate massages. These are reviewed in this book. Both sexes should consider doing a colonoscopy prep before sex activity. This consists of MiraLAX a few hours before. Then, plan on a lot of hours. 

9. Pretty lady, Terri Hatcher, 59, does not think dating is fun anymore. She used to think about whether she would be sleeping with her date. Now, she thinks about whether he would need a diaper change. She and her date need to read the above AARP page. Both will forget the date, and directly seek their life changing experience together. 

Trump Assassination Attempt - Hard to Believe It Was Only Enabled by Incompetence or by DEI Leadership

 The elite deride conspiracy theories. The best explanation for government mishaps is the convergence of multiple mistakes by lazy and incompetent dunderheads. This one goes too far. 

The shooter is a  nerd who learned shooting at a gun club.  This kid did a commercial for Black Rock, the investment firm for many government pension plans. He contributed to a far left attack group. Just before the shooting, he registers as a Republican. He gets to the roof of a building 130 yards from the President. It had not been occupied by police as other roofs around had. Many people scream at the police that a shooter is on that roof. A police sees him turn the gun and ducks, but does not come back. The police snipers allow 7 shots to be fired, then shoot him in the head. That way, he cannot be interrogated. The shooter had a skilled, well aimed head shot until Trump turned his head, like a good military sniper. He calculated windage and elevation, as John Wayne advised in a movie. 

The FBI and the Secret Service are Democrat storm troopers. They serve to imtimidate grandmothers praying at abortion clinics, and parents objecting to schools transitioning kids to another sex without consent. They spend $hundreds of millions hounding and harassing the political opponent of Biden. They used  the playbook of the Stasi of Putin. All must be fired and replaced by real police officers. A special prosecutor should be approved by Congress, and prosecute any conspirators to the limit of the law. That includes Biden, who may have known of, and permitted this conspiracy by failing to stop it.